"Ah! What's going on today? Why are so many luxury cars coming in and out? " A security guard in Yunmeng's other courtyard asked in surprise.

"There must be some great man coming! Cheer up! Don't make a mistake The security captain said in a deep voice.


Just then, a low-key black Audi slowly came.

Compared with the top luxury cars just in and out, this Audi is obviously not up to grade.

Therefore, even these security guards are some slack, not slow to open the door of the community.

Just then, a gap in the window came down.

Inside is a middle-aged man who is not angry and self-confident.

The security captain was shocked to see the man.

Quickly a slip of trot ran in the past, nodded to say what.

The window rose slowly.

The security captain wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, turned and roared: "quick! Open the door

The gate opened.

Vehicles are coming in.

At this time, a security guard came over and asked in surprise, "Captain, who was that man just now, making you so nervous?"

The security captain was shocked. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "who? Hehe, that's a real big shot

"Is it the general manager of our security company?"

"He? Hehe, I don't even deserve to lift shoes for this one! " The security captain said scornfully.

The security guard was also shocked and said, "you mean..."

The security captain nodded calmly, "yes, it's Mr. Qin!"


Many security guards take a breath of air conditioning!

"No way! Isn't he behind the scenes? How could it happen this time? "

"Well, isn't that clear enough? This is for the party! It seems that today's great man's energy can reach the sky The security captain is sighing.

A fiery red Porsche roared up.

At the sight of the license plate, the captain of the security guard turned pale and said, "quick! Open the door

After the car entered, he was silent for a moment, and then said, "remember that no matter who comes, you should be respectful. Otherwise, if something happens today, the gods will not be able to save you!"

"Captain Was that Miss Qin? "

The captain nodded.

All the security guards cheered up.

Today, all of these big people who can't be contacted at ordinary times have appeared, which makes this group of security guards very excited.

But after a long time of excited anticipation, a tattered van came up.

The van is so broken that it can be pulled straight into the waste station.

Several security guards frowned and yelled: "let's get out of the way. We can't go in to collect waste today."

It turns out that this car is a waste collector!

Lao Xie shook down the glass, leaned out his head and said, "what a mess! Open the door quickly. I'm here for the party today."

"Well?" These security guards are stupid.

This is for the party, too?

This gap is too big!

But dare not obstruct, had to let go.

Lao Xie was quite proud of this, and led his fat aunt to Villa Tianzi No.1.

At this time, the lights are bright in villa Tianzi No.1.

If there are outsiders here, it is estimated that they will cry out.

Because all the people who appear here are big people from all walks of life.

However, these big people outside are in awe.

In awe of the man sitting on the throne.

Xue an didn't expect so many people to come today.

He simply called a few people.

I didn't expect the news of his return spread.

A lot of people came here uninvited.

Xue an just laughed it off.

"Sir, how long are you going to stay in Beijiang this time?" Qin yuan asked respectfully.

Xue an light way: "can't wait a few days, I have some things ready to do!"

"Oh Many people look disappointed.

These people come here to get close to Xue an.

Because they all know it.

The reason why the Qin family is so prosperous today is entirely because of this man.

"In that case, I wish you all the best." Qin yuan raised his glass and said.

Xue an faint smile, then also raised the cup, and then to all the people below.

"Since everyone is here today, I'll give you a toast."


All the people in the room got up and left their seats, "Mr. Xie!"

Witness this.Qin yuan's heart can not help but sigh.

Who could have thought that at the beginning of the man, has been growing step by step to make everyone look forward to the existence?

With the same idea, there are old Xie and fat aunt.

They looked at each other and saw the relief and shock in each other's eyes.

The memory of Xiaoan, has become a great man to be awed by countless people!

It's night.

In villa No. 1 of the emperor, people drank wine and talked happily, and it didn't disperse until late at night.

After that, Xue an stayed in Beijiang for three days.

Then he got up alone and went to Kunlun.

In this regard, an Yan is always a little worried.

After all, it is a place called fairyland!

Who knows what's in there.

It's too dangerous for Xue an to go alone!

Xue an just smile at this, and then comfort for a long time, coax wife happy, this just left.

The plane landed slowly in the big city nearest to Kunlun, and then Xue an found a remote corner and rose from the sky.

Kunlun is known as the dragon vein of China. There are many secrets hidden in the continuous mountains.

Xue an was flying in the air, his mind searching for the strange things around him.

Even at his speed, it takes more than half a day to get out of Kunlun.

Soon, however, he noticed an unusual fluctuation.

A smile appeared in Xue an's mouth.

This is it!

After landing on the ground, Xue an found that it was located in a valley surrounded by mountains, which was very hidden.

Xue an narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly burst out with a fist.


The space suddenly had a violent fluctuation, and then a black crack appeared.

Xue an plunges in and disappears in the mountains.

This is different from the last time I went to warwolf's secret place.

It took more than a minute to cross.

And all kinds of violent vigorous wind blowing.

If it wasn't for Xue an's profound cultivation, even the vigorous wind would not be able to survive.


There is a bright light in front of him. Xue an speeds up his speed. After flying here, he suddenly rushes.

The whole person disappears behind the curtain of light.

This is a hill in Kunlun fairyland.


There was an abnormal fluctuation in the air, and then a person suddenly vomited out.

After Xue an appeared in the air, his body fell unstoppably.

This more than a minute of crossing, consumed his too much strength.

However, Xue an took a deep breath and found that the aura here was 100 times stronger than that of the earth.

So Xue an fell to the ground, a few breaths to recover strength.

Then he searched around with his mind and found nothing strange.

But soon he found someone fighting in the distance!

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