The sound of crying is sad and tearful.

Whether true or false, many people silently lowered their heads and wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, or they didn't exist at all.

After crying for a long time, Wu nianyin slowly stood up, wiped away the tears on his face, and turned to see Wu Qiaojun kneeling next to the coffin.

At this time, Wu Qiaojun looked stiff and knelt there as if he were carved in wood and clay.

On the contrary, Wu Niantang on one side was more clever and smiled at Wu nianyin, "brother, you're back!"

Wu nianyin also smiled, with an unspeakable meaning in his smile.

"Yes! I'm back!"

Then he looked at the pale Wu Qiaojun and said faintly, "aunt, why is your face so bad?"

"Ah... It's nianyin. I'm so happy that you came back safely, aunt. I haven't been working on your father's funeral recently, so I'm a little tired. I might as well do it!" Wu Qiaojun explained dryly.

As soon as the voice fell, Wu nianyin's eyebrows stood up.

"Where is the housekeeper?"

The old housekeeper had been waiting for him for a long time. Hearing Wu nianyin's call, he hurried over.

"Young master!"

"Since my aunt is so hard-working that she is going to be exhausted, why don't you let her go back to the house and have a rest?"

"This..." The old housekeeper was taught to be speechless.

"What's this? I think my aunt's face is so ugly. It's obvious that she has been ill. What should I do now that my father has just left and tired my aunt? Why don't you send someone to take my aunt to the back to have a rest?"

Those who do not know the truth may really think that this is a picture of "mother kindness and son filial piety".

But none of those who can appear on this mourning hall is a fool.

A lot of people were shocked. They knew that the young master was the first to make trouble. Next, it was up to Wu Qiaojun to take the move.

If she really obeyed the orders and was put behind her to "rest", it would mean her complete failure.

But since Wu Qiaojun dared to pay a lot of money to buy the fire gun club to assassinate Wu nianyin, how could he wait to die?

Her pale face quickly turned ruddy, and her stiff expression came alive.

"Don't bother so much. I'm just a little tired. How can I leave here? You know, I'm the only person close to your father. If I leave at this time, I'm sure your father's spirit in heaven won't agree!"

When it comes to the only word, Wu Qiaojun deliberately accentuated his tone, obviously suggesting his identity.

It is true that you are the only legitimate young master of the whole Wu family. Yes, but I am also the wife your father married openly.

If you dare to force something on the mourning hall, it is equivalent to hitting your father in the face.

I have to say that Wu Qiaojun's brain turns really fast.

At least this move is very beautiful.

Wu nianyin didn't think of a move to end the Wu Qiaojun, so he smiled calmly.

"So it is. I'm worried. If my aunt doesn't want to go back to rest, it's better."

Then Wu nianyin naturally took the filial piety cloth handed over by the old housekeeper behind him and put it on his head. Then he knelt in front of the spirit with a thump and knocked his head several times.

The dark confrontation seemed to have passed, and many people breathed a sigh of relief.

To tell you the truth, this kind of secret struggle is more tragic than the open sword and open gun fight.

Because both sides bet on all their lives.

A little carelessness is hopeless.

Wu Qiaojun is no exception.

She was really nervous at first.

Because the sudden appearance of Wu nianyin greatly surprised her.

In her opinion, Wu nianyin at this time should have died in the vast void of the outside world.

After all, the reputation of the musket club has been obvious to all on the island in recent years.

It seems that those guys are not as powerful as they boast. I spent so much money in vain! Pooh!

Wu Qiaojun is secretly feigning.

After the ceremony, Wu nianyin raised his head and said a shocking word.

"Father, the child is unfilial and failed to see you one last time before you die. Now the child has arrived. I hope I can finally look at your remains!"

When this remark was made, there was a great uproar.

Many people looked at each other and saw the horror and horror on each other's faces.

What is this?

See you when you get back?

But there are also many people who have a lot of little thoughts.

After all, Wu Shaoyong's departure was too sudden.

Suddenly, it doesn't seem like a strong man who has been famous for a long time.

Although it is said that Wu Shaoyong is stained with the light of his birth and does not have much talent, he has achieved the cultivation of a general of the third grade with the blessing of the Wu family.

An expert in such a realm has transcended life and death. Even in this high-dimensional universe, he is a first-class strong man.

As a result, it was OK the day before yesterday and died strangely overnight. It is impossible to say that outsiders did not guess.

As soon as the young master who came back from a long journey from the outside came back, he proposed to pay homage to his remains, which everyone understands.

Wu Qiaojun was also stunned and waved his arm excitedly.


"Oh? Why not?" Wu nianyin said coldly.

"Because..." Wu Qiaojun thought, "because your father has just been buried for peace, it's wrong to disturb him at this time!"

"But I'm his eldest son. He didn't see me for the last time before he left. Isn't that more inappropriate?" Wu nianyin said.

"That won't work. What should I do if I collide with the dead?"

"When the son sees the father, what is the collision?"

The two men began to argue and refused to give in.

Just then, a majestic male voice came from outside the court.

"That's enough. It's not proper to make a noise on the master's mourning hall!"

Then he saw Wu Shaobei step in.

Seeing the returning second master of the Wu family, Wu Qiaojun turned white and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Wu nianyin didn't care. He immediately turned around and offered a big gift to Wu Shaobei.

Wu Shaobei took a few quick steps and helped him.

"Well, my man, what's so much etiquette! Is the journey back smooth?" Wushao beiwen asked.

This attitude makes many people feel a little cluttered.

Especially those of Wu Qiaojun's men, their hearts are fried like cooking.

Wu nianyin shook his head, "it's not going well. I've been killed several times!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Wu Shaobei pretended to be surprised, "who did it? Dare to attack the people of the Wu family?"

"It's from the fire gun club, and it also used a large force to snipe me. If brother Xue didn't happen to pass by and help me, I'm afraid I would have died a long time now!"

Wu nianyin raised his hand and pointed to Xue an, saying his words very seriously.

In fact, many people noticed Xue an as early as the beginning.

But I didn't even know him. I even thought he was a subordinate recruited by the young master outside.

Until they heard Wu nianyin's introduction, these people suddenly realized.

Wu Shaobei looked at Xue an with great interest.

"Oh? So, this is the benefactor of our martial arts family!"

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