"Doesn't the madam want the little childe to ascend the throne of the master?" The old lady said faintly.

Wu Qiaojun calmed down immediately after hearing the speech.

Of course she does, and she dreams about it.

Otherwise, she would not have taken such a huge risk to bribe the fire gun club to assassinate Wu nianyin.

Seeing that she was silent, the old lady was like a devil in her ear.

"Madam, if you think about the current situation, the young master Wu nianyin already knows that the main messenger behind him is you. If he dies outside, it's all right. The key is that he returns safely. Do you think you still have a chance to retreat?"

"Anyway, now you are at a disadvantage. Wu nianyin is on the side of the legal principle after all. The identity of a legitimate eldest son can make you out of breath. If he ascends the master's throne, think about his end!"

In fact, there is no need for the old lady to remind. Wu Qiaojun knows the final result better than anyone.

If he really fails in the struggle, Wu nianyin will definitely execute himself without hesitation.


It is possible that the execution is the best result, and his end will be absolutely unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Wu Qiaojun couldn't help shivering.

The old lady was obviously not an ordinary person. When she saw Wu Qiaojun's reaction, she knew that her words worked, so she hit the railway while it was hot.

"Now you have only one chance. Whether you win or lose depends on the last fight. It's impossible if you don't make some sacrifices! Besides, it's not a sacrifice..."

These words finally destroyed the last conscience left in Wu Qiaojun's heart.

Her idea building was crumbling and her mouth was muttering to herself.

"Yes! If you want to get anything, you have to sacrifice first. I see!"

"The lady will hurry to prepare. It's best to take the young man down tonight, otherwise there will be many dreams at night, and there will be changes later!" The old lady finally added a fire.

Wu Qiaojun stood up in a trance, "well, I see. I'll prepare now!"

Then he turned and went to the dressing table to dress up.

Looking at her back, the old lady raised her mouth slightly and showed a strange smile.

At the same time, her eyes turned pure black.

Of course, this scene flashed away and almost instantly returned to normal.

But at the same time, Xue an, who was sitting idle in the house, suddenly raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the back house.

"What's the matter with your excellency?" Jinshanquan asked quickly.

Xue an's eyes were deep and deep. After a long time, she lowered her eyes and said faintly, "nothing, just occasionally!"

As a distinguished guest of the Wu family, Xue an naturally enjoys the highest treatment.

It not only has an independent courtyard, but also the things used are brand new.

In this way, Wu nianyin is deeply sorry for the poor reception.

You know, after this time, the doubts in his heart not only did not decrease, but also increased.

Especially for Xue an's mysterious strength, Wu nianyin is more curious.

What kind of inside information can cultivate such a powerful teenager?

The more you think, the more creepy Wu nianyin feels, and the more attentive he is to Xue an.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a team of beautiful maidservants poured in, each with a unique charm, not to mention stunning, but almost.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. "What does that mean?"

Wu nianyin said with a smile, "brother Xue, I've come to serve you specially to ensure that everyone is an innocent noble daughter of the aristocratic family!"

Wu Qiaojun is not the only wise man. Wu nianyin was born in a big family and was trained according to the specifications of the future patriarch. How can he not have this "eyesight".

In his opinion, a young and promising young man like xue'an must be hard to impress by his general wealth and power, but no matter how amazing and talented a young man is, he is sad about beauty.

In particular, Xue an is accompanied by Shu Jingchu, which further supports Wu nianyin's idea.

Xue nianyin's people came back before he ordered them to do it.

Therefore, as soon as Xue an arrived at the front foot, Wu nianyin at the back foot sent such a team of high-quality beautiful maidservants.

But it was different from Wu nianyin's expectation. Xue an didn't have any expression on his face after seeing so many beautiful maidservants.

There was no excitement, no eagerness, and even a look of surprise.

He just lowered his eyes and said faintly, "I appreciate your kindness, but I don't need these. I'd better let them step down!"

Wu nianyin was stunned.

What's going on? Did you guess wrong?

No way, he must be speculating!


It must be!

Thinking of this, Wu nianyin smiled more genially, "brother Xue, don't get me wrong. I sent you these maids just to serve you. As for what you do with them, it's your business! After all, with your identity, how can there be few servants around you?"

After that, Wu nianyin didn't wait for Xue an to refuse. He directly stood up and said with a smile: "brother Xue is tired all the way. I'd better have a rest earlier. I won't disturb you!"

Xue Anwei frowned imperceptibly. He hated the enthusiasm imposed on him.

Although he knew that Wu nianyin was eager to win his heart, and there was no malice in sending these maidservants to himself, he still didn't like it.

But just then, he noticed the panic on the faces of these maidservants and the begging eyes looking at him.

His heart moved, but he didn't speak at last.

Wu nianyin felt happy and thought he had guessed right. The boy didn't want it, but he was thin skinned and embarrassed to show it.

So he smiled, arched his hands, and then walked away.

When he left, xue'an looked at the maidservants.

As far as their eyes were concerned, these maidservants hurriedly knelt down and dared not even lift their heads.

"Get up!"

Hearing his order, the maidservants got up trembling.

Seeing the look on these women's faces, Xue an couldn't help sighing.

"Why did you just look at me with begging eyes?"

The maidservants were silent until a moment later, when they took a bold step forward and spoke in a trembling voice.

"Dear Sir, we are all daughters of a small aristocratic family in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Wu family. Some time ago, the Wu family ordered each family to present a legitimate woman, and we are part of it!"

"The Wu family understands that if we can obey, the family will have its own benefits. Otherwise, what is waiting for us will be the disaster of breaking the family and destroying the family, so we dare not disobey!"

"If you just refused, the martial arts family may think that we have no use value. At that time, our fate may be very miserable!"

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