Early morning bird calls awaken Xue an.

He seldom sleeps so soundly.

As a matter of fact, he has not slept since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals.

Xue an wanted to get up, and then found that the two daughters were lying on their bodies, snoring and sleeping.

two girls as like as two peas, who were slaving like jade, were so sleet that they were so cute that they burst.

Xue an smile, feel the heart suddenly calm down.

What nonsense fairyland fight, all get out of the way.

I will be a qualified father from today on!

"Baba, don't go!" Xue Xiang in the dream suddenly whispered, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Baba will not leave you, never!" Xue an said softly, as if to the child, also like to say to himself.

Until the sun went up, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian woke up.

Xue an pinched two small faces with human flesh and said with a smile: "two little lazy pigs, the sun all basks in the buttocks to wake up?"

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian saw that the sun was already high outside, and they were all worried.

"Oh, come on, Baba is going to take us to a big meal today!"

After a flurry, the two girls got dressed and finished washing.

Xue Nian sits on a pony first, Xue wants to comb her hair skillfully in the back.

After that, Xue wants to sit down, while Xue Nian combs her sister's hair in the back.

Looking at the skilful technique of the two children, Xue an's eyes are somewhat astringent.

"You Is that what you usually do? "

"Well, aunt xuan'er said that we are girls. When we go out, we will not be looked down upon unless we are clean and clean." Xue wants to say solemnly.

Xue an is a little funny.

Now he also found out the temper of his two daughters.

Xue thought that she was a sister, and she was like a little adult in her temper. She spoke in a straight way, which made people laugh and laugh.

Xue Nian is a younger sister. She is more gentle and shy.

When the two daughters finished cleaning up, Xue an could not help but shine.

The two girls, dressed in the same clothes and hairstyles, stood there like a mirror in the middle.

Even Xue an is a little confused.

"Baba, who are our sisters and who are our sisters?"

After a few turns, the two girls asked with a smile.

Xue an was dizzy, "I don't know! I can't tell the difference! "

"Baba is so stupid! You see, I'm a sister, because my dimples are deeper on the left. "

"I'm my sister. My dimples are deeper on the right side."

Xue an looked at his two smart daughters and couldn't help but come up and hold them up.

"Go! Two little babies, let's go and have a big meal

The most prosperous pedestrian street in Beijiang city.

Xue an swaggered through the market with his two daughters in his arms.

Xue an has always been handsome and extraordinary. After three thousand years of experience, he has become more attractive.

as like as two peas, the two little girls are the same.

It's a natural combination.

A lot of people can't help but stop and stop and smile on their faces.

"Baba, where are we going?" Xue wanted to ask quietly.

"Hamburgers, of course."

Xue wants to take some money out of his pocket and give it to Xue an with his small hand.

"Baba, this is the money we can get from selling flowers!"

Xue an was stunned.

Then I understood the meaning of Xue Xiang.

This four-year-old girl is afraid that she has no money to take them to dinner!

Xue an was dumbfounded.

"Good daughter, no more, Baba has money!"

Xue an had put some change in the piggy bank at home. Now when she comes back, she finds that the money is still there.

Although not much, only more than 1000 yuan, but at least can cope with it for a while.

As for the future.

Xue an thinks that he is immortal at least. Is he worried about how to make money?

The hamburger, to be honest, is very bad, but Xue an still eats with relish.

As long as you stay with your daughter, it doesn't matter what you eat.

"Are you full?" Asked Xue an.

"We want to pack up the rest and eat it at night!" Xue wanted to whisper.

Xue an Leng for a moment, then sighed and said: "think, read, you look at Baba!"

"I know you suffered before, but now Baba is back. What do you want to eat and what you want to play with, as long as you tell Baba, Baba will certainly meet your wishes! Don't be so sensible, Baba will be distressed! What you should do is to play and eat as much as you canXue wants to nod with Xue Nian.

"Go! Let's go for ice cream now

In the evening.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are holding a huge teddy bear with happy smiles on their faces.

Xue an followed, looking at the back of her two daughters, could not help but smile.

"Baba, where are we going Xue wanted to ask.

Xue an smiles, "go shopping! Then Dad will make you something delicious

"Good!" Xue Nian, as an authentic snack, cheered as soon as he heard something delicious.

Xue wants to hate the iron is not steel hit sister's head, and then small hands cross waist reprimand: "eat eat eat, you know to eat, you see your face, fat all round!"

In fact, her face seems to be more round.

However, Xue Nian still covered his head and giggled.

Xue an led her daughter to the biggest medicine market in Beijiang.

Xue an is going to buy some herbs here and refine Peiyuan pill.

Peiyuan pill is the most basic pill.

Ordinary people can strengthen their constitution after taking it.

Xue an is going to refine it for her daughter.

He used to be an immortal. It's easy to refine such pills, but xianzun can't produce herbs out of thin air.

Especially now the earth is short of aura, and there is no medicine that can enter the eyes.

So Xue an turns around, can't help but also some light disappointment.

"Oh, isn't this Xue Da talented person?"

Xue an looked up and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes standing on the roadside, and beside him was a woman dressed in gorgeous clothes.

Xue an frowned slightly and thought for a moment before he remembered who this man was.

Lin Feng.

My high school classmates.

This man's family is engaged in medicine business, and his scale is very large. He is a rich second generation.

But when Xue an went to school, he had a bad relationship with this person.

"It's said that Xue Da Cai Zi disappeared four years ago and you haven't heard from you. Why did you come back suddenly?" Lin Feng said, looking at Xue an.

When Xue an was found wearing old-fashioned clothes, his whole body was full of street goods, the disdain on his face became more and more heavy.

Xue an didn't care.

Will you pay attention to a mole ant?

Lin Feng said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce you. You should know this person, too."

She pointed to the woman beside her.

"You two are old acquaintances! Is it, Du Juan? "

Du Juan.

That's when Xue an remembered.

No wonder this woman is very familiar. She was also a high school classmate at the beginning.

And at the beginning of ignorance of their own also pursued this Du Juan.

It's just that Du Juan was very good at using her beauty to gain benefits when she went to school. She didn't refuse or agree to the handsome xue'an. She had been fishing for xue'an at once.

It was not until later that Xue an understood that he began to study hard and finally entered Zhongdu University.

I didn't expect to see these two guys here.

There is a faint smile on Xue an's mouth.

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