The smoke gradually dissipated.

Xue an took back his fist and said faintly: "as I said, it's boring to fight and kill, but it's a pity that no one will listen."

No one dares to answer.

Joke, a punch even the house collapsed, who dares to answer the words casually?

As for the curator Tan Dongtan, he is even more ashamed at the moment and would like to find a crack to get in.

Did you look down on others just now?

How dare you make a mockery?

Who gives himself courage? Do you have a Gigi?

Xue an slowly walked down the box, toward the gentian plant on the stage.

When passing by Qin Tian's side, Xue an glances at him.

It is this indifferent glance that makes Qin Tian feel his whole body's blood coagulate.

He was shaking all over with that terrible fear.

Liu Shou is now under the ruins, and his life or death is uncertain.

I thought that relying on Liu Shou, I could easily wipe out the two masters of Qin yuan.

Unexpectedly, a guy suddenly jumped out of the room and disrupted all the plans.

At the moment, one of the people present was also frightened and frightened.

He is Hong Ming's father, Hong Yuan, the head of the Hong family.

This time he came to the auction, he had been hiding in the corner without any attention.

He came here to pay off his son's debts.

Qin Yu understood what Qin Yu said to him. It was 499999900 yuan.

Hong Yuan didn't dare to disobey, so he had to gather all the money to come to the auction.

But he moved his mind, and did not immediately hand in the money, but to hide aside to see the limelight.

After all, Qin Tian is very powerful now, which is something many people know.

His family and Qin Tian have a good relationship.

If Qin Tian could overthrow Qin yuan, he would have saved more than 40 million yuan.

But I didn't expect that Xue an, who had already been mentally abnormal and stimulated by his son, would be so powerful.

One punch will fly people out.

Now Hongyuan's heart is also frightened and afraid, some regret just why he didn't give the money first.

Xue an stepped onto the stage, looking at the gentian grass, some sigh in his heart.

At the beginning, such herbs were not taken with a positive eye, but now they can be treated as a treasure.

Xue an stretched out his hand, just about to touch the spirit grass.

The floor of the hall suddenly began to shake.

A breath of terror came from the ruins, and then a strong man with a height of about two meters and a muscular knot pulled out the ruins and appeared in front of the public.

"Hey hey, you can push me out of this shape, boy, you can be proud of yourself!" The strong man said with pity.

It's Liu Shou!

He's not dead yet!

Qin Tian couldn't help but be ecstatic, "Liu Shenxian is mighty!"

Hong Yuan is more excited, also no longer hide, immediately jumped out, "Chairman Qin, help others, you can achieve great things!"

Qin Tian laughed when he heard Hongyuan say so.

Only Xue an frowned slightly. "You should not use this secret method now, unless you burn Shou yuan."

Liu Shou sneered: "boy, your vision is good, but unfortunately, you still have to die!"

"Oh? Is it? " Xue an faint smile, "then you come! I'll see how good you are

Liu Shou rushed over.

This time, he was very fast, and jumped to his feet and punched out in mid air.

The blow was so powerful that it even brought a gust of wind in the hall.

Xue an did not hide, but stood there quietly.

Liu Shou's mouth appeared a trace of complacent smile.

Xue an is right. This secret method of ghost Qi into the body can't be used at his present state. This is burning Shouyuan and strengthening his behavior.

But now Liu Shou doesn't care about it any more. As long as he can get this Gentiana grass, he can break through the real person and step into the happy state from now on.

By then, who will be your opponent?


There was a dull noise.

Xue an is hit by Liu Shou and flies out. He smashes a wall directly, and then there is no sound.

"Ah Qin Yu exclaimed.

Qin yuan's face was dignified.

Only Tan Dong, slightly frowned, and then slowly calmed down.

However, Qin Tian and Hong Yuan were overjoyed.

"Liu Shenxian is powerful!"

As long as Xue an dies, there will be no one standing in the way.

There was also an uproar among the crowd.

How could Liu Shou be so powerful?

Xue an is probably more dangerous than lucky!A lot of people think about it.

Liu Shou was very proud in his heart, and then looked at the gentian grass on the stage, which was his hope in the future.

Liu Shou is about to reach for it.

A faint voice came.

"I wanted to try how good you are in this state, but it's a pity You let me down

Originally cheering Qin Tian and Hongyuan and others were stunned.

Qin Yu covered his mouth with tears of excitement and joy in his eyes.

A figure came out of the collapsed wall.

After passing through the dust and fog, it is Xue an with a cool face.

Although Liu Shou was hit by a blow to fly out, but at the moment Xue an's whole body is still so spotless, even the hair is not disordered.

Liu Shou also had some doubts, "how can it be?"

Liu Shou is confident that he can smash the steel into scrap iron.

Is this man stronger than steel?

It seems to be aware of Liu Shou's question, Xue an faint smile, "don't doubt, it's you who are too weak!"

Then Xue an held out a finger to Liu Shou, "courtesy is reciprocation, you hit me, so now it's my turn!"

With this sentence, Xue an's feet point, the whole person suddenly rushed into the air, and then stretched out his right fist, and drank lightly in the air.

"Look at my punch Move the world

This blow is not unusual.

But when they fell, everyone felt that the whole world was shaking, and even some people were unstable and fell to the ground directly.

Liu Shou finally showed a startled look, "Rao..."

The life behind did not say, Xue an's blow has hit his head.


Liu Shou, a tall and powerful man made by secret method, was smashed into the ground by this fist, and even his head was directly smashed into his stomach.

The whole person directly changed from more than two meters high to less than one meter.

Blood and brains were splashing all over the floor.

Xue an fell on the spot, standing with his hands down, like a God.

Qin Tian and Hongyuan had been scared silly, especially Qin Tian. He felt that his crotch was hot and he was scared to urinate.

But at this time, from Liu Shou's body emerged a group of black fog, and then toward the window then ran away.

Xue an light way: "do you think you can go?"

Then he grasped the black fog with his fingers, and Xue an held it in his hand.

The black fog tried to struggle, Xue an suddenly shook hands, and the black fog was pinched and scattered.

There was silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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