There are immortals on Mount Qingmang.

This is a legend that people living near Qingmang mountain know.

But I haven't seen anyone.

But it also makes the mountain have some mysterious color, attracting tourists from all over the world, and making the once poor Qingmang town lively.

Xue an took his two daughters off the tour bus. Everything in front of him was familiar and strange.

When I left, it was still a lonely town, but now it is very prosperous.

There are many restaurants and bars, men and women shuttling.

Just opposite the street is the towering Qingmang mountain, which is surrounded by clouds all the year round, so it is not willing to disperse.

Xue an squinted for a moment.

When I was a child, I went to Qingmang mountain and found nothing unusual.

But now from xianzun's perspective, it is natural to see that this mountain has excellent geomantic omen, and there is a faint aura of dragon around it, which is obviously not an ordinary place.

But the Dragon Spirit It seems to be complicated and impure!

Xue an thought in his mind, and then said to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, "are you hungry?"

The two little girls cried out in one voice: "hungry!"

This scene made passers-by laugh.

Xue an nodded, "go, Baba will take you to dinner first!"

Since becoming the father, Xue an's daily life is inseparable from the pots and pans.

In fact, with his accomplishments, he could have been able to keep away from food for a long time.

But it's hard to buy money. I like it. Xue an enjoys eating with her two daughters.

Walking on the street, looking at the hotels and restaurants, Xue an looks a little lonely.

I used to play in this street.

And my hometown is at the corner of the street.

I don't know what my hometown has become after so many years? The house should have collapsed!

Xue an thought in his mind and turned the corner to see, but was stunned.

Because in his hometown, actually built a very luxurious hotel.

Xue an's face began to sink.

"Baba, why don't you go?" Xue wanted to ask, and then took a look at this very luxurious hotel.

"Baba, shall we eat here? Will it be very expensive? " Xue Xiang is only four years old, but he already has the potential of being a small financial fan.

Xue an is very careful in eating and buying food, which makes Xue an feel sad and funny sometimes.

Of course, xue'an wasn't angry because a foundation was occupied.

But for him, this hometown is of special significance. After all, it is a symbol of his childhood memory.

Just then, a timid voice came.

"You are Brother Ann

When Xue an looked back, he saw a girl standing on the street.

The girl was dressed in simple clothes, clean and pure, and even had a blush of shyness on her face.

"You are..."

"Brother ANN, is it really you?" The girl suddenly got excited and said, "I'm Lan'er!"

"Lan'er? You are Shirley Xue an said in surprise.

Xue LAN is the daughter of a distant uncle's family. When she was a child, she often entangled herself with Xue an, just like an asshole. She followed Xue an wherever she went.

"It's me! Brother ANN, you are back at last. Many people say you are dead Xue Lan said, tears falling down.

"I'm good. I haven't seen you for years. I'm so big!" Xue an said with a smile.

"These two are..." Xue LAN saw Xue Xiang and Xue Nian and couldn't help asking.

"Hello, Auntie!" Two little girl's mouth is very sweet, said with one voice.

Xue Lan was also amused by the two little guys carved with Pink Jade, "my God, what a lovely little girl."

"This is my daughter!" Xue an Dao.

Xue LAN slightly shocked, and then reluctantly said with a smile: "brother ANN is married!"

Xue an nodded and pointed to the elegant hotel behind her.

"What's going on?"

Then Xue an's face changed.

"I can't say a word or two. You can go home with me first. My father is so happy to see you."

Xue Lan's home is on the edge of Qingmang town.

Here, it restored the appearance of a small mountain village, with low and dilapidated houses and muddy roads.

Xue an used to come here often, so she was very familiar with it. Moreover, Xue Lan's home had not changed much over the years.

After entering the house, Xue Lan was very excited and called out, "Dad, who do you think is back?"

A dark country man came out of the house and was stunned to see Xue an.

"Xue Ann

At this time, a rural woman also pushed the door and came out, muttering: "who is it, shouting?"Seeing Xue an, the woman turned pale.

"Is it you?"

At this time, Xue Lan was very excited and said, "Mom. Brother ANN is not dead, he is back again

"Come on, get out! We don't know any Simon. Let him go Xue Lan's mother, Li Hongyan said.

Xue LAN a Leng, "Mom, how?"

"Dead girl, did you not listen to what I said? Let him go Li Hongyan said grimly.

At this time, Xue Lan's father, Xue an's distant uncle, sighed: "Xue an, you shouldn't have come back at all! Let's go, before others find you! Come on

What else does Xue LAN want to say at this time.

Xue an stopped her, and then said to them faintly: "I will not trouble you when I come back, but I want to ask, how is my home?"

This problem makes Xue Guo and his wife even more pale.

Li Hongyan said with a face of bitterness: "I bah, you are a broom star. When you see you, you will be unlucky. Do you want to implicate us? Let's go. If you delay, I'll be rude! "

Xue an frowned. Although he was a relative, he should not blame others for his own death.

At this time, Xue LAN suddenly grasped Xue an's hand and said with tears, "brother an, I'll send you out of here first!"

Think of Xue LAN, Xue an's heart softened down, to two people a smile, "I hope you don't regret in the future!"

With that, Xue an followed Xue LAN.

At this time, Li Hongyan took a breath and said with some disdain: "it's just an orphan who has lost his family. Regret it? Pooh

After all, he had no place to speak in this family.

Waiting for the door, Xue Lan said sadly, "brother an, i..."

Xue an shook his head, indifferent said: "don't say, Lan'er, just tell me, what's going on in my home!"

Xue LAN bit her teeth, "it's all because of jiehu! In the third year after you left, we started to develop it here. Because of the good geographical location of your home, the jiehu maliciously occupied it and built the hotel. "


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