Evo roared, "you dare to insult our Mother God. I will fight you!"

Stuckley ignored Evo and just looked at Luna.

The look on Luna's face was complicated.

She knew that it could not be concealed for a long time.

Mother God, has not answered her prayer for a long time.

The last response, it only tells Luna one thing, there will be a strong human coming, and all the night elf's hope is in this person.

After knowing the Oracle, Luna has been waiting for it.

But unexpectedly, it was not easy to wait until xue'an appeared, and stuckley came with him.

"So what?" Luna said lightly.

Evo was surprised and said in disbelief, "master Luna!"

He couldn't believe that he and the spirit that the whole elves depended on were dead!

Stuckley, however, smiles, and looks up at the heart of the tree in the chamber, with a touch of greed in his eyes.

"I can feel that even though she is dead, there is still tremendous energy in the heart of the tree. As long as you give this tree heart to me, my Druid will give you a shelter for night elves and protect you!"

Stuckley's words left the whole room dead.

Luna sat expressionless, while Evo was stunned. After a long time, he roared: "you want to be beautiful. How can my mother God die? You can slander him and die!"

With that, Evo raised his bow and shot.

Stuckley shook his head slightly, and his face was satirical. All the arrows stopped when they came near, while Evo gradually rose, and his hands and feet were firmly bound by several vines that appeared out of thin air.

"How much of your strength has been lost Stuckley said lightly.

In mid air, Evo looked desperate.

Over the past few years, he did not feel that he was weak all the time. He had a bad feeling in his heart, but he never thought about it.

Luna waved her hand. "That's enough!"


The vines that bound Evo were drunk away.

Evo fell in mid air.

Then Luna stares at stuckley coldly. "Sacrifice your honor, do you mean that we night elves all become the vassals of your Druids?"

"So to speak?"

Luna looked at Aurora with a sarcastic look on her face. "Aurora, is this what you call flexibility? It's just from being bullied by the Church of light to being bullied by their Druids. What's the difference? "

"Luna, for the sake of knowing each other before us, and druids and your elves belong to the same vein of nature, I promise you Night Elves will live a peaceful life!"

Luna shook her head firmly, "don't say it! Night Elves will never leave the Mother God! Even if she really died, we will protect her to the end, even if the deceased clan, also at all costs

"Yes! Even if you die, you will not hesitate to die! " Evo said in a deep voice.

Stuckley sneered. "This is it, but you can't help it!"

With that, a powerful force of nature enveloped the whole assembly hall.

"Luna, I used to be equal with you, but now you are not my opponent at all. Give up unnecessary resistance, I won't hurt you!"

Luna shook her head determinedly. "You know, it's absolutely impossible."

Then she looked at Xue an with almost pleading eyes.

I want Xue an to leave with Isabella and una as soon as possible.

Stuckley just noticed the existence of xue'an, but he didn't care about it.

Xue an smiles and nods to Luna. "I'm sorry, I can't take Isabella with me!"

Luna was stunned, and her face looked desperate.

Stuckley sneered and thought that Xue an was under his own pressure to give in.

But then Xue an's words surprised him.

"In fact, I just got in touch with your mother God. She's really weak now, but she's not dead yet."

This sentence let Luna also stunned, "what?"

She has not been in touch with the Mother God for a long time, but this man can communicate with the Mother God?

Stuckley's face darkened. "Man, I advise you to mind your own business! Otherwise

Xue an said faintly: "otherwise what? Dark Druids out of the secret are your men? Are you going to get ready to talk to all the online genies? "

This sentence changed stuck's face, "you You... "

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "if you don't die, you won't die? So why hasn't she appeared? You know, I'm dealing with her spokesperson in her heart nowStuckley's words were full of irony.

Xue an did not pay any attention to him. Instead, he waved his finger and drew a mysterious resolution in the air. With a wave of his hand, the verdict was printed on the roof of the assembly hall.


After a slight tremor.

A tired female voice appeared in the hearts of all present.

"Luna, these days, hard for you!"

Hear that.

Luna was shocked, and tears were streaming down her face.

Evo was more excited to kneel on the ground.

"Mother God!"

It's cloudy and sunny in stark.

He came here, as Xue an said, he was well prepared.

If the talks are over, it will be better.

If they can't get along with each other, they will snatch them directly.

But unexpectedly, a xue'an suddenly appeared in the middle.

Now the Mother God reappeared, disrupting all his plans.

After hesitating for a moment, stuckley's face gradually showed a cruel color, and said with a grim smile: "even if she is not dead, what can she do? What's the difference between living and dying? Still can't protect you night elves

"So, this time, the heart of the tree, I will decide!"

As he spoke, stuckley let out a roar.

The whole man floated into the air, and countless branches and vines appeared behind him, swimming like snakes.

"Kill them all!" Stuckley said coldly.

Aurora was stunned and exclaimed, "Lord sacrifice, you have promised that you will not hurt the elves!"


A vine like a snake directly wrapped around his neck, and then lifted it into the air, a strong twist.


Head landing.

Stuckley said coldly, "did I promise you? And today, who dares not to obey? Die

This bloody scene let Luna and the elves who came to hear the news all screamed.

Luna roared: "stuckley, you don't deserve to have the heart of nature!"

"Ha ha, what is the heart of nature? It's only natural that the weak eat the strong! "

As stuckley said, countless vines came straight to Luna.

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