Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were squatting on the head of the snake, studying something.

"Sister, do you think this snake is delicious?" Xue Nian's saliva seemed to flow out.

The Dragon trembled with the naked eye, and there was a flash of panic in his eyes.

Xue wanted to shake his head. "I don't think it's delicious, because there's no such big pot to stew it!"

Jiaolong is slightly relieved, but then Xue Xiang says again.

"But it can be strung together and burned. It should be delicious!"

The dragon was about to cry.

Originally at home to stay well, suddenly came a group of people, first to grab the treasure, and then hit themselves.

And most of all, this man is so powerful that he can't stand up to his words.

I was dizzy when I hit myself on the shore, and almost beat myself into a meat pie in the water.

In the world of monsters, it is normal for the weak to eat the strong and respect the strong. Therefore, after being beaten up and convinced, Jiaolong immediately gave up.

This is what happened after the launch.

A punch.

It broke a dragon in the water.

And that's not all.

At this moment, the mountain in the distance suddenly shook, and then there was a rumbling sound coming from the ground.

When the people were shocked.

Only the Dragon knows.

It's just the aftereffect of Xue an's punch.

Thinking of the earth shaking blow in the water, Jiaolong couldn't help but panic.

Only Xue an was not satisfied.

Before You can kill a galaxy with one punch.

But now the strength is not worth a billion, so it has to be.

At this point, the first fist of the six moves of the God of killing, moving the heaven and earth, can be regarded as having some appearance.

And in the back, there are five punches.

Together, it is the six ways of killing gods.

When Xue an was the Immortal King, he galloped the universe and set up a famous stunt.

Xue anchong, two girls who were discussing how to eat the dragon, said with a smile, "OK, OK, it's going to cry. Come down!"

Jiaolong is extremely docile and lies on the ground with the huge dragon head. Xue an picks up two little girls and walks down.

The Dragon turned to go.

Xue an suddenly patted him on the head.

"Although the lineage is not so good, it's not bad to be able to cultivate it like this. I'll help you and help you become a dragon as soon as possible."

Jiaolong is shocked and looks at Xue an gratefully.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "you don't have to thank me, but I want to tell you that there are countless dragon families in the universe. If you just want to be a dragon, it's very simple. But I see a trace of unusual smell from your blood. If you are willing to go against the sky, it's ok..."

Xue an didn't go on with the latter words, because he felt that the chance was too slim.

Just now Xue an passed on a set of demon cultivation skills to the dragon, which is a treasure to the dragon who has achieved his current strength through self-cultivation.

It is going to practice now.

Xue an turns to look at Song Yi, who is still mumbling to himself, and shakes his head.

If this man can't see through this barrier, he will not only be unable to make progress, but will be eaten back and even die suddenly.

Xue'an untied the rope for Xue LAN, and she looked at him in horror.

"Brother Ann..."

Xue an smiles, "don't be afraid, I won't eat people! It's just that in recent years, there have been some unusual experiences. "

Xue LAN lowered her head.

Xue an sighed slightly and turned to go. Xue LAN suddenly raised her head and said, "I'm not afraid! As long as you are brother ANN, I will not be afraid of anything! "

Xue an smiles faintly.

Huo Heming scattered with the wind, and everything was over.

Only Chen Rushi was a little depressed.

Because Jiaolong just came out of the water, those herbs were basically involved in the pool, so this time it can be said that they came back empty handed.

Chen Rushi was burning with anxiety at the thought of the old man whose illness was like a day at home.

At this time, Chen Rushi was staring at the two girls who were taking lotus seeds from the pocket of the dress.

"This is good to eat!" Xue Nian threw one in his mouth.

Xue wanted to nod, "but it's too little, just so much!"

The two little girls ignored Chen Rushi's grief and shock, just like eating candy, one by one.

"Don't Stop eating Chen Rushi said painfully.

"Eh, Auntie What's the matter with you? " Xue wants to turn his head and look at Chen Rushi.

"Two little girls, where did you get these lotus seeds?"

"When I was just in the water, Baba picked it for us easily!" Xue Nian ate another one."Yes, Baba also said, when snacks eat to play!"

Chen Rushi was going crazy at this time.

I picked one They also gave it to two girls and let them eat as snacks.

This man What do you think?

You know, the crunchy lotus seeds that Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are eating at the moment are the most miraculous medicine, and even Xuanyin lotus seeds that can live to death!

"Little girl, can you give one to your aunt? I'll give you a lot of snacks? All right? " Chen Rushi is like a peddler to lure children.

"Well I want ten bags of chili Xue Nian said first.

Xue wanted to knock her sister on the head, and then said solemnly, "aunt xuan'er said that eating too many spicy slices will make you ugly! It's better to change it to mushroom power! "

"Mm-hmm! It's OK, it's OK! " Xue Nian nodded in a hurry.

Chen Rushi didn't expect it to be so smooth.

Then Xue wanted to take out a lotus seed from his pocket, "Auntie, what do you want this for?"

"There is a patient in my aunt's house. I need to eat this!"

"That's it Xue thought about it, then took out all the lotus seeds in his pocket.

Xue Nian was the same, but he hesitated and put a lotus seed in his mouth.

"Auntie, I'll give you all these!"

Chen Rushi was stunned and looked at the pure and precious eyes of the two little girls carved with powder and jade.

"Two little sisters, you are..."

Xue wants to say seriously: "Auntie, before Baba did not come back, we also look forward to him all day long to come back, you have a patient in the family, must also hope that he can be good, all for you!"

Chen Rushi suddenly felt like crying.

I was just thinking about calculating others. As a result, these two little girls have a heart of gold.

But, their Baba Would the mysterious man agree?

Chen Rushi felt a little uneasy.

Xue an saw all of them. He laughed and said, "what I give my daughter is theirs. They can handle it at will."

Chen Rushi bit her teeth and took out a delicate white gold card from her body.

"Sir, it's too precious. I can't ask for all of them. Just give me three. This card is a little thanks from our Chen family. Please accept it!"

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