
A dull noise came from Xue an.

It was the sound from the depths of his muscles and bones, which also meant that Xue an finally took the first step on the road of cultivation.

Although there are still thousands of miles away from xianzun in those days, this step, after all, is a step out.

The so-called real person is to cultivate strength to the whole body, so that the capable person can not.

And carefree, it is the whole body is condensed together, has become a whole, there is great power between every move.

What's more, once you enter Xiaoyao, you will have 150 years old.

This is a great temptation.

Therefore, it is called carefree in the secular world.

But Xue an knew that was not enough.

Because the cultivation of the realm is divided into: real people, carefree, heaven and man, eternal life, Sanxian, Jinxian, Zhenxian, Daluo, Xianwang, Xiandi, xianzun, and finally the legendary sage realm.

Now it's just the first step.

But Song Yi, who has regained consciousness, is envious and shocked.

It was the first time he had seen someone break free in such a fast time.

In particular, this person is only in his twenties. If this news spreads out, I don't know how many people will be shocked.

"As soon as you enter the carefree life, you will become an immortal." Song Yi murmured to himself.

When Xue an stood up, he felt that his strength was not only ten times longer, but also perfect. He felt that the whole world was in my hands.

But Xue an's mind was as firm as a rock, and in a flash he broke these illusions.

This time, beside this pool, many medicinal materials were obtained, which can be used to refine Peiyuan pill.

Now Xue an breaks through the free and unfettered realm, and the speed of alchemy is accelerated a lot.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these piles of precious medicinal materials were refined into liquid by Xue an and then refined.

Xue Lan was dazzled and felt that his world outlook had been greatly subverted.

Song Yi was greatly shocked.

If Xue an's breakthrough in carefree life was his first shock, then this alchemy made Song Yi have the impulse to kneel.

Most of the famous sects can make alchemy, but when refining alchemy, they should not fast and bathe, and make lengthy and tedious preparations before they can start to make alchemy.

In this way, there is a high probability of failure.

This is also the reason why no one can afford to take pills except for a few big school disciples.

Because it's too expensive.

And the alchemy method is not to spread the secret.

You can see that Mr. Xue's movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is almost instantaneous.


More than ten pills with rich aroma fell into Xue an's hands.

After only five minutes, the pill was successfully refined.

Song Yi was stunned by the success rate and efficiency.

Xue Nian at this time, however, drooled and said, "Baba, what is this? It's so fragrant!"

Xue an gives a faint smile, and then makes a thing that Song Yi almost stares out of his eyes.

He gave Xue Xiang and Xue Nian a pill directly.

"Try it and see how it tastes!"


Two little girls a mouth, as if eating peanuts in general, will take these two pills.

Song Yi is going to cry.

These pills, any one of them, can make the disciples of famous schools play dog brains.

Can this Mr. Xue, but for his two daughters when snacks?

At this time, Xue an gave Xue LAN another one.

"Have a taste!"

Xue Lan was a little embarrassed and just wanted to decline.

Song Yi said quietly: "eat it, girl, this is your great fortune!"

Xue LAN hesitated for a moment, then took the pill.


Xue LAN felt a colic in her stomach. Then she turned red and ran to the distance.

After a while, she came back a little shyly.

At this time, the dirt all over her body has been discharged.

Will be like a flawless jade, inside and outside.

Not to mention anything else, this pill is enough to prolong the life of this little girl for 50 years and keep her youth forever.

Song Yi's saliva is about to flow out.

Xue an looked at him lightly.

Song Yi quickly bows his head respectfully.

"Why don't you follow her?"

Song Yi wryly smiles, "now Huo Shao is dead. I can't escape even if I'm back. I'd better stay."

In fact, there is one thing Song Yi didn't say. When he just woke up, Chen Rushi wanted to take him away.

But Song Yi secretly divined.

The divinatory symbols told him that misfortune and fortune were hard to predict, but there was a great chance waiting for him.As for the chance.

Song Yi is not sure.

Xue an is not sure.

He is not disgusted with Song Yi, let alone like it.

To put it bluntly, this is just a practitioner who wanders between the worldly giants relying on some skills.

"How long have I meditated?"

"Baba, you've been sitting there for a long time." Xue wanted to say.

"Oh, aren't you bored?"

"No! In the past, my sister and I often stayed at home for a day Xue wanted to say.

Xue an was in pain. When she was away, the two girls must have suffered a lot.

After all, if Tang Xuaner wants to raise them, she has to go out to earn money, so they can only stay at home.

In this way, Xue Anfu picked up his two daughters and said with a smile, "that Baba takes you down the mountain!"

With that, Xue an's toes were light, and the whole man rose up.

At the same time, he left a sentence to Song Yi: "take Lan'er down the mountain!"

Xue LAN looked up at Xue an who disappeared in the sky.

Song Yi said respectfully: "miss Lan'er, let's go down the mountain!"

"Brother Ann Is it immortality? " Xue LAN murmured.

Song Yi shakes his head and sighs, "it's not a fairy, but it's almost. Besides, Mr. Xue always has a bearing that people can't despise. His future achievements can't be imagined!"

Song Yi was inspired by his feelings.

Xue LAN is a mixture of five flavors.

At this point, her heart that a little girl's fantasy, gradually extinguished.

Because she knows that the gap between herself and brother ANN is like cloud mud.

At the moment, Xue an and her two daughters flew directly into the air.

Of course, xiaoyaojing can not have such strength.

But with Xue an's strength, it is easy.

The two girls were excited to see the moon and stars in the sky.

"Baba, the moon is so big!"

"Yes, and it's like a half eaten pancake." Xue Nian can't live without food.

Xue an light smile, "close your eyes, Baba again to you to change a magic."


The two little girls closed their eyes cleverly.

There was a flash of light in Xue an's eyes, and then there was a huge light curtain under his feet.

The light curtain is like a piece of glass, floating in the air.

Xue Ansong opened his hand and put his two daughters on the screen of light.

"All right

The two girls opened their eyes and saw a beautiful scene.

The curtain of light perfectly reflects everything in the sky. The moon and stars are dotted on it.

It's like two skies.

Xue wanted to take a careful step, found that it was like walking on the ground, and then he was excited to run with Xue Nian.

Xue an smiles at her two daughters.

Under the foot, is the world of lights, fireworks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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