After the front desk girl left, Tian Bojun sat on the sofa carelessly, cocked his legs and waited with pride on his face.

In his opinion, Xue an must be making a mystery.

Who does he think he is when everyone on the board of directors comes to see him?

Thinking of this, Tian Bojun sneered and said, "I'll see how you end up.".

At this time, a lot of people gathered nearby, and people were talking about it in a whisper.

"What's the matter? Is Tian shaopi picking up people again Someone sneered.

"Hush, keep your voice down. If Tian Bojun hears this, he will not drive you out! I heard that someone was fighting Tian Bojun face to face! It's a big deal now! "

"It's really courageous. Unfortunately, chairman Qiao is behind Tian Bojun. Who dares to provoke him?" Someone sighed.

These are people who are very dissatisfied with what Tian Bojun has done.

At the same time, there are a lot of Tian Bo Jun's minions talking about it.

"Ha ha, I heard that this man threatened to let all the chairman of the board come to see him in person!"

"Really? Who is this man? So loud? "

"I guess I'm a rich second generation who has never seen the world before! How dare you make trouble in Tianyuan company, and wait for a good show

"Ha ha, dare to provoke manager Tian, I really don't know how to write the dead word!"

These comments spread into Tian Bojun's ears, which made him more arrogant and proud. He could not help but take a look at Xue an beside him.

However, Xue an leaned on the sofa and drank tea in his spare time. It seemed that he was not worried at all.

This guy is so calm! Tian Bojun thought of hate.

Time passes by.

With the passage of time, the disdain and sarcasm on Tian Bojun's face became more and more intense.

The crowd of onlookers also gathered more and more, people talked quietly, but few people were optimistic about it.

Because it sounds like a fable.

We should know that Tianyuan is a big international company, and the production of Tianyuan potion is of great strategic significance. Therefore, the position of Tianyuan company is also very detached.

Even if the heads of state come, it is impossible to disturb all the directors.

The man was supposed to be beaten in the face. A lot of people think about it.

Meanwhile, in an office on the top floor.

Joel was busy when the Secretary pushed the door and came in.

"Director Qiao, this is the document you need to review and sign today!" The secretary put a large pile of papers on the desk.

Joel sighed, "and so much?"

The Secretary smiles. "This is just a small part. There will be more in the afternoon."

Joel slumped in his chair, his face full of life and lovelessness.

Seeing his appearance, the Secretary couldn't help chuckling.

Although you are a director of fortune, his wealth is on the rich list, but in private Qiao Le is more like a big boy.

Qiao Le sighed a few times, and then continued to be busy.

The little secretary is helping to tidy up the room.

In fact, this kind of thing is responsible for special cleaning.

But the little secretary was willing to do it himself.

Because it allows me to have more contact with the director Qiao.

You know, now the outside world has called Qiao Le, Zhao Xuehui and Yang binyi, the three brothers, as the diamond grade Wang Laowu.

Countless women want to get close to the three directors and make a big step forward.

The little secretary is no exception.

Is the small secretary slowly wipe the table when the phone rings on the table.

The little secretary took it.

"This is Joe's office. What can I do for you?"

After listening to a few words, the little secretary frowned, "does this matter still need to be reported? Every day, there are countless people looking for various excuses to get close to several directors, and it will be over if they just blow them away? "

After that, the Secretary hung up.

"What's the matter?" asked Jo Le, who was buried in his work

"Director Qiao, the front desk just called and said that there was a man who threatened to let all directors meet him in the hall!"

"Well?" Joel looked up in a daze.

The little secretary continued to ramble: "and what else do you say I'm back! I guess he's a lunatic. I've sent someone from the front desk to blow him off! "

As soon as the voice dropped, I heard a loud noise.

The little secretary trembled all over with fright, turned his head and saw that Qiao Le stood up with a black face.

Because of the fierce rise, the notebook on the table will be brought to the ground.

"What do you say?"

The little secretary's voice trembled with fear.

"I said A man threatened to let all the directors see him and said that I was back! You... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Joel jumped directly onto the table and rushed out of the office in two steps.The little secretary stood there with a face full of stupidity and didn't know what had just happened.

After Qiao Le rushed out of the office, he rushed all the way to the meeting room and kicked the door open.

Inside are Zhao Xuehui, Yang binyi and shuliu gaoshengnan and others in the meeting.

Jolle's foot stunned these people.

Zhao Xuehui frowned slightly, "old three, what's going on? What are you doing in such a hurry? "

"It is It's second brother The second brother is back Cried jolle, panting.

Zhao Xuehui a Leng, Huoran stood up, "you mean Xiao an?"

Jolle nodded. "He's in the lobby. Listen to the front desk. He wants all of our directors to meet him now!"

On hearing this, all the people in the room stood up.

Zhao Xuehui looked dignified. "The second one didn't call when he came back this time, and he asked the front desk to inform us. There must be something wrong. Let's go!"

Then he rushed out first.

Qiao le and Yang binyi followed closely.

Gao Shengnan and shuliu looked at each other and quickly followed.

They both understood it now.

He must have come back to make the three brothers so nervous!

The collective running of these several people made all the employees who saw this scene look silly.

How can several directors all have a dignified face to rush?

What happened?

Before rushing to the elevator, Zhao Xuehui had already yelled: "quick, open the elevator for me!"

There are VIP elevators in this office building, which are for the directors to go in and out, and there are special persons in charge of it.

Zhao Xuehui so called, immediately someone opened the elevator.

After several people rushed in, they immediately pressed the button on the first floor.

It's just as the elevator is landing.

Tian Bojun stood up impatiently in the hall and said with a sneer, "it has been ten minutes since you asked all the directors to come to see you, but no one has seen you! Is there anything else you want to say now

Xue an smile, "listen to the tone of your words, you seem to eat me!"

Tian Bojun's face was arrogant and sneered: "yes, it's fixed. What can you do? Security, get this guy up for me

The security guards had already been waiting on the side for a long time. As soon as they heard this, they rushed up and prepared to start.

Xue an's eyes grew colder, and his patience had been exhausted.

At this time, there were bursts of exclamations in the distance.

"My God, it's director Qiao and director Zhao!"

"All the directors are here!"

Tian Bojun was stunned when he heard the speech. He turned around and saw that the crowd had separated a road. Qiao Le, Zhao Xuehui and others rushed over with sweat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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