The Tianyuan potion, which emits the light of lavender, is packed in the crystal clear crystal bottle, which has a kind of suffocating beauty.

Looking at this bottle of Tianyuan potion, yuan Mengying's breath gradually became short.


You shake your head to save her mother

Yuan Mengying's eyes were red, tears fell down.

Xue has helped her more than once from the train.

It can be said that without xue'an, she may have been in the dark forever now and has no chance to turn over.

"Great kindness, sir. Meng Ying will never forget it. After my mother's illness is cured, I will come back to work!" Yuan Mengying wiped away her tears and said in a solemn look.

Xue an smiles and waves, "go quickly."

Yuan Mengying turned and left.

After she left, an Yan came out of the office, gently bent down and hugged Xue an from the back.

"Honey, you are so kind."

"Well?" Xue an leaned on the boss's chair and turned to smile at an Yan, "where is it?"

"Everything is good, especially my husband has a kind heart." An Yan said with a smile.

Xue an took a deep breath of the taste of Anyan's hair, and then said faintly, "I just saw our shadow from her."

Hearing this, an Yan's eyes flashed a touch of sadness.

Xue an is right.

At that time, the situation that he and Xue an faced was not so?

There is a bottomless dark abyss ahead, but there is no way out.

That kind of despair is enough to make people collapse.

An Yan can't help rubbing Xue an's cheek with his side face.

"Husband, I'm not sad! It's all over! "

Xue an was dumbfounded. He just felt a little.

And more is to an Yan felt pity.

Because he thought of the original an Yan in the hospital alone when a child, is not so helpless.

I didn't expect that Anyan actually comforted herself.

What a silly girl.

Think of this, Xue an suddenly bad smile, a grasp of an Yan, and then deeply kiss down.

An Yan's eyes instantly stare round, staring at Xue an, it seems that he will make a surprise attack.

After a moment, an Yan's eyes gradually moist, eyes are dense with infinite soft.

Xue an's heart beat stopped for half a beat.

Because at this time of an Yan, simply beautiful can not square things.

When the temperature of the whole room is rising because of ambiguity.

Think about opening the door inside and coming out, "Dad, read and steal my ice cream."

The two people who are touching each other suddenly separate, and an Yan's face is even more red and will explode.

Xue an, however, looked as usual and said with a smile, "how did you steal it?"

Think of suspiciously looking at the red faced mother, and then looked at the smiling father, but the expression always seems some unnatural.

"Mom, why is your face so red?"

An Yan was startled and stammered: "because Ah, it's too hot in this room. Cough, isn't it, husband

Xue an solemnly nodded, "yes, the warm air in this room is too much, it is a waste."

"Is it hot?" Think about it, there are still some doubts.

Read out of the small head, very aggrieved said: "sister, your ice cream just fell into my mouth, I would like to take out, but not careful to eat."

When he said this, there was a clear cream in the corner of his mouth.

After listening to it, he was silent for a few seconds, and then he yelled: "Xue Niannian, you are dead today!"

Said like a fried cat like, directly rushed to the past.

Nianniannian turned around and ran, shouting, "sister, listen to my explanation!"

"Don't listen or not, Wang Ba recites scriptures! Return my ice cream

So think about starting to chase after, Niannian is in front of the escape.

The two girls played hide and seek around the office.

Xue an looks at this scene, the corner of his mouth appears a smile.

No matter what happened, as long as I saw these two daughters, my heart would suddenly become calm.

"Sister, what I said is true. It's the ice cream hand that moves first." I'm panting for breath.

Think about it, then hate the rush up, a grasp of the small braid Niannian tie.

"Well, I'll see where you're going now." Think of it and say it with pride.

In the big eyes of reciting, tears began to appear in her eyes. She said to Xue an wrongly, "Dad My sister bullied me againThink of one hand holding the braid of recitation, the other hand holding the waist, small face rigid, very serious said.

"Dad, it's none of your business. It's a personal grudge between our sisters. Outsiders are not allowed to interfere."

Think about it, just like Xue Niang can't help laughing.

"Say, will you still eat secretly in the future Think about it.

"No stealing!" Said Qu Baba.

"I don't believe it. You've got to write it up!" Think about it. I've got an idea.

"But I can't write!"

"It's OK, and I won't!"

"What about that?"


Soon, a piece of white paper was thought of drawing a lot of circles and squares of different sizes.

"What is this?" Asked Xue an, blinking his eyes.

"Letter of guarantee!" Xue wanted to pick up the white paper, cleared his throat and read: "Xue Niannian promised that he would never steal my sister's ice cream in the future. In case of violation, he would not eat ice cream for a month! At the same time, in order to punish her for stealing, half of the ice cream in the next month will be given to her sister. "

After reading, Xue wanted to raise his small face and said to Xue Nian, "sign it!"

Xue Nian's small face was full of confusion.

After a long time to gradually understand, full of grievances.

"Sister, I promise I won't eat it secretly in the future. Can't we split it up?"

"No way!"

"How about half of it?"


"Boo hoo, my sister bullied me!"

"You steal my ice cream, I haven't cried, you weeping devil!"

"The elder sister is the crying ghost!"

"Do you want to be teased by me again?"


Finally, the agreement was signed in the atmosphere of friendly negotiation between the two sides.

Nianniannian put his small hand print on the white paper with a bitter face.

Think about it and put it away.

Xue an and an Yan looked at each other, and then they all laughed.

Although she is a twin sister, she has a very different personality.

Think about the character more and more like Xue an, domineering and strong.

Read with an Yan, gentle and lovely.

But it's also good. There must be a strong one between sisters, otherwise it will be easy to be bullied. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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