The strong man was covered with all kinds of wounds, some of which were bone deep, and others were beginning to fester.

Even so, the strong man's eyes are surprisingly calm, calm to the degree of panic.

Mrs. white bone, who had been practicing for thousands of years, thought that there would be no more fluctuation in her heart. At the moment, she could not help but tremble.

If we say who has suffered the most in the whole demon clan coalition, the elephant demon clan is definitely in the front.

The body of the elephant demon clan is very strong, and only they can barely resist the impact of the demon.

So in every war, these tall elephant demons are at the front of the line.

Build a solid barrier with their flesh and blood.

After such a series of battles, this strong ethnic group has been killed and injured, and even those who survived have been exhausted to the extreme.

In the face of such a population that is about to be exterminated, even Mrs. white bone, whose heart is as cold as iron, is embarrassed to give orders again.

I didn't expect that the elephant demon asked to leave the station.

"Xiangwang, you..." Mrs. white bone said hesitantly.

Xiangwang gently shook his head and looked at the approaching army of demons in the distance and said in a plain tone.

"Madam, my son, nephew and even the children of the whole elephant demon clan have basically died in the war. I watched them die one by one in front of me! Now, it's my turn! "

The elephant king paused. "Madam, if you can, I hope you can bring back our bodies. I don't want to make my bones the spoils of those demons!"

Mrs. white bone suddenly didn't know what to say, so she nodded.

The elephant king laughed, then turned and walked to the front of the battle.

Behind him, dozens of black elephant demons walked slowly.

It's raining harder and harder.

The elephant king suddenly began to sing softly.

With his chanting, these elephant demons made a deafening sound.

Mrs. white bone knows that this is the war song of the elephant demon.

Once you sing, you never die.

Mrs. white bone trembled a little, took a deep breath, and was about to give orders.

See from that city gate, snake demon and tiger demon, wolf demon and so on all came out.

These demon clans are all covered with scars, but also full of calm.

"Madame, snake demon clan, willing to fight!"

"Tiger demon clan, willing to fight!"

"Wolf demon clan, willing to fight!"


The white bone lady's orbit suddenly has some fever, the hot liquid flows down from the dry orbit.


Don't I cry anymore?

What is this liquid?

Is it because of these stupid guys?

He knew he was going to die, but he never moved on.

That's stupid.

But No matter how stupid they are, they should not die in the hands of demons!

The wind and rain from the middle of the team, and then fly to the increasingly dark sky.

Mrs. white bone took a deep breath, slowly raised the bone sword in her hand and pointed to the front.

"All at your command, follow me!"

The army of demons came like a torrent.

The elephant demons roared and showed themselves.

The colossus with a height of several tens of meters are like giant pillars standing in the sky and blocking the torrent.

But a moment later, there were a few elephant demons wailing, and then slowly fell down, can no longer stand up.

The elephant king's body is the tallest, and the most demons die at his feet.

Seeing that his own people began to fall down one by one, the elephant king could not help but feel sad and angry and tried to rush to rescue him.

These demons besieged him so that he could not save them.

At the same time, there are many demons attacking him, leaving new scars on his already scarred body.

The elephant king's movements gradually slowed down.

These days of continuous battles have drained his last glimmer of potential.

Now he is at the end of his tether, supported by anger.

"The elephant king can't hold on. His ivory is a good thing." Some demons saw the clue and cried out excitedly.

For a moment, the attack was fierce by three points.

The elephant king left branch and right clumsy, in front of his eyes bursts of black.

He knew that he really couldn't do it.

At this time, a demon secretly turned to the side of the elephant king, jumped up and launched a sneak attack.

If this blow is hit, the elephant king will definitely fall.

And as soon as he falls, he never wants to get up again.

At this time, a white light flashed over and directly cut the demon into two sections.

"Madame..." The elephant king looked at it stupidly.Mrs. white bone smiles at him, Shua Shua, and kills all the demons in front of her.

A blind tiger demon laughed: "big silly elephant, usually let you in front of the impact, this time for us to come!"

"Tiger demon king..." Xiangwang whispered to himself, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Big cat, you're not dead yet?"

"If you can't, you have to kill more demons!" Tiger demon a claw beat a demon's head, light said.

This is happening everywhere on the front line.

Originally ferocious demon attack, unexpectedly can't help these black and blue demon clan allied army.

The scene fell into a stalemate.

But over time.

The balance of victory is gradually tilting towards the demon side.

Although the demon alliance has the heart to fight, the spirit is not enough to make up for such a big gap.

The number of casualties is increasing rapidly, but no one has stepped back.

At this time, the tiger demon king was exhausted, and a demon sneaked up behind him to attack him.

But its plan has not been successful, it was rushed to the elephant demon to crush.

The tiger demon king grinned, "thank you very much."

Voice just fell, a few demon thorn from the tiger demon's front heart stab out.

The tiger demon king looked down, and his eyes began to loose gradually.

"Big cat!" The elephant king yelled and was about to rush over.

But the tiger demon king laughed, "elephant king, I'm gone!"

With that, his whole body began to expand rapidly, and then exploded.

The demon who attacked successfully behind him was complacent, but unexpectedly, the tiger demon king chose to explode at the last moment.

Then the demon was blown to pieces.

It seems to be a beginning.

One after another gorgeous fireworks began to bloom above the front line.

It's all demon clans who choose to blow themselves up.

These demons can't help but feel a little chilly at the moment.

Because these demons are so terrible.

That look of indifference, that look at death as if to return, all these demons are difficult to understand!

What are these demon clans going to do?

Are they not afraid to die?

You know, these demons are actually demon clans, but they come here from other worlds, and they are invaders.

They are all demons.

Therefore, it is impossible to understand what these demon clans are for. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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