By the time we got to the high platform, the whirlpool had become huge and was slowly turning.

In the center of the vortex, a black light column appears.

The black column of light gradually spread out, and soon became a black column straight into the sky.

The one with good eyesight exclaimed, "look

The demons looked up and saw that the black pillar began to shake slightly.

And from that distant high altitude, it seems that a group of chariots are coming.

The chariot was so fast that it almost reached the sky from the highest point in the blink of an eye.

This is an extremely luxurious team.

In front of them, there are cavalry riding exotic animals to open the road, and behind them are the soldiers with neat steps and powerful momentum.

In the middle of the convoy was a huge chariot several miles in size.

The chariot was golden and full of noble spirit, but the chariot was pulled by four black magic dragons.

On the chariot sat a young man with a face like a knife and an axe.

His face was cold and stern, but his eyes were full of majesty.

A lot of demons just look at it, they can't control the crawling on the ground.

Zhang Bing made the night rain and wind walk a few steps, kneeling on one knee.

As soon as he knelt down, many demon dragon soldiers and all the demons all knelt down together.

Xue an and Xiao Sha and others all squat on the ground and watch.

"Boss, do you want to do it now?" I want to try.

Xue an shook his head, "don't worry, wait for these demons to present Jiang mei'er!"

Xue an is very clear.

That's why these demons want to capture Jiang mei'er and Wei Ruyan and others. They must be dedicated to this big and young.

In that case, they are safe, at least for now.

That's why he wasn't in a hurry.

Now that you see the big and the little, you don't have to worry.

Just wait for the demons to present the people.

Then the chariot landed.

The night rain wind bowed his head and said in a respectful voice: "the magic dragon's palm makes the night rain wind see Yu Shao!"

This Yu Shao is the legitimate son of Yu Haoyan, one of the thirteen masters of magic dragon, Yu Qianlong!

Looking at the tall chariot of a demon sitting on the chariot.

After a long time, he said faintly: "get up!"

The rain and the wind stood up.

"It's hard for Yu Shao to come here. I've prepared a dinner party for him."

Yu Qianlong nodded slightly, "this time, the night palm soldiers found this place suitable for the survival of the demon clan, and made great contributions! My father is very happy

"Xie yushao!" The night rain and wind were overjoyed.

A faint smile appeared in the corner of Yu Qianlong's mouth.

In fact, he was very satisfied with the secret place.

Especially on his arrival, his father told him.

This secret place happens to be in the world, which is very important to the magic dragon family. We must firmly control it in the palm of our hand.

"Lead the way ahead!" Yu Qianlong said.

"Yes Lead the night rain.

All the chariots were walking behind.

This kind of front and back support makes the momentum seem very powerful.

Small sand disdain of the skim mouth, "what big tail wolf installed ah!"

Xue an smiles, but doesn't speak.

In his opinion, the so-called "royal power" is just as funny as this one.

Don't mention xianzun, that is, any fairy king or Daluo will be more powerful than this.

Have you ever seen a cart pulled by Jinwu as big as the sun?

Have you ever seen a shepherd driving away stars?

So he looked at the scene and just wanted to laugh.

When he got to the place, the imperial Qianlong stepped out of the chariot with the help of several personal guards.

Then I went into the banquet hall.

Dinner is already ready.

Yuqianlong sits on the throne.

Night rain and wind accompany each other.

Xue an and Xiao Sha were arranged in the far corner.

Coincidentally, the Yang Qing Cang is on the table next to it.

When he saw little sand coming, he was all stiff.

Xiaosha did not pay any attention to him, but sat on the chair, observing everything in the distance.

After three rounds of wine.

The night rain and the wind blow against the dragon.

"Yu Shao, I know that you are very hard here, so I have a small gift to offer!"

Yuqianlong didn't speak, just nodded.

The night rain and the wind blows away at the distance of he Quan Dian Zi.

He Quandian quickly lifted up the curtain.

Then I saw Jiang Mei Er, Wei Ruyan and others walking in slowly.

They all wear exquisite clothes, which make them more and more beautiful.Yuqianlong didn't care.


He saw too much.

But when you look at it carefully, you can't help being stunned.

At this time, the night rain wind quickly said with a smile: "Yu Shao, these women can all have aura, very rare! It's good for you, especially for the old lady

Yu Qianlong's mouth rose, showing a satisfied smile.

"Very good!"

After hearing praise, the smile of night rain wind is more brilliant.

Yu Qianlong waved and said faintly, "come here!"

Jiang Meier and Wei Ruyan and others looked at each other, and they all saw the will to die in each other's eyes.

As Jiang Meier said, even if he is dead, he has to pull a few cushions.

And it seems that this young man should be what these demons said.

Wouldn't it be better to kill him?

With this idea, Jiang Meier walked in the front, and her hands in the sleeve began to sweat because of tension.

But Yu Qianlong seems not interested in her, and his eyes float to the back of the team.

"You Come here

Xie Jingjing, who has been lowering her head all the time at the back of the team, is stunned. She slowly raises her head and looks at the front with a blank face.


Yuqianlong nods.

He just took a fancy to Xie Jingjing's pure Yin constitution.

Such a pure Yin body is very rare.

It is also very helpful to his cultivation.

What's more, Xie Jingjing's face is so astringent that Yu Qianlong is very excited.

Xie Jingjing began to tremble all over her body, "no, I won't go!"

Yu Qianlong's smile is getting colder.

Wei Ruyan said in a hurry: "adult, she is still a child, I come to serve you!"

"Are you here to serve? With the blade hidden in your sleeve Yu Qianlong said coldly.

Wei Ruyan's face suddenly turned white.

"Drag this woman down and give it to you!" Yu Qianlong said.

Those demon soldiers behind him were overjoyed at the speech and came forward with a grim smile.

Xie Jingjing grabs Wei Ruyan's hand and cries out in despair, "don't Don't move my sister Ruyan! "

The demons all laughed at the scene.

It's a pleasure for them to see the pain and despair of others.

But at this time, the heads of those demon soldiers who had come close to us all flew together.

The blood was splashed everywhere.

Head rolling!

The headless body struggled for a few times, then fell to the ground and died.

This scene startled all the demons present.

Then I heard a voice full of anger and killing.

"Good, today You are all going to die

Hearing this sound, Xie Jingjing, who was about to collapse, was shocked and looked back in disbelief.

I saw a man with a cold look and a burning flame in his eyes.

Seeing this haunted figure, Xie Jingjing almost groaned.

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