Xiaosha resisted his nausea and began to swallow the blood power of the imperial Qianlong.

Wei Ruyan, Jiang mei'er and the princess of the fox demon family all came over.

"Thank you for saving your life, sir." The women spoke in unison.

Xue an smiles. "You're welcome."

Then he turned his head and looked at Xie Jingjing who was standing at the back.

"How did you get caught here?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xie Jingjing's eyes turned red.

Wei Ruyan sighed and told the story about it.

Finally, he said indignantly, "the devil in the human skin is the most hateful!"

Xue an nodded and looked around the banquet hall.

Because of the magic dragon Zhentian, the demons in the banquet hall were almost shaken to powder, and it was impossible to tell which one was Hequan dianzi.

Xue an slightly frowned, the huge mind instantly unfolded, covering the whole world.


It's in the southwest.

He Quan Dian Zi is running with panic on his face.

He saw everything that had just happened in the banquet hall.

He was shocked by Xue an's strength.

And he was very predictable to guess the failure of yuqianlong, so he slipped out early.

He knew that if he was caught, he would definitely die.

After running so fast for a while, he is now dozens of miles away from the base camp.

Maybe it's all right.

He Quan Dian Zi was relieved and slowed down for a little rest.

At this time, he suddenly found that there was a man in a hurry behind him.

He quandianzi was shocked.

Did Xue an send someone here?

I can't help but prepare for the enemy.

But when the man got close, he Quan Dian Zi had a breath.

"Mr. crane! Yes? Have you come out too? "

Mr. crane came out of the darkness and nodded slightly, "it's the golden eye!"

Hequan Dianzi, with a smile, suddenly whispered, "eh, how can Mr. crane exist as a spirit?"

Mr. crane laughed bitterly, "I can't help it. I just came out a step late and was destroyed by a magic dragon Zhentian of yuqianlong!"

"Oh He quandianzi suddenly realized, "so it is! So Yu Shao won? "

Mr. crane shook his head and said solemnly, "on the contrary, I have lost! Even I think he's dead now. "

"Is it so serious?" He quandianzi was stunned.

"Well, that man's strength is beyond your imagination and mine's imagination." He sighed.

"Whether he died or not, we ran out! Mr. crane, I know how to get out of this secret place, and the place I went to is very prosperous, and there is no master yet! We can go there He Quandian said.

Mr. crane's eyes lit up, "so good! But Lord Jinjing, I am in a state of spirit and soul. It will be very hard for me to get on the way. Can you carry me on your back? "

He Quan Dian Zi nodded carelessly, "no problem!"

Then he turned around and bent down, "Mr. crane, please come."

Mr. crane's mouth appeared a smile.

As he said.

At the moment when xue'an started his mind, he realized that there was no doubt that Yu Qianlong would be defeated.

So he has been secretly moving out of the place, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

But I didn't expect that before he ran out, he was crushed by the magic dragon Zhentian.

Fortunately, a spirit escaped.

However, the spirit can not exist in this piece of heaven and earth for a long time. It must be attached to a physical body.

And this one is good.

The golden eyed monkey turns into a shape. His cultivation is good, and his blood is OK.

Mr. crane thought about it, and gently lay down on the back of Hequan Dian Zi.

"Lord golden eyes, all right!"

"Well, let's go."

Then he stood up.

At this moment, the spirit of Mr. He turned into a sharp needle and suddenly stabbed at the back of he Quandian's brain.

He Quandian tore his hands suddenly.

He grabbed Mr. crane's legs and tore them in two.

Spirits don't bleed.

If it's torn in two, it's a sign that you've lost your soul.

But this Mr. crane tempered his spirit very hard, so he didn't die for a while.

"Mr. crane, what? Do you want to take away my body? " He Quan Dian Zi said lightly.

"When did you notice that?" Mr. crane exclaimed in horror

"Nonsense, do you really think I don't know anything? You can't find a pure excuse! ha-ha! Just when I devour your mind, I will be more free in that worldWith that, he Quan Dian Zi swallowed half of Mr. crane's spirit.

"You devil Cried Mr. crane.

"Ha ha, each other!" He Quan Dian Zi said with a sneer.

But at this time, he quandianzi and the remnant soul of Mr. crane suddenly looked into the sky.

There is a thin light curtain above the sky, and there is a huge eye above the light curtain, which is coldly overlooking two demons who kill each other.

"No!" He quandianzi exclaimed and wanted to run away.

Because he knew that it was definitely Xue an who had come after him.

But he didn't even step out, so he was bound by the remnant soul of Mr. crane.

"You..." He quandianzi was frightened and angry and wanted to break free.

"Ha ha ha ha, this adult has come! Anyway, I can't live, you can go with me to die! " Mr. crane yelled ferociously.

At this time, the curtain of light quickly condensed into a huge hammer, and crashed down.


He quandianzi screamed and was directly smashed into meat foam.

Together with the spirit of Mr. crane also smashed to nothing.

So far.

The two demons who framed each other were destroyed.

Xue an takes back the mind, Chong Wei Ruyan nods slightly, "OK, that he Quan Dian Zi has already died!"

Then he looked at Xie Jingjing, who looked down as if he had done something wrong. He shook his head helplessly, "don't be sad, the demons have been killed by me!"

Before the words fall, Xie Jingjing suddenly lies on Xue an's shoulder and wails.

"Brother Xue an, I'm so scared! I just thought I'd never see mom and dad and you! "

Xue an slightly stunned, then gently rubbed her head, "OK, don't cry! It's all over. "

The girl, who was only a sophomore in senior high school, was on the verge of collapse after experiencing these events.

After seeing Xue an, she would like to cry out all the grievances she has accumulated these days.

Tears soon wet Xue an's shoulder.

Wei Ruyan and Jiang Meier and others can't help chuckling.

The fox demon princess looked at this scene curiously.

Xue an had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"All right, I'll take you home when you're done with it!"

Xie Jingjing choked and said, "brother Xue an, I I borrow A little bit of your shoulder, and you'll be all right in a minute? "

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry.

But it was just then.

Just after swallowing the blood of yuqianlong, a ripple suddenly appeared in the space, and then a black dragon claw was stretched out and a roar came from it.

"Who dares to kill my son?"

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