"What is the purpose of your coming? Stop me

Xue an's voice was calm, but it was like thunder in bear's ears, which made him shake his head quickly.

"I don't dare to hear that. You just don't dare to wait for me."

This almost flattering words, let Xie Jingjing's eyes gradually widened, look at Xue an's eyes also gradually complicated.

My brother Ann When did it get so bad?

Even such a big brother, must be extremely respectful to accompany carefully.

As for Wu Zefeng, his face was pale and his whole body was shaking.

Because he finally understood that he had provoked a person who should never be provoked.

I just thought they were weak. Now I want to come. It's really ironic.

And when Xue an's eyes look at him, Wu Zefeng plops and kneels on the ground, kowtowing like garlic.

"Mr. Xue, please spare my life. It's my blindness and my obsession. I shouldn't have done anything to your friends. You have a lot of money. Please spare me this time."

Xie Jingjing looked at Wu Zefeng, who was kneeling on the ground in a complicated way. Once upon a time, this man was at the top of the school, but at the moment, he knelt down on the ground begging for mercy.

Bear secretly looked at Xue an, and saw that he was indifferent, and his heart was a little tight.

He was afraid of Xue an's sudden outburst and included himself.

However, Xue an was obviously too lazy to pay attention to him, just slowly walked up to Wu Zefeng and looked at him from a commanding position.

Wu Zefeng was shivering all over his body. His hip was hot, and a smell of urine came out.

I was scared to pee.

"In fact I don't want to kill you! "

Wu Zefeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was full of resentment. When I escaped this time, I will find a chance to kill you and Xie Jingjing!

Of course, there was a look of horror on his face.

But the next second, all his plans were in vain.

"But if apologies work, there won't be a damned person in the world!"

Xue an said, suddenly stepped on Wu Zefeng's head, light said: "remember next life, don't be so arrogant!"

After that, Xue an made a strong effort.


Wu Zefeng's head was crushed by a foot.

The brain burst and blood flowed.

It's disgusting.

Everyone looked at it in silence.

The bear has seen life and death. But when he saw this scene, he felt his hair stand up and his scalp tightened.

Xue an's danger level is several times higher in the bear's heart.

Big bear secretly decided that if there was this God of killing in the future, he would go as far as he could, and he had better never see him again in his life.

It's over.

Xue an looked calm and pulled Xie Jingjing with a dull face and said to the bear, "I'm leaving! I'll leave the rest to you! "

The bear nodded quickly, "Mr. Xue, don't worry. I'll take care of everything."

Xue an is gone.

At this time, the bear breathed a sigh of relief, and then found himself soaked in cold sweat.

"Brother Bear, what about this corpse?" Someone asked in a whisper.

The bear glared at him fiercely, "what should I do? It's natural to find a bag and send it back to the Wu family! "

"But if the people of the Wu family ask..."

Bear sneered: "then tell the Wu family that the people who killed Wu Zefeng were the big people who couldn't afford to get rid of. If they want to get revenge, they should take revenge! Just don't get me involved


At this time, the bear spat at Wu Zefeng's corpse on the ground. "If you don't see the object clearly, you deserve to die!"

Out of the blue fire KTV, the chilly wind let Xie Jingjing sober up a lot.

She looked at xue'an with some fear, and she didn't know what it was like.

She hates Wu Zefeng!

I didn't expect Xue an to dare to kill people in public!

That is a life after all!

"Are you afraid?" Xue an asks suddenly.

Xie Jingjing was silent.

Xue an a smile, "just that box hidden a dozen cameras, if I don't come tonight, the consequences can be imagined."

Xie Jingjing in the heart a tight, think of once saw on the network, those video that is recorded stealthily.

If that's the case, my life will be ruined.

Xue an looked up at the sky. "Let's go. I'll take you home."

Xie Jingjing was silent all the way. When she got to the door of the house, Xie Jingjing suddenly hugged Xue an from behind.

"Brother Ann I'm sorryXue an's expression was hidden in the cold night, and after a moment, he gave a slight smile.

"Well, it's all over! Go back to sleep and be a good student tomorrow

Xie Jingjing at the moment nervous heart will jump out, Xue an body that light fragrance, let her heart gradually hot.

"Brother Ann In fact, I have grown up! " Xie Jingjing has a low voice.

Xue an was silent for a moment, then kneaded Xie Jingjing's hair with his hand and chuckled: "no matter how old you are, in my eyes, you are still that child!"

Lao Xie and his fat aunt have been sitting in the room looking forward to it.

When Xue an came back with Xie Jingjing, old Xie was the first to jump up and embrace his daughter. Tears fell down.

This man, no matter how disguised at ordinary times, can from the bone, he is the most loving Xie Jingjing.

Xie Jingjing is a little lonely in her heart.

She knew what Xue an said.

But today's variety, Xie Jingjing all in mind.

That startling sound, and Xue an's sentence, send you home!

Xie Jingjing will never forget them.

Anyway, I don't care. Is it a crime to like someone?

Xie Jingjing's stubborn temper has come up again.

Fat aunt took Xue an's hand and said with tears: "Xiao an, you let me and your uncle Xie thank you so much!"

Xue an smile, "fat aunt, uncle Xie, Jingjing is like my sister, all these things are what I should do! What kind of thank you

"Yes, yes, yes!" Fat aunt wiped her tears, "by the way, you didn't eat any food! Lao Xie, don't cry so much and go to stir fry

Old Xie wiped his tears, "OK!"

Xue an originally wanted to refuse, but it's not good to say anything after seeing the happy appearance of Lao Xie and fat aunt.

The food was ready very quickly, very rich.

Lao Xie took out his last bottle of wine and filled Xue an with wine.

Xue an knew that this was the most simple way to appreciate the two old people, so he drank it with a smile.

Xie Jingjing is watching.

Xue an at the moment, gentle.

And just now he, like hell killing God.

Which one is the real one?

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