Fox night but smile, "I didn't ask for trouble! I'm just telling you, my car is not a bad car! "

Said, fox night also very cherished pat Xiali's front machine cover.

"I bought it for 500 yuan, which is the price of 60 bowls of beef noodles! Who dares to say it's rubbish? "

The rich second generation looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Oh, my God, is this man mentally ill?"

"Girl, take your brother's car. This guy must be sick!"

"That's right, man. It's the latest McLaren. A screw is worth more than this broken car!"

In these taunts, Shi Xueqing looks at Fox night with some worry, for fear that his grandfather will be angry and kill all these guys.

Can fox night but the whole process of smiling, and then light way: "since you say that I am this is a rotten car, that have interest to compare a?"

"Than? How to compare? Who's slow? " There was a burst of laughter from the rich second generation.

Fox night shook his head, "it's natural to see who runs fast! See who goes to the next service area first. If I lose, I'll let her go with you! "

Fox night refers to the snow green.

This group of rich second generation are all bright in front of their eyes.

When Xueqing was white, "Zu..."

When fox night rushes, Xueqing squeezed her eyes and motioned her not to speak.

When Xueqing had no choice but to close his mouth, some angry thought in his heart.

Is this grandmaster specially coming to pit me?

"Is that serious?" Asked a man.

"Nature takes it seriously!"

"Good! Girl, wait for my brothers to take you to chic and unrestrained These rich second generation laugh arrogantly.

Fox night but light said: "that if you lose it?"

"Joke, how could we lose? I tell you, even if we let you run for a minute, you can't see the rear lights! "

Fox night smile, "you tell me, lose how to do?"

The men looked at each other, then pointed to their own car, "see, if we lose, this car will be free for you!"

"It's a deal!" Fox night immediately nodded, a look of fear that they would repent.

The bet is over.

The second generation of the rich drives his own car.

Shi Xueqing hastened to come over, "grandmaster, you are crazy! Those cars are all sports cars. We can't catch up with Xiali after flying! Do you want to send me out? "

Fox night hey hey a smile, "my disciple is so lovely! How can I give it away? Other people can't catch up, that's because they don't have the ability, and who am I? I am the master of fox night! Get in the car, I'll drive this time

When Xueqing had no choice but to get on the car.

When fox night turned around, he wrote a seal character on the front cover of Xiali.

The hundred Li God line rune.

It's a kind of seal script used for travelling.

But fox night this is self-made, can be blessed in the chariot.

At this time, those rich second generation drive luxury cars slowly and leisurely to come over.

"Boy, don't say we bully you. You are allowed to run for ten seconds first. How about we chase after you?"

"Good!" Fox night said with a smile.

Then start the vehicle, according to the driving skills just learned from Shi Xueqing, skillfully shift into gear, release clutch and step on the accelerator.


The chariot surged forward and stalled.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

Those rich second generation look at, one of them can't help but say: "man, are you funny?"

"You guessed it right!" Fox night hey hey a smile, no sense of blushing shame, take a taxi again, Yang Yang chin to these people.

"I'll go first!"


This time Xiali car successfully jumped out.

But after all, it's an old car that can't be any more old. Even if the accelerator is pressed to the bottom, it still moves forward slowly like an old cow.

These rich second generation laugh.

"At this speed, I close my eyes and sleep, and I can't lose again!"

But at this time, a smile appeared in the corner of fox night's mouth, and the light in his eyes flashed, and the hundred Li Shenxing Rune started.

See this small Xiali roared, the speed suddenly increased more than ten times, like an arrow from the string, it rushed out.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the public view.

"Wo Cao, am I right? Is that Charley? They've caught up with the Rockets

"Run after it!"

These guys wake up from a dream and rush to step on the gas pedal to chase after them.

But the speed of Xiali under the blessing of Shenxing rune is getting faster and faster. Where can they catch up.

This group of rich second generation can only look at the distance getting farther and farther.Fox night laughed, "a bunch of fools, fight with me? I have a conscience. If that guy, you'll lose your pants! "

Shi Xueqing is scared to death and drags the armrest, his face is scared white.

"Grandmaster, look ahead! There's a car

"Don't worry, your grandmaster, I used to drive a star boat. It's not a problem."

Said then relaxed freehand in the traffic shuttle.

Today's highway is very busy.

Because a Charley is running at an incredible speed.

However, a dozen sports cars followed closely, but they couldn't catch up with them.

People who saw this scene thought they were dazzled.

Soon, the next service area will arrive.

Fox night light way: "sit firm! It's time to show the real skill

When Xueqing was scared, she immediately closed her eyes.

Fox night did not slow down straight to the service area and go, behind these sports cars are all shocked.

"Is this guy playing for his life?"

And fox night taught these guys a lesson.

Fox night suddenly hit the direction, at the same time pull the handbrake, left foot quickly raised, the vehicle is in a state of out of control.

Then fox night to their own cultivation to control the car Xiali, began to drift crazy tail.

When Xueqing was scared to scream, "grandmaster, how can you do this?"

"What's wrong with your grandfather?" Fox night said with a smile.

These rich second generation stopped their cars and got out of the cars one after another, staring at this scene.

The pungent smoke from the friction of inferior tires quickly enveloped the service area.

But at this time, the small Xiali drifted for several circles at an astonishing speed, and then suddenly let out a groan of unbearable burden.

Shi Xueqing felt the whole car tremble violently and screamed.

"Grandmaster, stop."

Fox night also aware that play off, hastily heavy step on the brake.

There's a crash!

After a whiff of acid metal rubbing.

When snow green feel the wind is so noisy.

Looking up, the original roof has disappeared.

Not only the roof, including the engine and the rear wheels, all flew out because of the strong inertia.

Only the chair I was sitting on and The steering wheel in fox night's hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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