A few dishes and a pot of old wine.

Xue an and fox night sat opposite each other, suddenly there was some silence.

"In fact, after your fall, I searched all over the sky to find your soul, but I found nothing. At that time, I thought you were really dead." Fox night suddenly said.

"Am I disappointed to see that I am not dead now?" Xue an smiles.

Fox night shook his head, "very happy! After all, if you don't have it, the world will be a little lonely! "

Xue an suddenly felt his hair stand up and subconsciously moved back. "I can tell you, I'm not interested in men, including male foxes."

"Go away! I'm less interested in you! I only like beautiful little sister

Xue an laughed, and then there was a brief silence.

"Here, have a drink! To meet again after a long separation Xue an raised his glass and said.

"Good! And to you who are born again

The two drank the wine in one gulp.

Although for their cultivation, secular wine has no effect at all.

But when the wine is drunk, it still makes people feel happy.

At this time, an Yan came with a few dishes of fried vegetables.

Fox night hurriedly got up and brought it over.

"Originally said to let the chef come over to cook, but your brother had to eat at home, I can only stir fry a few dishes, you make do with it!" An Yan said with a smile.

"My sister-in-law is too modest. It's a great honor for me to let you cook in person."

"Then you talk slowly. I'll go to the inner room first. Please call me if you need any more!" An Yan said, then very know the opportunity to leave.

A smart woman will never get involved in her husband's wine business, it will only increase boredom.

Fox night looking at an Yan left the back, "this is the girl you have been thinking about?"

Xue an nods.

"Beautiful! No wonder you've been a rock for three thousand years. You don't even like my sister. "

"How many times have you said that..."

Fox night gently shook his head and interrupted Xue an's words, "don't explain. I know it's not your fault, and I also have a woman with all my eyes. "

Xue an just ate a mouthful of food, smell speech almost did not spray out.

"Cough, what do you say?"

"I said, I also have a woman with all my eyes!"


Fox night:.... "

"Well, no more jokes! Congratulations Xue an raised his glass with a smile.

The two drank again.

Later, fox night sighed: "after living for 100000 years, I have seen too much love and love. I thought I had already discovered it! But I didn't expect to travel to that side of the world, when I saw her, I felt like the whole person was hit

Xue an listened with a smile and then asked, "which fox princess is it?"

Fox night shook his head.

"Is that the daughter of the emperor?"

Fox night sighed, "is a common mortal!"

Xue an froze.

"Isn't it amazing? In fact, I also think! But when I saw her for the first time, when she looked at me with eyes as wet as a deer, I knew that I had fallen

Xue an shook his head and chuckled.

"I know you want to laugh at me. Whatever you want, come on!" Fox night a pair of bold expression.

"You're wrong. I don't mean to laugh at you! Because I understand this feeling! When I saw an Yan for the first time, I was struck by lightning. I had only one idea in my heart. Even if I was a robber, I would have to take her to be the wife of the stronghold! "

Fox night burst out laughing, "this word should come to light!"

They drank a third glass of wine.

"When you bring it, let me see what my sister-in-law looks like!"

Fox night wry smile for a while, "she is an ordinary mortal, even now she does not know my identity, how to bring it out?"

"Oh? Are you going to keep it from me? " Asked Xue an.

Fox night sighed, "I tried to ask, but she is a very independent, and even some two girls, she said not to seek long life, just this life."

Xue an's mouth opened slightly. "Did you make a minor? Otherwise, how could you be so secondary two? "

Fox night ignored Xue an's words, continued to sigh: "you do not understand her, even I do not understand! Maybe it's because of this that she attracts me like a magnet! "

"All right! Don't say it. Let's drink to those fox girls who have escaped from the claws of the fox! " Xue an said with a smile.

Fox night glared at Xue an and raised his cup.

When he was drinking, Xue an said softly, "brother, bless you! You have found it at last

Fox night nods and drinks.After a few drinks, the atmosphere became active.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "you forcibly compress your strength, even if you cheat with Yuan Shen Fen Shen, the law of heaven will come down here. What do you want to do?"

Fox night slightly sighed, "in fact, I don't want to come, but there will be great changes in the world, I have to come!"

"Oh? Will there be great changes in the world? "

Fox night nodded, "although you in a short time of 3000 years from a mediocre to a peerless immortal, invincible in the world! But after all, the accumulation is so shallow that you don't know many secrets in the sky. "

Xue an nodded slightly, knowing what fox night said was true.

The vast expanse of the heavens makes it impossible for the immortal to know all the secrets.

That's why Xue an would spare no effort to go out of that step and become a saint.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end, which was the fall and rebirth.

Fox night went on to say: "although the strength of the fox world in Qingqiu is not the strongest among the sky, it is absolutely among the best with a long history. Therefore, many secrets unknown to the world are also recorded in the fox world of Qingqiu"

"in this world! Although the cultivation of this world is shallow, the aura is poor! It's called the four sides Jedi, but it's rumored that this human world is actually the foundation of all worlds! "

"Oh?" Xue an was slightly surprised.

"I didn't believe it in the beginning! But I know later that all this is true! "

"If the heavens are branches and leaves, then the world is the root of a tree!"

"And, as far as I know, there are still a few places like this in the human world among the heavens! But this is obviously the most important one! "

"Every big change also means that there will be a violent shock in the universe! This is also called robbery! And this time, this is the robbery coming! "

Xue an said faintly: "heaven and earth are absolutely connected. Will the gods come?"

Fox night slightly a shock, "yes, that's what it means!"

"No wonder recently, the aura here has begun to recover, and the gods and demons in the sky want to touch this world one after another."

"Do you know what these guys want?"


Fox night dipped in wine on the table to write two big characters.

"Luck?" Xue an was stunned and read it out.

Fox night nodded, "yes, it's luck!"

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