
The island of Shura.

Compared with other hermit immortals, this island is prosperous.

Now, in an underground palace in the center of the island.

The master of Shura Island slaying is respectfully kneeling in front of a ferocious and ferocious God, and says with an excited voice.

"King, everything you want is ready!"

From the statue came an ethereal but majestic voice, "very good! Send it up! "

After killing exterminates Chong's subordinates a wink, these people hastily carry a stretcher to come up.

When the stretcher was covered with white cloth, it was a bloody corpse.

Killing and killing respectfully said: "king, this is according to your request to capture the strong martial arts, and bind it up, abuse to death, so that it is full of endless resentment!"

The statue snorted, "it's still too weak!"

In a hurry, white face kill! This is a martial arts master who has lost dozens of hands

"Well, in this barren world, I don't expect you to find anything good! Just him

With that, a black fog appeared on the statue.

The black fog gave off a thick and ominous smell, which made people creepy.

Then the black fog floated onto the stretcher and separated out numerous tentacles, covering the whole body.

A moment later, the black fog melted into the body like water, and then the corpse began to tremble.


The corpse slowly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of blood red eyes full of endless killing and tyrannical gas.

Kill and many of the gate of Shura Island, people quickly kneel down to the ground.

"Welcome the king of Shura

The king of Shura grinned grimly and grabbed the nearest doorman. Without waiting for him to scream, he crushed his head and began to devour the brain.

This bloody and terrifying scene made many disciples of Shura shiver.

Only kill the face intoxicated looking at this scene, incomparably flattering praise way: "respect the king is really divine power!"

The king of Shura devoured his brain, some greedily licked his lips, "I haven't tasted this taste for a long time! I really miss it

At the same time, the muscles of the king of Shura began to wriggle wildly. The scars left after being tortured and killed instantly disappeared, and the face changed into a very evil face.

"My God's name is Feitian! Do you remember that? "

"Yes! You are a great man Kill quickly said.

"Send people to inquire around. If there is any abnormality in this world, report it to me immediately!" The king of Shura said lightly.


At the same time, not only in Shura Island, but also in the hidden immortal gates such as the Golden Lion tower and the white dragon gate, some of the pioneers came into the world, or some gods worshipped by them came.

More strange people began to appear in the famous mountains and rivers or in the downtown.

The whole world, gradually become lively.

And in Lingnan Yu's family.

Everything is still so peaceful.

The formal engagement ceremony is about to begin.

But fox night is still lying on the sofa in the living room, snoring will almost lift up the roof.

Anyan said helplessly: "how much wine did you let him drink yesterday? How did you get drunk like this

"It's his own drink! I didn't make him drink Xue an said with a smile.

"What now? Let him sleep here by himself An Yan asked.

She shook her head. "I told him to get up!"

"It's no use. Xiao Sha almost beat him just now, and still can't call him up!"

"That's no use for you."

Said Xue an to come forward, "Oh, what a beautiful female monster!"

Originally snoring loud fox night instantly opened his eyes, jumped from the sofa, "where? Where

Xue an light way: "excuse me, just flew away!"

Fox night's forehead shows a few black lines, gnash teeth way: "Xue an, you play me again?"

Xue an nodded. "You guessed right!"

Fox night:.... "

"Come on, you two don't quarrel with children! It's time to go to a ceremony later An Yan said with tears and smiles.

Just that scene, in an Yan's eyes, can be really like two teenagers in a fight!

The heart can not help but sigh, no wonder there is a saying, men to death are teenagers!

Fox night is very unconvinced Xue an, but to an Yan is extremely respectful, smell speech nod head way: "good sister-in-law!"

At this time, think and read to change clothes also went downstairs."Mom, when are you going to dinner?" Niannian asked with blinking eyes.

"Just a moment, we'll go!" An Yan said with a smile.

And fox night is stupidly looking at these two little girls, after meeting just incomparably envious to say: "Xue an, these two are your daughter?"

"Of course

"My God! How lovely it is

Fox night two eyes straight light, stepped forward, squatted down and said with a smile: "two little beauties, what's your name?"

Think about and Niannian looked at each other, and then said with one voice: "Auntie, my name is Xue Xiang (Xue Nian)!"

The smile on Fox night's face solidified.

Ah Aunt?

And this scene also made all the people present laugh.

An Yan forced to endure a smile to the two little girls said: "how can you call someone else's aunt?"

Think about reading, listened to the thoughtful nod, and then said in unison: "sorry, we should not call your aunt!"

Fox night look on the face of this just natural point, but two little girls next sentence let him completely crazy.

"You are so beautiful that we should call you sister!"

This even an Yan can't help, covering his mouth, laughing straight shivering.

Xue an even more smiles.

Fox night's expression became extremely embarrassed, "er Two little beauties, you are all wrong. Uncle is a boy! How can I call my sister? "

"Boy?" The two little girls widened their eyes.

"Yes Fox night showed his arms and said with pride, "and it's a very strong boy!"

Think about and read to look at with surprise all over the face, "Wow, how powerful!"

Enjoying the adoration of the two little girls, fox night could not help but be more proud, and simply stood up and put on a few bodybuilding postures to show his body's "strong".

But at this time, listen to Xue want to say: "uncle, you look so beautiful, in fact, you should be a girl!"

Xue Xiang's words to death, so that the pride of fox night just turned into nothing.

But Xue Nian seems to be afraid of death is not thorough enough, and made up a knife.

"Sister, my uncle has been working hard to be a girl! You see, what a beautiful gesture he just put out

Fox night suddenly felt It's not fun here!

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