Qingmang mountain.

In the Taoist temple of Lihua valley.

Zhai Laodao was awakened by the smell of flowers.

"Strange, this season should have all things withered, how can there be such a strong fragrance of flowers?" Zhai Laodao muttered and pulled his shoes out of the door.

When he stood in the courtyard, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

See already withered all over the mountain pear tree, in one night again full of branches and leaves, and pear flowers are in full bloom.

The breeze blows, a tree pear tree swaying, the whole mountain like a sea of flowers, ups and downs, beautiful.

Zhai Laodao looked at it in a daze.

What's going on?

You know, it's a cold winter. It's time for snow to close the mountain.

Why are all the pear trees in full bloom at this time?

Last time Xue an came, although he also let the pear blossom all over the mountain, but it was using the secret arts to urge hair!

Is it Xiao Anzi coming again?

With doubts in his heart, Zhai Laodao slowly walked into the sea of flowers.

In the meantime, Zhai Laodao felt more and more wrong.

Because these pear flowers are simply too beautiful, beautiful to the point of soul stirring.

The pear blossoms in the pear blossom Valley bloom every year. Zhai Laodao has been watching it for more than 40 years. He has been used to it for a long time and has no feeling.

But I didn't expect that today's Day is getting closer, Zhai Laodao can't help but be intoxicated.

Looking at it, Zhai Laodao can't help but stretch out his hand to touch these pear flowers.

Then I heard a voice of coquetry, "Hey, old man, get your dirty hands off me!"

Zhai Laodao was shocked and thought he had heard something wrong.

"Who? Who's talking? "

"I'm right in front of you, don't you see that? Again, don't touch me Said a pretty girl.

Zhai Laodao listened clearly this time, and he stepped back a few steps.

"Who? Whether it's a person or a demon, you have the ability to speak from your family! " Zhai Laodao said in disbelief.

Why, don't you stand in front of me? What trouble

Say, this tree pear flower does not wind automatically, the flower falls like rain, condenses into a small girl.

The girl is only the size of an adult's palm, but her eyebrows and eyes can be distinguished. She is a very beautiful girl.

The little girl floated in the air and said to Zhai Laodao with her small mouth: "old man, you have been neighbors for decades, but you don't recognize us?"

"You are Pear tree Zhai Laodao finally reacts and shudders.

The little girl laughed a few times, "yes! Do you know? What a fool

With her laughter, all the branches and leaves of pear trees all over the mountain trembled and gave out bursts of laughter.

At the same time, there are a lot of pear trees, such as rain, condensation out of a little girl, fly to Zhai Laodao, chattering.

"The old man was very handsome when he was young. Why is he so untidy when he is old?"

"I've seen him without a bath for a year. Do you think he can be untidy?"

"My God, it's dirty!"

was discussed by so many beautiful flower girls (this time she was like a flower girl). Zhai Lao Tao also had a long face.

"Cough, bathing is not a good thing to do. It's best to take a bath once a year."

"You're lazy, aren't you?" These flower demons mercilessly uncovered Zhai Laodao's cover.

Zhai Laodao quickly changed the topic. In fact, his heart was full of doubts at the moment.

As a Taoist priest who was ordered by his master to guard Jiaolong (that is, Xiaosha) for life, Zhai Laodao was not against demons.

Can become a demon must also follow the basic law!

Which has said yesterday or ordinary pear tree, after a night has become the pear flower demon truth?

"Cough, you Are they all pear trees

"Right or wrong!" These flower demons said with a smile, and then launched a few wearing green grass skirt, full of shame of the little girl.

"These are grass demons!"

"Can grass become a demon?" Zhai Lao Dao widened his eyes.

"Why can't the grass become a demon? You are just discriminating against grass! Old way A little green grass demon said indignantly.

Zhai Laodao felt that his head couldn't turn around, "er I didn't mean that But if even weeds can be refined, will not other animals be more demonized

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a sweet girl's voice over his head and said with a smile, "you're right, old man!"

Zhai Laodao looked up and saw a magpie talking to himself with a smile.

Then a hare sprang out of the grass, combed its hair with its tongue, and said angrily to Zhai Lao, "do you remember me, old man?"

Zhai Laodao didn't know how to respond. He could only look at it with a dull expression.

"Hum, last time I was almost caught by you and stewed, but now you don't remember me, you heartless man, slag old way!" The hare said, glared at Zhai Laodao fiercely, then jumped into the grass and disappeared.Zhai Laodao felt dizzy and subconsciously took a step back to lean on the tree to calm down.

Then I heard a sharp voice under my feet and said, "excuse me, you stepped on me!"

In a hurry, Zhai Laodao raised his feet in a hurry, and a green grasshopper jumped out and murmured, "it's really no quality. Don't you look at the soles of your feet when you walk?"

Then he jumped a few times and disappeared behind the tree.

"This This Will not all the plants and animals in Qingmang mountain become fine? " Zhai Laodao muttered.

"Hee hee, almost!" Said the first pear blossom demon.

"Then you How did it suddenly happen? " Zhai Laodao asked.

These flower demons chirped and discussed for a while, and then said with one voice: "we don't know. We feel that after sleeping, we will know everything!"

This answer There is nothing wrong with it!

Zhai Laodao did not dare to go inside because he was afraid to see more strange goblins.

He turned back to the Taoist temple and sat under the tree. He was about to have a cup of tea.

The old tree, older than the Taoist temple, opened its mouth and said, "Hello, would you like to have a plate?"

Just after a sip of tea, Zhai Lao Dao puffed out all the tea.


The old tree shook its branches and leaves. "I mean, do you want to play chess?"

"You Play chess with me Zhai Laodao was not surprised that the ancient trees became fine, but he was a little surprised.

"Yes! To tell you the truth, you've been here for hundreds of years, and your chess skills are the worst among the several spectators I've ever seen! " The old tree said scornfully.

Zhai Laodao said: "it is..."

Do you think you are despised by a tree?

"Come, come, and fear!" Zhai Laodao said with a defiant face.

Set the chessboard.

Zhai Laodao sat aside.

And the ancient tree stretched out its long branches, like two hands as flexible to pick up the chess pieces.

Zhai Laodao has been full of energy at the moment. He says that he can be regarded as the leader of all souls. How can he lose to you?

One set, lose!

Well, I was careless.

The second set, or lose!

Zhai Laodao saw sweat on his face. It seems that he can't be merciful.

The third set, the fourth set.

By the time of the tenth set, Zhai Laodao's clothes had been soaked with cold sweat.

And the ancient tree will directly throw the chess pieces, the mood languid said: "no, you are too vegetable, winning is not exciting!"

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