Qianniao really felt that his head had been trampled into the earth. This unprecedented sense of shame made qianniao go crazy.

But she didn't dare to listen.

Because she could feel Xue an's murderous spirit which was almost the same as the essence.

She had no doubt that if she did not listen, the man would not hesitate to step on his head.

By this time, in order to survive, she had nothing to care about.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I didn't mean to offend you just now. Everything was done by the people of wuwangzong. Please don't kill me! As long as you are willing to let me go, my father will give you countless wealth! " The thousand birds really trembled, and deliberately revealed their slender waist.

She is confident in her figure and wants to please Xue an in this way.

But Xue an didn't even look at it, and said faintly, "what's the matter with those Chinese?"

"My father sent them, my Lord! They said they were plundered from neighboring countries! And I really don't know that anyone has abused these prisoners of war. Please forgive me Thousands of birds really beg.

Xue an nodded. "I really don't want to kill women!"

Thousands of birds really heard the words and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, when I go out, I will find a way to get back ten times what happened today! Thousands of birds are really cruel, but the surface is a pair of delicate and pitiful expression.

"But now I think it's good to kill a few! Because I said, you people, there is no need to exist! " Xue an said, pressing his feet.

Qianniao really felt like a mountain on her head, and it was getting heavier and heavier. She couldn't help but cry out in horror.

"No You can't kill me! If you kill me, my father will never let you go. There is also wuwangzong. If you kill the people of wuwangzong, they will certainly not let you go! " Thousands of birds really see no way to beg for mercy, began to threaten words.

Xue an heard the words, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a cold smile.

"Don't worry, these people, including your father None of them can escape

As soon as Xue an's feet pressed hard, he heard a click.

The head of the thousand birds was crushed.

Blood mixed with brain flow a ground, originally beautiful face now also become incomparably ferocious.

Then a gray glow floated from the corpse.

With a wave of Xue an's hand, the glory flew into his hand.

Inside, it was a frightened miniature version of qianniazhen, and worshipped Xue an, as if begging for mercy.

Xue an's expressionless fist clenched all the life and soul to Shengsheng.

At this point, the thousand birds were really scared and completely destroyed.

Wait for Xue an to return to thousand birds city.

Small water see him safe return, can not help but grow a breath, rushed to meet up, "brother! Did you get it? "

Xue an nods.

"And the man?" Small water eye in front of a bright, hastily asks a way.

"Killed by me!" Xue an said lightly.

"Kill Killed? " Xiaoshui was stunned.

"Such a person, do not kill, still keep the Spring Festival?"

"But But... " Xiaoshui is a little panicked.

He thought that Xue an would really capture the qianniao, and then he would have an advantage in negotiating with the king of qianniao through this hostage.

But I didn't expect Xue an killed thousands of birds directly.

At this time, the rest of the Chinese had already rescued all the Chinese slaves in qianniao city.

Looking at these dull looking Chinese people, I don't know how much suffering they have suffered, Xue an's murderous spirit is growing.

After returning to the original city Lord's house, Xiaoshui hesitated to come over and said, "brother, what are you going to do next?"

"What do you say?" Xue an took a look at the boy.

Xiaoshui bit his teeth, "you killed the man of wuwangzong today, and also killed thousands of birds. In this way, you will surely get revenge from both sides! I think the best way now is to take enough food, grass and gold and silver to leave here first! "

Xue an quietly looked at the small water, until he some embarrassed lowered his head, just faint smile.

"You are right! But now the thousand bird kingdom and the wuwangzong will not have time to retaliate! "

"Well? Why? "

"Because they're planning something else, and they don't care about it!" Xue an said lightly.

After he killed the spirit of he Tianyuan, he got a lot of useful information from his memory.

Among them is the purpose of their coming to this thousand birds city.

"The real immortal remains? Ha ha It sounds really tempting! No wonder so many people are watching. "

Xue an whispered to himself, and then said to Xiaoshui, "these days you will lead the people to stay in this thousand bird City, so as to live and recuperate."

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Go and join the party! Take a look at the amazing talents in the northwestIn the next few days, Xue an cleaned up the remaining evils in the city.

Because of Xue an's astonishing methods that day, the people in the city have become honest and honest, and dare not have the slightest change.

At the same time, Xue an also transformed the city and made several relatively simple array.

It's easy, but it's OK to resist one or two Mexican regiments.

At the same time, Xue an also wants to teach Xiaoshui some Dharma skills.

But he found that Xiaoshui and other Chinese people's Qi pulse was very weak, or even not.

Without Qi, there is no cultivation.

No wonder there are few practitioners in the whole Chinese people.

But why is this happening?

Xue an has some doubts in his mind.

But since you can't practice the skills, teach them some body skills first!

Xue an directly instilled Xiaoshui with a whole set of cultivation methods of body skill and gave him several methods of battle array!

These things can transform these Chinese into a combat force as soon as possible.

Although Xiaoshui doesn't understand why this once dull Ango suddenly becomes so powerful!

But he knew the value of these things that Xue an gave him, so he was overjoyed and started training immediately.

It has to be said that this little water is a genius in arranging troops and handling affairs.

The huge thousand bird city is well managed by it.

After all this, Xue an left quietly one evening.

The destination of this trip is Bafangshan, which is thousands of miles away from qianniao city!

At the same time.

In the capital of qianniao, a towering palace, there is a room dedicated to various memorial tablets.

This is the most important place for the royal family of qianniao kingdom.

Ancestral land.

When the spirits of thousands of birds are all extinguished, it means that her wooden card has no fire and burns to ashes in an instant.

The God in charge of the ancestral land was shocked.

"the princess's highness is unpredictable, and even the spirit has never returned. Go and tell the king! "


Soon, the king of the thousand bird kingdom, thousand bird Haoyan, got the news.

I can't help but get angry!

"Come on, send troops. I'll cut the man who killed my daughter to pieces!" Thousand birds Hao Yan roared.

"Now is not a good time to deal with this matter! You forgot Bafangshan... " The National Teacher nearby hastened to dissuade him.

After hearing this, qianniao Haoyan sighed helplessly at last and said with gnashing teeth: "when I finish handling this matter, I must go out in person to tear up the person who killed my daughter!"

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