Hearing this, the room suddenly became quiet, and all the eyes were focused on Xue an to see how he reacted.

Lian Yunting frowned and wanted to speak, but Xue an waved her hand.

Then, holding the cup in his hand, he said faintly, "who is the one who just spoke? Stand up by yourself

"Ha ha, what a big tone! As I said, what can you do? " With the voice, a tall and powerful man came out with his head raised.

His skin was as iron as steel, and his eyes were bright and vigorous.

Seeing this man, even Yunting can't help frowning.

Because he was a coach of feiyanbao, and also a subordinate highly valued by her father.

A horizontal training superb, known as King Kong Invincible Iron Bar River Iron coach!

See this man walked to Xue an near, look at Xue an condescending, sneer way.

"Boy, I don't know what method you used to deceive the second young lady, but in my eyes, you Chinese are damned waste wood! Do you dare to shine in front of my feiyanbao

These words are extremely ugly, many people look at Xue an coldly with a look of schadenfreude.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Xue an's face was not sad or happy, and slowly drank the wine in the cup.

Then he sighed slightly, "it's a pity that this table is good!"

"Well?" Lian Yunting can't help but feel a little surprised when she hears this sentence. She doesn't understand what it means.

The iron bar river then maliciously smile a way: "you..."

After the words have not been said, Xue an Huoran stood up, a pull on the iron bar River hair.

Tielan River roars and wants to resist.

But Xue an didn't give him this chance at all and pressed it on the table.

Iron bar River crazy struggle, the table made a mess.

But no matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of xue'an's hand.

At the same time, Xue an picked up a silver chopstick with the other hand and said lightly: "when you see the Chinese people in your next life, please kneel down and beg for mercy."

After saying that, the chopsticks will stab.

The silver chopsticks go directly into tielanjiang's left ear, poke it out from the right ear, and penetrate the thick table board and nail it firmly on the table.

Originally, the crazy struggling tielanjiang River, like being struck by lightning, instantly paralyzed, blood mixed with brain fluid seeped from the ear and nose, and the look in both eyes was dim.

I'm dead!

Xue an released his hand without expression, took a step back, looked around the audience, and said faintly, "who else?"

There was a dead silence, and after a while there was a commotion and exclamation.

"He killed the iron coach!"

"How could it be!"

In these exclamations, even the elders of Yuanhua and bafangcheng all stood up and stared at Xue an.

Especially Lian Yuanhua, he looks very blue at the moment.

Because he can be sure that Xue an did not cultivate himself. He subdued tielanjiang and killed him just because of his physical strength.

Such a terrorist force naturally made even Yuanhua tremble for it.

At the end of the day, Xue an's question about who else was more like a slap in the face of all the people present.

"What a maniac, you dare to kill people in public in my feiyanbao. Today I'll let you know..." There was an old man with white hair shouting.

Xue an waved his hand and said impatiently, "if you want to fight, don't talk nonsense!"

This sentence made the old man even more furious, roared and rushed over.

The old man had a good cultivation, and at least he was the peak of scattered immortals. But when he rushed to xue'an, and before he could use his moves, he was slapped by Xue an and flew out.

The old man flew out with a graceful twist.

Those with sharp eyes can even see the old man's broken teeth flying in the air.


The old man smashed several tables and chairs when he landed, and then he fell into a coma.

This can be regarded as drawing the public's anger, these people scream violently, is about to rush up.

Xue an stood with his hands down, not flustered, "come on, today, I'm going to pick on you as a group of trash!"

Seeing more and more noise, Lian Yunting, who has been in a state of consternation, rushed over and tried to stop him.

But these elders have already red eyes, and will fight Xue anjue to death.

At this time, Lian Yuanhua said in a deep voice, "stop it all!"

In feiyanbao, Lian Yuanhua's words are the most important.

He yelled so that everyone stopped.

"Castle master!" There was a cry.

Lian Yuanhua didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he said with a smile: "good skill! Good exercise! Indeed, it is worthy of being the master of fighting back the evil spirit sect and saving my daughter! "

Xue an is not moved, just quietly watching.Lian Yuanhua coughed gently and then said, "take elder song down to cure the wound first, and then carry away the body of iron head coach!"

At an order, soon someone came forward to clean up everything.

Then Lian Yuanhua said, "I have seen what happened just now. It's all because of the iron coach's provocation first. He is also responsible for his failure and death. Even if the matter is uncovered, don't mention it again!"

Although he did not accept his words, they could only bow their heads.

After that, Lian Yuanhua ordered people to set up the banquet again and gave a warm reception.

Finally, send someone to take it to the guest room for a rest.

When Xue an is gone.

Lian Yuanhua's face was gloomy.

"Castle master, just let this guy go?" The elder said unconvinced.

"Let go? He he, of course, can't let him go! Those who dare to kill me in front of my face are so indifferent to me Lian Yuanhua said coldly.

"Then you..."

"Now that Zhenxian Yicang will be born soon, Yunzhi will be back soon! Isn't this guy here for the real immortal legacy? Try to make him a pawn then

Hearing what he said, the elders' eyes lit up.

"Do you mean the first lady is coming back?"

Lian Yuanhua nodded triumphantly, "Yunzhi is now the true biography of shanhaizhai. This time he came back, he was ordered by his teacher and came here for the true immortal legacy."


Hearing the name, all the elders showed deep awe.

"The eldest lady is really a genius. She can become the true story of Zhongzhou school! There is no limit to the future! " Someone complimented.

Lian Yuanhua said triumphantly, "what's more, this guy's physique is very strong indeed. When Yun Zhi comes back, he will try to find a way to cultivate his physical skills, which will be of great benefit to the ordinary soldiers of Feiyan castle."

"The castle master is wise!" These elders understood Lian Yuanhua's intention and praised him in succession.

But Xue an now returned to the guest room, Lian Yunting said with some apology: "elder, my father, they are so biased, you must not be angry!"

Xue an smiles, "no harm!"

After a few more words, Lian Yunting retreats.

Xue an is standing in the room with a cold smile.

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