A huge sword light drags the sword tail across the heaven and earth. Standing on the edge of the sword is bu Kong Chan, the first disciple of Wuwang sect.

She stood with her hands on her back, her face dyed with gold, just like an immortal coming into the world, which aroused the crowd from below to send out bursts of exclamations.

"It's the walking cicada of Wuwang sect! It is said that she has entered the ranks of golden fairies, and her swordsmanship is incomparable! "

"The man of Wuwei sect has finally appeared! The play is getting more and more lively! "

But from the west is a strong to the essence of the evil spirit, evil spirit constitutes a ferocious beast, a man sitting on the top of the beast, his whole body is covered with layers of Yin, which is particularly frightening.

Someone said solemnly: "it's the seven evil spirit Master Wu Qisha!"


Hearing the name, some of the timid have been pale with fear.

"The evil devil has come

"In recent years, the evil spirit sect has acted arrogantly. It is said that it is all because of the Wu Qi Sha!"

Just as he was saying this, he saw a fleet of large floating ships coming slowly.

There is a flagpole above the bow.

On the flagpole was a huge FLAG embroidered with divine birds.

Many people are shocked by the huge momentum.

"The people of the country of thousand birds are here too!"

"It seems that the king of thousands of birds is the king of the country."

At the same time, on the official road outside the city gate, a giant with a height of more than ten feet came.

Although separated from the city wall, the people in the city can still see the appearance of the giant.

Half of the giant's head was cut off, and then stitched together. It looked terrible.

And the giant's hands are a huge hammer, the whole body is flashing metal like luster.

On the giant's shoulder sat a woman with long hair.

The woman looks like a fox, her clothes are exposed, her long hair pours down like water, covering important parts. Her two slender legs are tilted, revealing her white feet without shoes and shoes.

A lot of men are stupid.

Because the woman is so beautiful in appearance and manner!

"It's Liu Keke of Zhongzhou puppet gate!"

"The enchantress also appeared

"It's really exciting!"

Many people who knew the woman were all dignified.

It is because the puppet gate is a famous sect in Zhongzhou.

At this time, the Wuqi evil spirit beast stood up and gave out a smile to Liu Keke.

"Sister Liu, long time no see! Do you still know me, elder martial brother? "

Liu Keke covered his mouth and chuckled, "Wu Qi Sha, I didn't expect you to dare to come out!"

Wu Qi Sha's Yin Qi surged and then sneered: "younger martial sister Liu, why don't I dare to come out? I always remember the lesson you gave me. I always want to give it back to you

"Oh?" Liu Keke chuckled, "but I don't know how you want to return it?"

"Nature has made you a slave for me to enjoy at any time." Wu Qisha said, the giant beast under his feet fell to the ground, a tail would destroy the whole house, and then covetously stare at Liu Keke.

Liu Keke's face was slightly coagulated, "did you break through?"

"Yes! Half a year ago, I broke through the peak of longevity! Liu Keke, it's too late for you to surrender now. I'll consider keeping your soul! " Wu Qi Sha sends out a burst of Jie Jie strange smile.

"Oh? It's like you're going to break through? " With that, Liu Keke's puppet body soared again, reaching a height of more than 30 Zhang.

This time, Wu Qi Sha could not help but exclaimed, "you have also broken through!"

"Yes! Surnamed Wu, I haven't settled the account with you last time when you flirted with others. This time, I'll give you a lesson! " Said Liu Ke coldly.

A big war is about to break out.

Lian Yunzhi, who has been watching the situation in the feiyanbao, stomped his feet and flew into the air. Then he said in a loud voice: "stop it, two of you!"

Wu Qisha and Liu Keke are all stunned. At this time, Lian Yunzhi has already flown to the front, slightly arched his hand.

"Both of you are extremely talented people. If you start, the eight square city may be destroyed. It's better to stop and discuss the length of gratitude and resentment after the true immortal heritage collection is opened."

"You are..." Liu Keke doesn't know lianyunzhi.

The wuqisha heard the speech and sneered, "OK! Since even the eldest lady has spoken, I will give you this face! "

Lian Yun's indifference did not speak.

She naturally knew that wuqisha's evil spirit sect ambushed her second sister some time ago, and nearly succeeded.

But for Lian Yun, the most important thing now is to unite the forces of all parties to get the real immortal legacy.

As for her younger sister Lian Yunting.

Even Yunzhi never liked it, so he didn't say anything.While Haoyan, a thousand birds, stood in the far bow of the floating boat and took a deep look at Lianyun.

He knew the name of the talented girl.

A young age is the pinnacle of longevity, which is indeed enough to be proud of.

But thousand bird Haoyan understands.

Many people give her face because of the shanhaizhai behind her.

After all, that's one of the most important doors in Zhongzhou.

The national master Guan Kaiming came over and said, "Your Majesty, the post house is ready!"

"Good! Let's go Thousand bird Haoyan takes back his eyes and says in a deep voice.

The floating boat pulled away slowly.

Wu Qisha laughed a few times and then left.

Only Liu Keke was left.

Lian Yun's Chong Liu Keke bowed his hand, "younger sister Liu, can you have a foothold in this eight square city?"

Liu Ke shook his head.

Lian Yun's eyes brightened slightly and said, "in this case, how about going back to feiyanbao with me? You and I belong to Zhongzhou sect, so we can get close to each other! "

Liu Kejiao laughed a few times, "since so, that would be nagging!"

When we get back to feiyanbao.

After a flash of light, Liu Keke's puppet shrank into a small ring and fell into Liu Keke's hands.

This is the magic of puppet gate.

And the master of Feiyan castle, Lian Yuanhua, and the elders are waiting at the gate.

This situation is much different from the last time Xue an came.

Looking at his elder sister and this fairy like woman talking and laughing, and the father in the side of the smile with.

Lian Yunting couldn't help but lower her head, and a cold look flashed in her eyes.

I nearly died last time. If Xue an hadn't done it, I would have been tempered into a demon now!

But even so, his father did not have much to say.

He even waited a lot for his Savior.

And compared with their elder sister, the treatment is simply a world of difference.

This kind of reason, let Lian Yunting's heart gradually cold down.

But in the courtyard, Xue an filled a cup of tea, raised his glass in the hand, slowly drank a mouthful, and then a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Alchemist? Mechanical puppet? It's interesting! "

With his voice, Liu Keke, who is chatting and laughing with Lianyun, seems to have a sense and looks around in a suspicious way.

Strange, just seems to have a strong mind in peeping at themselves.

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