These monks all roared, "how dare you, how dare you hold the general!"

Then they flew up and rushed to Xue an in the air.

At the moment, Jiang Yaosi has been caught by Xue an.

And the practitioners rushed to the front.

Xue an didn't even look at the group.

A free blow.

The monk who rushed to the front didn't even have a chance to escape. He was directly blasted into a powder by this blow.

After that, the fist was still in force, and then it hit the practitioners in the back.

These monks are better than those who just died, at least in time to shout.

But that's all.

Just listen to a few screams, the sky as if set off fireworks, one by one exploded.

Blood drifted away like rain and mist.

Covering the whole battlefield.

Everyone is stupid.

The reason is that the group of practitioners who just boasted were killed by the Chinese man with one blow.

Jiang Yaosi also looked silly.

Only then did he understand what kind of existence he provoked.

Disgusting blood gas let him a hot crotch, Sheng Sheng was scared to urinate, and then said incoherently.

"I am..."

Xue an shook his head and said faintly, "as I have said, your uncle has been cut by my sword. Now I will send you on the road."

"No No Only then did Jiang Yaosi believe that it was not a rumor but a fact.

But it's too late to regret.

Seeing Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly, the puppet under his feet raised his huge hand, directly grasped Jiang Yaosi, and then shook it.

The scream stopped suddenly, and blood seeped out of the puppet's fingers.

When I let go of my hand, there is only a group of bloody rotten meat, where can I see that it is a person.

Such a fierce means let many of the Mo Jiabing officers all took a breath of cold air.

Especially when they heard that their monarch was dead, they had no intention to fight.

They stepped back.

But Xue an is obviously not going to let them go.

He patted the puppet's head and said faintly, "I'll give it to you. I won't leave one of them."

The puppet nodded meekly.

Liu Keke was stunned.

How can the master control the puppet more easily than himself?

After that, Xue an led the people down and returned to the Chinese camp.

Xiaoshui came over excitedly, "Angie!"

Xue an nodded.

And at this point, a real killing begins.

I saw that the figure of this mechanical puppet began to soar again, and in the blink of an eye, it was a hundred feet high.

And then, like stepping on ants, they began to run rampantly in these scattered and fleeing Mexican regiments.

Although they were fast, they were not worth mentioning in front of the giant.

With one step, dozens or even hundreds of ink warriors will be crushed by life.

Such terrible lethality completely destroyed the fighting will of these Mo Jia soldiers.

Everyone wanted to get out of this hell.

But xue'an has told us not to leave one!

In the head of this mechanical puppet, nothing is more important than command.

Therefore, he simply bent down, stretched out his hands, and directly held in his hands the soldiers who were the farthest away.

The soldiers screamed with fear.

But puppets don't care at all. They hold their hands.

These people were made into meat cakes.

All in all, the killing continued for a quarter of an hour.

Until there was no living Mo Jia soldier in the field, the mechanical puppet stopped and turned back to Xue an.

Xue an nodded, "OK! Well done

Hearing this from Xue an, the figure of the mechanical puppet gradually shrunk back.

"Let's go, go back to town!" Xue an said lightly.

When they returned to the thousand bird City, all the Chinese looked at Xue an with the eyes of God.

As for the people of other ethnic groups, they were all silent and did not even dare to breathe.

With the power of the war, the Chinese finally turned over.

No one dares to look down upon the Chinese.

At least not in this thousand bird city.

After settling the wounded Chinese soldiers, Xiaoshui came to see Xue an.

After these days of tempering and fighting on the battlefield, this once young man has rapidly matured.

The words are more and more steady and sophisticated.

Xue an is quite appreciative of this.

"Angie!" Xiaoshui said with his hands arched.

Xue an nodded, then looked at the arm wrapped in a small water. "Are you hurt too?"Small water does not care about a smile, "just a little skin trauma, nothing!"

Speaking of this, he looked gloomy, some sad bowed his head, "a lot of brothers were killed, compared with them, I am lucky."

Xue an was silent for a long time, then sighed, "has the body converged back?"

Xiaoshui nodded, "they have all converged back and are ready to be incinerated together tomorrow."

"Does everyone have a name?"

Xiaoshui shook his head, "most of them can't be tested, only some of them have left their own names!"

Speaking of this, Xiaoshui's eyes are red again.

Xue an nodded, "prepare for a memorial ceremony tomorrow."

Little water was stunned.

Looking at the continuous rain outside the window, Xue an said in a low voice: "for the people who are no longer bullied and humiliated and die, they are all heroes, and heroes should enjoy the treatment of heroes."

Small water smell speech facial expression is solemn rise, solemn nodding.


Then he turned around and went down to prepare.

Liu Keke looked at Xiaoshui's back and sighed, "the Chinese are indeed a disaster stricken nation."

"Well? Why do you say that? " Asked Xue an.

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just a casual sigh. However, I think these compatriots of our predecessors should have been sold from ancient China at the eastern end of Zhongzhou."

Xue an's eyes were slightly bright, "ancient China?"

Liu Keke nodded. "At the eastern end of Zhongzhou, bordering on the demon mountain range, there is a country established by the Chinese people. I once passed there. I was very moved by the diligence and kindness of those Chinese people, but this country is deeply affected by the demon disaster because it is close to the demon mountain range!"

Xue an was silent for a moment, then said, "what do you want me to do to help you improve the puppet's strength?"

Referring to this matter, Liu Keke gave a wry smile, "because the thousand gate meeting of Zhongzhou will be held soon!"

"Thousand gate meeting?"

Liu Keke nodded, "yes, the thousand gate meeting, which is also the most important gathering of the whole continent! At that time, all the cultivation sects of the whole continent, including the demon clan and the demon clan, will participate in it, so it is named thousand gate assembly! "

Xue an nodded noncommittally.

Liuke continued.

"But I don't have any confidence in my own strength. If I lose in the thousand gate meeting, I will lose my freedom now, and I may even be given to others as a gift by my school!"

At the end of the day, Liu Coco's face darkened.

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