There was no one to speak, and people were all staring at this guy from the sky.

Until after a while, Geng Hu's men cried out.

"No! The eldest one was crushed to death

"Kill this guy and avenge the boss

"Save the boss first!"

"And save a fart! Don't you see that the boss is a meat pie

"Woo hoo, the boss was smashed very mellow!"

With these disorderly shouts, Geng Hu's men all pulled out their swords and prepared to start.

The man who fell from the sky was naturally the unfortunate fox night.

He was drawn into this lucky chess game with Xue an.

But because of the turbulence of time and space, he appeared half a month later than Xue an.

Finally, the fox night found himself in the sky.

What's more, his accomplishments are limited.

So he fell from the sky.

Fox night was afraid that he would be killed by life again, so he tried his best to adjust his posture, and then looked for something below to catch him.

It's very immortal. Geng Hu just showed his original shape at that time.

Fox night in front of a bright, this just straight to him to fly.

Now Geng Hu is killed by life and death, and the helpers are clamoring to kill fox night to avenge their boss.

Fox night heart some tremble.

I don't have any accomplishments now.

If you want to die in the hands of these guys, it's better to fall to death.

Just when he was in doubt.

Mu Qingbao had just recovered from the shock. Seeing that Geng Hu was dead, he knew that this was a good time for a lifetime. So he resolutely pulled out his sword and said in a cold voice, "kill!"

Without Geng Hu, how could these men be the opponents of Mu Qing and others.

But a few face to face, these people will be killed crying father called mother, left more than a dozen bodies, the rest will flee in a hurry.

Fox night's eyes gradually brightened up.

Because at this time, he found that the muqingbao was so beautiful.

Especially now.

Mu Qing held the sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pointed to the ground. The blood rolled down from the edge of the sword like autumn water. It seemed that the whole man was murderous and charming.

It seems to be aware of the fox night's gaze, Mu Qing turns to look at him, just want to speak.

Fox night can't wait to climb up from the pit, smiling out his hand, "this beautiful girl, dare to ask her name, how old is this year? Is there a marriage? If so, would you mind having one more? "

Mu Qing was stunned by this series of questions, "er..."

One side of a Bao has come forward, hands akimbo, disdainful said: "Hey, less in this set of nearly! Can you tell me the name of sister Qingwan

"Qingbao..." Fox night eyes a bright, "good name! What a man is, as his name is, intoxicating

A Bao's round steamed bun looks confused, and then he wakes up. He can't help but say angrily: "what a apprentice, Qinghuan elder sister. This guy came down from the sky, and didn't know what it was coming from. I'd like to catch him and have a trial with Haosheng first."

Mu Qing waved his hand and motioned Bao not to speak. Then he said coldly to Fox night, "are you a man or a demon? Why did it come down from the sky? "

"Cough, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm a fox immortal. You can call me fox night Lord! As for why I came down from the sky... "

Fox night looked up at the moon in the sky, and his face was intoxicated.

"Today, I was meditating and practicing in the heavenly palace. Suddenly, I had a feeling in my heart, so I had a divination. The result shows that I will meet a beautiful girl tonight, and this girl will have difficulties. I need to appear to solve this problem, so

"So you come down from the sky and sit this Geng tiger into a meat pie, right? Fox fairy Bao said sarcastically.

"Well, it's not far away, even if it's not."

"Yes, you're a big boy." Bao came forward to be a chestnut.

Although she is just a little girl, but she has a lot of strength. She shouts with her head in her arms.

"Well, how do you hit people?"

"What's wrong with hitting people? Who let you take advantage of my sister Qinghuan

"How did I take advantage of it?"

"Oh, how dare you speak hard?"


It's another chestnut.

"Hello! I'll tell you, don't push your luck! "

What's the matter

"Fox Lord, I've been cold recently. If you have the ability, you can wait for me to be cold!"

"What can I do when the wind is cold? What can I do? " As Bao said, he reached out his hand and began to shudder.

Mu Qing said in a deep voice: "baby, don't make trouble!"Bao stopped, then snorted at Fox night and turned back to Mu Qing's arm.

"Sister Qingbei, this guy..."

Mu Qing cast a glance at her, and a Bao spat out his tongue and did not dare to utter a word.

Then Mu Qing came forward in arm and arched his hand slightly.

"Fox night childe, I this servant girl's disposition is rough, let you see the joke!"

Fox night bared his teeth and touched the two big bags on his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't know if I'm rough, but this is really big!"

Mu Qing can't help laughing when he hears the speech.

She this smile, let fox night all some see Leng.

This smile is gentle and moving. It's so charming.

Aware of the fox night's gaze, Mu Qing held his face slightly imperceptible red, raised some displeasure in his eyes, but still restrained.

"As far as I know, the fox clan is in the northernmost part of the demon family mountain range, while the moon city is in the East. But I don't know that the young master fox night is not far away from here. Why Mu Qing held a cold voice.

Mu Qingbao doubted the origin of the fox night, but it was because he fell from the sky that Geng Hu was killed. In this way, he helped himself, so he spoke politely.

Fox night sighed, "don't you believe what I just said? I used to meditate in the heavenly palace... "

Mu Qing pulls a frown, is this fox demon's head some abnormal?

Or I just fell down and broke my head.

What a mess it's all about.

"Master fox night, do you know who was killed by you?"


"This man is the leader of the Hutou sect in the north of the city. He is a tiger demon who has been practicing Taoism for a hundred years! If you kill him now, the Hutou gang will not give up! " Mu Qing had a pause.

"So I hope you can answer honestly, or I can't help you!"

"Hehe, it's just a tiger head gang! Think of me fox night at least also... " Fox night full face complacent say.

Not finished, Mu Qing led people to turn around and go.

Fox night a look at the situation in the field, especially now that I have lost all my accomplishments, I can't help but shiver and catch up.

"Hello, wait for me! I was just making fun of you, Miss Ching , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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