As the name suggests, the pleasure making workshop is the place to have fun.

Because the moon city is rich in minerals, it also created a lot of rich merchants here.

If you have money, you have to spend.

This is a principle that applies to both human and demon.

Therefore, the business of this entertainment shop is excellent.

Of course, this is also because the girls in the fun shop are all inclusive, there are all kinds of demons, and there are even a few witches, and all of them are of excellent quality.

Whether you are a human or a demon, you can find the right girl here.

Tong Bao is also a frequent visitor here.

So when he came, several familiar girls came up.

"Well, how can the leader of Tong Da come here today? Since the last farewell, I miss you very much

Talking is a charming woman, but from the tail behind you can see that this is a cat girl.

Tong Bao's mind swings. If it wasn't for business, he would like to lie down in this gentle village for a while.

"Cough, I'm here for business today. I'll wait until next time."

"The child leader is really funny. Who has no business here?" The cat girl said with a smile.

This pun, let Tong Bao listen to some do not know how to answer.

At this time, the military master on one side said with a smile: "Miss Cat Girl, we have something really to do this time. We want to see fox girl!"

When the cat girl heard it, her expression immediately became colder and colder. She pointed to the upstairs and said, "it's upstairs. I'll find it myself."

Then he left lazily.

Tong Bao also wanted to say a few words of warmth, but was dragged upstairs by the military division.

The cat girl looked down, some envious lips.

"I'm looking for that coquettish fox again. I don't know what's good about this coquettish fox! Hum! A bunch of monsters who have never seen the world before. "

The cat girl was swearing below.

Tong Bao and the military division came to the elegant room on the second floor and knocked on the door. After a long time, they heard a lazy man's voice coming from inside.

"Come in! The door is not locked

The boy leopard pushed the door in.

There was a magnificent scene in the room, and a faint fragrance filled the air.

At this time, the curtain lifted up, revealing the scene on the bed.

See a man powerless lying on the bed, a coquettish woman is giving him step on the back.

"Well, here it is, hiss! Step harder The man showed his teeth in command.

The military master winked at the boy leopard, meaning that the man was the killer he was looking for.

Tong Bao hesitated.

This man is so thin that he doesn't look like an expert. He will be the top killer the military Master said?

It was this hesitating effort that the man turned to take a lazy look at Tong Bao.

The man is good-looking, but he is so lazy that he seems reluctant to raise his eyelids.

"Weasel, what do you want me for?"

With a smile, the military master rushed forward and said, "Lord xuesha, this is the leader of our Hutou gang. He's here to let you do something!"

"Kill who?"

"Er..." The military master took a look at the fox girl.

"Come on, she won't reveal the news!" Snow kill light way.

The fox girl looks up and smiles at the military master, as if to confirm the statement of snow killing.

At this time, Tong Bao stepped forward and said, "Mu Qing Bu!"

Snow kill a tiny lift eyes, "Moonlight City Female Bodhisattva?"

Because mu Qingbao has a good reputation among the poor people, he is also called a female Bodhisattva.

Tong Bao nodded.

"Well, a hundred moonstones!" Snow kill light way.

"It's too expensive." Tong Bao is slightly stunned and wants to make a counteroffer.

"Take your time Xue Sha said without hesitation.

"Er..." Tong Bao didn't expect that Xue Sha would speak so cleanly.

One side of the military division quickly smile: "100 yuan on 100 yuan!"

"Well, pay first!"

Tong Bao was almost angry. "Didn't the killers just collect money after they got there?"

"That's someone else! I'm not the same. I'm too lazy to ask for money! You know, I'm an emotional killer. " Snow kill light way.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The master nodded and said yes.

Finally, Tong Bao paid the money.

A hundred moonstones is a big number for the Hutou gang.

But in order to get rid of MuQing, it's worth it.

"Come on! Tomorrow morning, you will come to fetch MuQing's head! " Snow kill light way.

The military master dragged the boy leopard away.

On the way back, Tong Bao hesitated and said, "what if this guy doesn't do anything or runs away?"The military master shook his head. "Don't worry. This man is an expert from the demon capital. He is not comparable to other killers. He has excellent credit and never lost his hand."

Hearing this, Tong Bao had to nod his head.

And this snow kill after collecting the money, and lay on the bed to the mid day of the month, then slowly get up.

The fox girl arranged the food and wine for him and served him to finish eating.

Then xuesha rubbed her sleepy eyes and patted the fox girl's head, "wait for me to come back!"


"Damn it, I'm so sleepy!" Xuesha mumbled and jumped out of the window.

And then listen to a plop.

After a moment, I heard the angry voice of snow killing, "Damn, who put the swill bucket under the window?"

In a word, after a while, xuesha finally came to coolie Lane successfully.

It was late at night.

It was quiet in coolie lane, and everyone was asleep.

Snow kill closed his eyes, a kind of invisible immaterial, will not be detected by the mind will spread.


A smile appeared in the corner of snow's mouth.

Under his perceptual skill, muqingbu, the most powerful cultivation, is like a torch, which is very eye-catching.

Then he would quietly touch the direction of the target.

At this time, fox night, who was planning how to restore his cultivation in the house, gave a slight light, then looked up, and his face gradually showed a cold smile.

"How dare you kill people under your eyes? Are you impatient to live? "

Said, fox night also quietly followed up.

Mu Qingbao was sorting out the accounts in the house at this time.

She is in charge of coolie lane and several blocks around her. She is actually in a state of living beyond her means.

Because coolie lane, which many people think is fat and oily, mu Qingbao never took a cent from it.

Even a lot of money was put in to help those orphans.

"Sister Qingbei, go to bed first! It's so late! "

"Oh! You go to bed first

Bao looked at Mu Qing'an with some heartache, "Qing Huan elder sister, don't you have any money?"

"Mu Qing Huan smiles bitterly," it's OK, you don't have to worry about these things! "

"I still have some savings, or..."

Mu Qing shook his head and said, "your little money is still reserved for your dowry."

Bao's face turned red, and he stamped his feet with coquettish anger, "elder sister Qinghuan..."

But as soon as her voice fell, she saw a sword light which was like the first clear after the snow, directly broke the doors and windows, and ran to Mu Qing to kill him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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