This is a mountain with a height of thousands of feet. Standing at the bottom of the mountain and looking up, you can only see that the mountain is like a sword straight into the sky, but you can't see the top of the mountain.

And the thick cloud and fog around the mountainside, just like wearing a hat to the mountain.

There are so many practitioners in Zhongzhou, and there are so many schools of practice that there is no need to cover the mountain gate. A white marble gate was built at the foot of the mountain.

There are four big characters written in ancient seal script, puppet Xianzong.

"Master, this is where I live. Now there are two months to go before the Millennium Assembly. During this period, we will wait here." Liu Keke said respectfully.

Xue an nodded noncommittally.

After passing through the mountain gate, the scenery inside is changed. There are many kinds of rare birds and wild animals in the mountain forest.

Even aura has become rich.

Lian Yunting can't help but sigh, "what a wonderful piece of heaven and earth!"

Xue an has been silent, just looking at all this with a smile.

Halfway up the hill, the road widened and houses began to appear on both sides.

These are the places where the outer disciples of puppet Xianzong lived.

When Liu Keke was seen, these disciples, who were either planting spiritual fields or forging parts, bowed down in succession.

Liu cocoa smile, nodded, and then led the people quickly through here.

After seeing Liu Keke go, these outer disciples got together and talked in a low voice.

"Elder martial sister Liu should be the only one among so many zhenzhuan disciples to say hello to us!"

"Who said it was not? Which of the other inner disciples didn't even bother to look at us when they saw that we were not facing the sky?"

"Alas, it's a pity that such a good man is not tolerated by the two elders, and even connives at his disciple Lu Cailan's bullying and insulting in various ways. It's really outraged."

"Hush! You can say less! If this is known by the two elders, you will not be skinned? "

"Well, I'm not afraid! Her two elders acted unfairly. Who didn't know? That is to say, the headmaster is so confused that he has never said anything! "

Talking about this, all the other disciples changed their faces. They didn't dare to speak any more. They turned to their own business.

The speaker was also aware that he had made a mistake, and the disciples of the other sect would talk about the leader in vain. If he wanted to pass it on, he might be finished. Therefore, he was very pale and ran away.

Liu Keke didn't know about these things, but the more he went up the mountain, the more gloomy Liu Keke looked.

At this time, they have come to the inner gate of the puppet Xianzong, and the scenery along the road is more and more exquisite.

When they passed through the layers of clouds and fog, their eyes suddenly opened up, which was actually a large flat area.

On the flat ground, there are all kinds of beautiful buildings, and many people shuttle on the road.

These are the inner disciples of puppet Xianzong.

When they saw Liu Keke, the disciples all looked strange and retreated to the side of the road, bowing their heads to show respect, but no one said hello.

Liu Keke's face is as deep as water, leading the way.

But when Xue an and others walked by, they attracted many people's curious eyes.

This kind of gaze made Lian Yunting feel uncomfortable, so she lowered her voice and said to Xue an, "master, what's wrong with these people? What do you think of our eyes

Xue an smiles, "it's OK, just follow me!"

Finally, Liu Keke led Xue an and others to a slightly desolate building.

"Master, this is where I live! Please follow me

With that, Liuke opened the door and came in.

It's obviously been uninhabited for some time, and it's a mess.

Liu Keke starts to clean up.

Lian Yunting and Lian Yunluo also went to help.

Xue an stood in the courtyard and looked at everything around him, especially when he saw the top of the mountain which was always covered by a layer of fog, his smile became more and more strong.

Just at this time, outside the door came a sound of foot steps, and then listen to a domineering female voice.

"Ouch, did you take the man back after a trip?"

With the voice, the party walked into the courtyard.

Walking in the front is a woman with enchanting body and coquettish behavior, and that is not too outstanding face is hung with a sneer.

Behind them were a group of well-dressed inner disciples. Hearing this, the disciples burst into laughter.

"Elder martial sister Cailan is right. Liu Keke said that she was going down the mountain to travel. Unexpectedly, she went to find a man!"

Xue an stood in the courtyard and looked at it quietly without saying a word.

At this time, Liu Keke, who was cleaning up in the house, heard the sound outside, and immediately came out of the house. As soon as she saw the woman, her face became extremely ugly.

"Lu Cailan, this is an elder I respect very much. I hope you can pay attention to the key points when you speak!""Master? Just him? " Lu Cailan pretended to be surprised and said to Xue an, "a man of Chinese nationality who has no accomplishments at all, is actually said to be an elder by you? Are you making fun of me, Liu Ke? "

This caused a burst of laughter from the disciples behind her.

Liu Keke's face was livid, "Lu Cailan, what kind of my friend is still not coming to you for evaluation!"

"It's not my turn to judge, but if you take an outsider up the mountain, I'll have to take care of it. Otherwise, what if the spies of other sects will do?"

"I will report it to my master. What else can I do? No, please leave me! " Said Liu Keke, suppressing her anger.

Lu Cailan didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, she said, "Sister Liu, I heard that you're traveling down the mountain to break through yourself, but I don't know how it's going? Oh, I forgot to tell you! Last month, with the help of my master, I broke through a small realm again

Liu Keke was silent. His anger was burning in his eyes, but he immediately seemed to think of something and lowered his head in silence.

Seeing this, Lu Cailan became more and more rampant, "ha ha, Liu Keke, I have good news to tell you! If you fail in this thousand clan meeting, you will be presented as a gift to the little ghost Lord of heitieshan! What's up, isn't it a surprise? "

Liu Keke's face was very white, "Lu Cailan, have you had enough schadenfreude?"

"Not enough! Of course not enough, Liu Keke, I tell you, don't think you look like a fox spirit, and then put on a high attitude, I hate you most When Lu Cailan said this, his eyes were full of shocking jealousy and resentment.

Liu Keke shivered and just wanted to speak.

All of a sudden, when she got up the steps, she was standing in front of her ears.


After a very clear sound, the deer Cailan was directly pulled out, and even rolled several times in the air before landing.

After that, Xue an stood with his hands down and said, "I hate you so much, too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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