But to everyone's surprise, the next few days have been calm, no one to retaliate.

This makes a lot of people who are ready to see the joke wonder.

Is it that Lu Cailan has suddenly changed?

Otherwise, how come no action has been taken so far?

Even Liu Keke was surprised.

After Lan Lan's move back, I'm sure the elder will not wait to deal with it.

But this time there was no movement. It was unreasonable.

Only Xue an felt nothing. Every day, she was either enjoying tea in the house or strolling around here with great interest.

Many inner disciples knew that it was he who slapped Lu Cailan that day, so they were all in awe.

You know, Lu Cailan's popularity among the puppet Xianzong can be said to be extremely bad, just because her master holds real power and has high accomplishments, so no one dares to provoke her.

But that doesn't stop many people from secretly hating her.

Xue an's violent beating that day virtually gave a bad breath to many people, so no matter where he went, someone would secretly say hello to him.

And there are people who advise him to leave here.

After all, no one knows what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Xue an just smiles and doesn't care.

On this day, Xue an is cooking tea and wine under the veranda.

Liu Keke and Lian Yunting and Lian Yunluo are sitting at the bottom of the table, enjoying Xue an's skillful tea cooking technique.

After the tea is cooked, a refreshing aroma diffuses and makes people relaxed and happy.

Xue an poured three cups.

Liu Keke and others took over, and after drinking, they were all in front of their eyes.

"It's delicious!"

"Master's tea is wonderful!"

Xue an smiles and pours a cup of hot wine and drinks it slowly.

This wine is kept by puppet Xianzong, and it tastes very mellow.

At this time, a paper crane flew in, flew around the crowd and landed on Liu Keke's hand.

Liu Keke was stunned slightly, and then his expression became solemn, "this is the paper crane used by zongmen to deliver messages!"

Then he opened the letter.

After watching, Liu cocoa's face gradually sank down.

"Sister Liu, what's the matter?" Lian Yunluo asked.

Liu Keke took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "it's a letter from the second elder. It tells us that in three days' time, the sect generals will hold a feast. At that time, all the experts who have made friends with Zong clan will attend, and I will also attend as a disciple of zhenzhuan!"

"At the same time It is specially emphasized on this letter that let me take you to this feast together

After that, Liu Keke was hesitant, "what should I do, elder?"

Xue an smile, and then filled a glass of wine, light way: "since under the invitation, then we naturally want to see the excitement! Otherwise, isn't it a failure to live up to the wishes of the two elders? "

And on the top of the mountain, where the clouds and fog never disperse, several magnificent buildings stand here.

In addition to the tall, slender and Dark Tower in the middle, the rest are the residences of the puppet Xianzong headmaster and elder.


In a magnificent hall, Lu Cailan is looking at the middle-aged man sitting on the main seat.

At the moment, not only her face has been healed as before, but even the broken teeth are growing back. Obviously, she used some secret medicine.

"Master, do you have to do it three days later?"

The middle-aged man's facial features are cold and dignified, and he is obviously a man of high position for a long time. However, the silver evil light in his eyes makes his temperament become a little obscene.

For more than 20 years, the elder of Weixing was in charge of the puppet power.

Wei Chi Xing heard the speech and laughed, "good disciple, revenge is not urgent at this moment. Let them live three more days!"

Lu Cailan gnawed his teeth and said, "master, I can't wait for a quarter of an hour! Now I just want to peel off the skin of Liu Keke's Sao hoof, and then cut the Chinese man who hit me into pieces, so as to eliminate my hatred. "

Wei Chi Xing refused to comment. He pointed to Lu Cailan and said, "good disciple, get closer to master! Let's see if you've got a good wound! "

Lu Cailan immediately put on a pair of flattering smile, swaying health posture of the past.

"Good disciple, the longer you are, the more water you will be!"

Lu Cailan said with a coquettish smile, "it's not the master's credit. If it wasn't for the miraculous medicine that the master gave to the disciple, how could I not recover so quickly?"

And then the clouds and mists continued until a quarter of an hour later.

Wei Chi Xing said contentedly, "silly disciple, do you know why my teacher didn't take you to revenge directly, but had to wait for the banquet three days later?""I don't know!"

"Hehe, although Liu Keke is not liked by the leader, he is a true disciple after all! If it goes too far, it will certainly cause public anger! "

"It's just that the leader is going to hold a banquet to entertain the world's experts. I pushed the boat and invited the willow cocoa. When the party is over, you fight Liu Keke directly in front of the world's experts. Even if you kill her, the leader and other people can't say anything. "

Hearing Wei Chi Xing's explanation, Lu Cailan suddenly realized that he was a little depressed.

"But with my strength, if I really fight Liu Keke, I can't win her at all!"

"Oh, of course you can't! But this is not the master I am! " Said, Wei Chi Xing stretched out his hand and took out a round bead.

"This is a puppet made by my teacher recently. It is extremely strong and powerful! It's nothing to do with Liu Keke's rags! "

Lu Cailan eyes a bright, excited kiss Wei Chi Xing, "thank you, master!"

Then he would reach for it.

Wei Chi Hsing laughed and closed his hand again.

"Master, you..."

"So you want to take it?" I'm very happy.

Lu Cailan's face was slightly red, and then burst into a smile. She called out: "master, you hate it!"

In the end, Lu Cailan got the new puppet and began to practice sleeplessly.

Finally, in the evening of the next day, the puppet was sent and sent to my heart, and my confidence was greatly increased.

Hehe, Liu Keke, and the damned Chinese, this time, I will let you know how powerful! Lu Cailan is full of killing thoughts.

And the third day has finally arrived.

Since the morning, the streamer in the sky has not been interrupted.

The whole puppet house has been cleaned up with a new look, and even the clouds around the top of the mountain all the year round have now opened a path.

Liu Keke was also ready by this time, "master, are you going?"

Xue an looked up at these streamers and laughed.


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