Wudao forum is one of the most authoritative and well-known network forums in China.

Many martial arts practitioners will exchange their experience on it, and even occasionally, real people and even carefree experts will come to the forum to point out the mysteries.

But more often than not, this kind of problem is the most common in this forum.

I'm going to Huashan for a tour tomorrow. Will I get the martial arts script after jumping off the cliff? Wait online. It's urgent!

First floor: sofa!

Second floor: I think so, but I heard that these high-ranking people are cranky, so you'd better take off your clothes before you jump, which is more likely to succeed.

Third floor: what if the questioner is a woman?

Fourth floor: then ask for video!

Fifth floor: same request!

These funny questions also let many people hang out on the Wudao forum when they have nothing to do.

Today, Li Qiang habitually opened the Wudao forum to prepare for water for a while.

But today's Wudao forum seems a little different.

At the top of the list is a polished post.

"The once-in-a-year martial arts conference is about to be held, and Tianjiao list will be reshuffled! 》

after clicking in, there is a heated discussion.

Second floor: if you don't rob the sofa this time, the masters on Tianjiao list will pity me and take me away!

The third floor: I bah, upstairs is really brazen, but I want to say, take me one!

Fourth floor: eat less will warm the bed, please take!


Li Qiang couldn't help laughing.

He knew that the most important role of the quadrennial martial arts convention was to rearrange the ranking of Tianjiao list.

Tianjiao list is a list recognized by the world's martial arts and Taoism circles. There are 100 people on it. None of them is the best among the martial arts.

This time, I don't know how many new masters will appear, and how many old people will be ruthlessly eliminated!

Li Qiang is sighing, suddenly A post made headlines at rocket speed.

"Thirty years of missing old man Zhitian comes out of the mountain again. The martial arts assembly wants to kill people with their hands! 》

refers to the elderly?

Who is this?

Li Qiang doubts point in, and then found that many people are very confused.

But soon, the moderator replied.

Moderator: Zhitian Laoren was the top expert 30 years ago. He was the master of xiaoyaojing. He once ranked the third in Tianjiao list, but he disappeared. He didn't want to be out of the mountain this time!

At the same time, someone replied: just got the news, pointing to the old man's Apprentice called Yu Qing!

The news shocked many netizens.


Ranked 42nd on the Tianjiao list.

Although this rank is not high, as long as you can be in the list of Tianjiao, you are not ordinary people.

Who on earth can kill Yu Qing? What's more, the hermit master who has not been out of the lake for a long time has to come out of the mountain again?

At the same time, more and more martial artists of the older generation began to popularize the power of this God pointing old man.

Gradually, many netizens began to one-sided tend to point to the old man, and even some began to ridicule the man who killed Yu Qing but did not dare to show up.

It may have been won by some mean trick.

Maybe it is! Or with a gun?

I've got it. Why don't I think it's right to kill a master like this?

These speculations make the situation more and more unfavorable to Xue an.

But a man saw it and stood up indignantly and began to speak for Xue an.

This man is Tan Dong's daughter, Tan Xiaoyu.

When she saw the slanders about Xue an, she felt very angry.

For Xue an, she is very convinced now.

So he couldn't help but hit the keyboard and replied, "I'm a friend of the man who killed Yu Qing. I can tell you that this expert killed Yu Qing with only one punch."

This was a stab in the hornet's nest, and many people began to sneer.

"A punch? I'm afraid those upstairs are not dreaming! "

"That's it, the best player in the 42nd place, can someone fight with one fist?"

"Ha ha! Another one will die if you don't brag

Tan Xiaoyu's face was red and he knocked: "don't you believe it? Well, let's make a bet. In this martial arts meeting, I'll bet my friends win. If I lose, I'll I run naked

The response of netizens skyrocketed.

"God, I just looked at it. It was a little sister!"

"I've seen it together. Although it's fuzzy, it definitely has more than eight points!"

"In an instant, I'm looking forward to this martial arts meeting."

"Stick as evidence, tongs Liu Ming!"

On the Internet, because of this martial arts meeting, a huge wave has been set off.

But Xue an didn't know about these disturbances. His daily task is to take his two daughters to the lake to fish, and then come back to make fish in a new style.Today, he is sitting by the lake, and his two daughters are happily digging sand.

But this rare ease was soon broken.

Tan Xiaoyu came over with a dignified look.

It was after she asked Qin Yu that Xue an was by the Yunmeng lake.

After waiting, I found that Xue anzheng was enjoying his fishing.

"Mr. Xue..." Tan Xiaoyu lowered his head and said respectfully.

Xue an looked up at her and nodded.

"What can I do for you?"

Tan Xiaoyu bit his teeth, and then said: "Mr. Xue, do you know that now because of your business on the Internet, has been turned upside down!"

Xue an slightly Zheng, and then shook his head, "what's the matter?"

Tan Xiaoyu told the story once.

Xue an listened to a faint smile, not to say yes.

Tan Xiaoyu is a little worried.

"Be careful, Mr. Xue. You are not good at cultivating yourself for the old man."

Xue an nodded. "Is there anything else?"

Tan Xiaoyu suddenly got angry.

Their good intentions came to remind, did not expect Xue an a face indifferent expression.

"Mr. Xue I think you'd better respond, or public opinion will be more and more unfavorable to you! "

Xue an seemed not to hear, but looked at the misty cloud dream Lake in front of him.

"Do you think the lake is big?" Xue an asks suddenly.

Tan Xiaoyu a Leng, and then nodded, "very big!"

"Then you say, can I catch all the fish with this stroke?"

Tan Xiaoyu didn't understand what Xue an wanted to do, but still shook his head and said, "how could..."

Xue an indifferent smile, holding the fishing rod in his hand, gently raised it.

The calm lake suddenly began to boil.

Then as Xue an slowly lifted up, countless fish, as if they were held by an invisible giant hand, gradually emerged from the water, and then floated in the air.

This scene makes Tan Xiaoyu's breath stop for it.

At this time, Tan Xiaoyu can see that there is no fishing line on xue'an's fishing rod.

Xue an said faintly: "you see, he is powerful, but in my eyes, he is like this cloud dream lake, although it looks very big, but It's still too small! "

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