Looking at the broken mountain lying on the ground, his face full of fear, Xue an showed his white teeth and a forest smile.

"It's a good start, but I hope you'll remember every punch that comes next. If you shout wrong That's the end of your life! Do you understand? "

"No..." Po Shan screamed at the top of his voice.

Xue an didn't give him a chance to beg for mercy. He stepped on the ground with one foot, and the anti shock force would bounce the broken mountain from the ground.

Then Xue an hits out.

The broken mountain screamed and was blown out, but in mid air he called out.

"The second punch..."

Then, Po Shan was like a masochist. Even though Xue an broke his head, broke his bones and broken his tendons, he still kept counting.

"The third punch The fourth punch... "

All the people were staring at this scene, and the eyes of those practitioners were deeply awed.

Hua You'an and song ajaining were already in tears.

Looking at the once extremely arrogant broken mountain, now Xue an beat this pair of miserable, but also have to count how many punches he received.

The happiest thing in the world.

At the same time, Hua Youan is deeply curious about xue'an.

He has just admitted that he is a Chinese, but why has he never heard of him before?

When Hua You'an is in doubt.

Po Shan called out, "the thirty ninth fist!"

Then he was smashed to the ground and couldn't get up again.

At this time, he was as bloody as a group of rotten meat, and his appearance was almost miserable to the extreme.

But even so, he still dare not have the slightest confusion.

Because Xue an said clearly, if you are wrong, you will die.

At this time, Xue an did not punch again, but walked slowly to the broken mountain and looked at him quietly.

Under Xue an's cold eyes, the broken mountain was terrified and trembled.

Then see Xue an light way: "how much did you just shout?"

"No Thirty nine

Xue an shook his head. "Wrong!"

Broken mountain stares round eyes instantly, "how How is that possible? I remember it clearly, and I can't be wrong! "

Xue an smiles, "then I ask you, how many after thirty-eight?"

"Thirty nine!"

Xue an shook his head again, "no!"

"What's wrong? Is it not thirty-nine after thirty-eight? " Po Shan screamed.

Xue an said lightly: "in other places, after thirty-eight is thirty-nine, but in me, I say it is wrong, then it is wrong!"

"If you are wrong, you will die!" Xue an said, his eyes shining, slowly raised his fist.

"No You're just trying to argue. You can't kill... " The broken mountain is just mad.

In his opinion, this Xue an is completely playing tricks.

"Yes, I'm just trying to argue. What can you do to me?" Xue an said lightly, raising his fist to blow down.

However, Po Shan felt a strong sense of divinity, which completely suppressed his own cultivation.

The discovery scared the mountain to death.

If the cultivation is suppressed, Xue an's fist will definitely kill him.

At this time, I heard a gasping cry outside, "leave someone under the fist!"

Po Shan was happy in his heart and was about to say something.

Xue an raised his mouth and said in a cold voice, "do you think you're shooting TV series? Do you want to leave someone behind? "

After that, one blow.


After a crisp sound, the head of the broken mountain was smashed by Xue an's fist.

A strong black light like the tide spread from the broken mountain, stirring up the aura of the heaven and earth with a violent vibration.

And a cloud of black light soared out of the sky, to escape.

Xue an's mind was like a knife, and he cut it directly.

There was a scream in the air, and the whole hall shook suddenly.

All the practitioners were shocked.

This is the vision of heaven and earth caused by the fall of Jinxian.

At this point, the top master of Shiva magic gate broke the mountain and fell on the spot.

At this time, the shouting talent rushed in.

When he saw the body of the broken mountain on the ground, the man's fat face shivered for a while.

"You You killed him? "

Xue an looks at this big fat man, light way: "kill again how?"

Then another man trotted in behind him.

"Housekeeper, you..."

Then the man looked at the corpse of the broken mountain on the ground, and was stunned.

When Hua Youan saw the people coming from behind, he could not help but exclaimed, "Uncle Zhong! How is it you? "

Since Hua You'an left, Chen Zhong has been preoccupied.Finally, he came to the mansion of the city Lord.

But he had no invitation card, so he couldn't get in at all. He could only wander around the door.

But because of the tremendous momentum of the dinner, many people come in and go out, so the news can also be spread.

When he heard that a Chinese teenager and a gold fairy monk were fighting on the spot, he was in the dark and almost fell to the ground.

His biggest worry finally happened.

Jinxian cultivator!

That's what Chen Zhong didn't even dare to think about.

How can three young men with weak crown be rivals of such a strong one?

No way!

Try to get in by yourself!

Even if it is to collect the corpses of three people, it is better to be stupid outside.

After making up his mind, he tried his best to get close to a familiar doorman. Finally, he entered the gate and happened to meet Geng Jin.

He begged for the money and wanted to enter the main hall.

Hearing this, Geng Jin said with a sneer: "I have said that you Chinese are just looking for death here! Are you convinced now? As for going to the main hall? Hehe, that's absolutely impossible. Get out of here

Chen Zhong was scolded for being submissive, but he still bowed to ask for a piece of gold.

Geng Jin's eyes glared and was about to attack when a servant rushed to deliver the letter.

"No! It's going to die

Geng Jin sneered, "Chinese people die. What's the fuss about?"

"No! It's Lord Po Shan who is dying! "

"What?" This soup of gold jumped three feet high at the news.

"What's the matter? Which adult did it? "

"I don't know! Go and have a look

The thick soup gold hears speech, SA Ya Zi runs toward the main hall.

Shiva magic gate is a very powerful sect, and Po Shan is also a strong golden immortal. If he dies at the dinner party, he will be implicated as a housekeeper.

Chen Zhong was stunned when he heard the speech, so he ran after him.

When he entered the main hall, he saw that all three Hua You'an were still alive. Although song'a's arm was missing, he was still alive. Chen Zhong couldn't help but breathe.

But at this time, his face was gloomy and terrible.

Broken mountain died, which makes Geng Jin angry, but dare not provoke Xue an.

He threw all his anger on Chen Zhong.


Geng Jin slapped Chen Zhong in the face, and then roared: "I blame you for this old dog, and pestered me with endless words. As a result, such a big event happened!"

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