At this time, the priests fell to their knees, shaking with excitement.

"Holy Lord of light, have you finally heard our call and come to the world?"

The father who dares not to wait for the name of Talon to kneel down again is scared by the light lord

Hearing his words, the priests' faces were filled with disbelief.

A priest raised his head and said angrily, "you dare to blaspheme. The God of light will punish you!"

As soon as the words fell, his head exploded and the corpse fell to the ground.

Metatron took back his finger and said slowly, "from now on, I will be your God! Serve me sincerely, I will give you powerful strength and long life! Otherwise, it's like this person. "

The rest of the priests were stained with blood. After a little hesitation, they were deeply prostrate on the ground.

"Yes! I honor the incomparable God

Metatron laughed, and with his laughter, the dilapidated church began to crumble and rebuild.

In the twinkling of an eye, it became a magnificent church of light.

Seeing such a miracle, the priests cried and kowtowed.

Metatron schran sat on the throne of light, his wings converged behind him, and turned into a beautiful man. Then he said faintly, "I smell the disgusting smell of darkness. Do those damned dark believers also exist in this world?"

A priest knelt down and crawled forward and told the story in a trembling voice.

"Dark Council?" Metatron's eyes sparkled.

"Yes! Now that the dark parliament dominates Europe, the forces of light have declined to the extreme

"Good! Let's start with these ants! "


Dark castle.

In the open space in front of the door, the skeletons were sitting around fighting the landlord.

There are three people playing cards, but there are more than a dozen people watching. They are noisy and noisy.

"Are you stupid? How can you play that card right? He obviously doesn't play single card. You can get a single card A skull in a suit and leather shoes with a cigar in his hand was a little excited.

Opposite a wearing western jeans, wearing a sun hat skull sniff speech disdain way.

"Don't you pay me back? You just played a single card. I can't blow you up

"Are you still frying? If you dare to blow up, believe it or not, you will lose all your ribs? "

"Ha ha, I don't know who lost all the ribs and borrowed them from others temporarily! If you dare to blow up, I can beat you to tears

Yes, these skeletons bet on their own ribs.

Anyway, it's all exposed, so it's easy to disassemble.

It's just that it's a bit of a win.

For example, the poor loser not only lost his ribs, but also owed more than 20.

Maybe he was exposed, which made the skeleton hang a little bit. He took a strong puff of cigar, and smoke came out of the holes all over his body, and then he said angrily.

"Old six, don't you talk to me, dare we have a game alone?"

"How dare you? First of all, what about winning or losing? "

On hearing this, the cigar skull bit his teeth and said: "come and have some big ones. The loser will be the grandson for three years! Dare you? "


Hearing this, the skeletons burst into an uproar.

"Second brother, second brother! Listen to my brother's advice, you are too much! It's too much fun. "

"Old six, quickly compensate with the second elder brother, isn't it just play, why make it so big?"

"That's it. They've been brothers for hundreds of years. Who's grandson suddenly? What should we do?"

But these two skeletons were obviously in a real fire. No matter how the skeletons advised them, they were all determined to gamble.

"Brother and brother, don't try to persuade me. I've been disgusted with this old punk for a long time. I'm dressed like a Mafia all day, and I still have a cigar in my hand. What kind of social person is here! I don't want to eat it. "

The cigar skull was also impatient, "old six, what the hell do I wear? Are you well dressed? Wear a pair of jeans every day. Haven't you washed them for three years? What do you smell and feel beautiful? "

"Fart, your nose rotted eight hundred years ago. Can you smell it?"

"I can't smell it, but people can smell it in dream snow! Last time I made a movie, I saw with my own eyes that as soon as you get close to Mengxue, people will frown

"Nonsense, when I was making a movie, I used a brush to brush the bones all night, and even waxed at last. How could it taste? It's you, who played a mafia boss, and secretly tattooed yourself! Just your old sticks, even if you have a Picchu tattoo, you can't be young! ""Crouch, old six, do you want to die?" The cigar skeleton stroked his arm and rolled his sleeve to get started.

On the exposed bone, there is a picachu.

This time, the skeletons were in a great disorder and were trying to persuade each other.

"It's hard for anyone to say anything today, old six, I'm not finished with you today! Come on, have a match! The losers not only have to be grandsons for three years, but also have to brush their bones every day. "

"Yes, it's a deal. If anyone dares to repent, the dog will take his bone away!"

Hearing the oath, the faces of the skeletons became dignified.

It's a shame for them to be taken away.

Just at this time, fan Mengxue arrived.

As soon as I saw her coming.

The skeletons all stood up and behaved like gentlemen.

"Mengxue, you are coming!"

Fan Mengxue nodded with a smile. As soon as he wanted to speak, he was stopped by a skeleton.

"Mengxue, I have a new idea about the last performance. I think it's too superficial for me to perform last time. When I'm angry, I should not only get angry in my eyes, but also bring out some expressions! For example, do you think I'm much better like this? "

Say, this skull then stare at fan Mengxue.

Ten seconds later.

Fan Mengxue asked tentatively, "has it started?"

The skull blinked (don't ask me how, it's because of love!) "It's over! Don't you see the anger on my face

Fan Mengxue shook his head.

The skeletons shook their heads in unison.

"No way I'm so angry

He's mumbling.

At this time, the two skeletons stood up and glared at each other, and then said to fan Mengxue one after another.

"Mengxue, you're here just in time. Let's be a witness. I'll bet with this guy!"

"Yes! You're a witness. You don't have to be a jerk

Fan Mengxue did not understand how to return a responsibility at the beginning, and so on after understanding the situation can not help but cry and laugh.

Just want to persuade, the two skeletons are extremely stubborn said: "no use, no one to persuade, today we have to share with him

Helpless, fan Mengxue had to nod, "well, I do witness, then how are you going to bet?"

"It's very simple. He and I are divided today, and we will live and die!" The cigar skull said coldly.


Hearing them say so, fan Mengxue's expression also can't help but stand in awe.

"Well, do you want to start now?"


One minute later.

Fan Mengxue was staring at the two skeletons squatting on the ground.

I saw them both holding a mobile phone in their hands, two bright and clean skull heads together, are fighting.

"Damn it, play with me. You're dead today! Look at my invincible whirlwind

"Ha ha, you are all ants in front of the king! Die, the supreme emperor

The rest of the skeletons looked at the two skeletons in the duel and said in a deep voice.

"Even the king, it's so terrible!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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