Finally, the martial arts convention will officially begin.

After three days of selection, a total of 30 people stand out, and they will be qualified to challenge the masters on the Tianjiao list.

On this day, the front of the challenge arena at the foot of the mountain was filled with people early on.

And this time, the arena has been rebuilt and become more solid and firm.

After all, this time on the stage, not only on the victory or defeat, but also on life and death.

"Isn't that Chen Tong, the 19th Muay Thai King on the Tianjiao list? He's here, too? "

"Oh, my God, Huangfu sky is coming, which is the eighth in Tianjiao list? He is a master of this level. He never showed up in the past years! "

"There are Moon Fairy Xiang Bing, a smile sword hole powder, blood scorpion cold cloud, these are the top experts. What's wrong with this year's martial arts conference?"

With the exclamations from the audience, this year's martial arts convention has gradually begun.

When Xue an came to the stands, almost all the people were there.

A lot of big bellied men sit in the stands, often accompanied by a beautiful secretary.

These are rich people from all over the world.

After all, the masters who can be ranked on the Tianjiao list have a profound background and influence behind them. Therefore, this martial arts meeting is not only a gathering of martial artists, but also related to the interests of talent.

And Xue an's arrival also attracted many people's attention.

However, most people were not interested in Xue an after they observed that he was dressed in ordinary clothes and plain, and did not look like a martial arts expert.

Xue an looks around the audience and sees Shi Hao sitting in the back. However, he is paying great attention to a woman with elegant temperament in green dress.

"Xiang Xianzi, I visited you once with my master. I didn't expect to see you again at the martial arts meeting today."

This woman is known as the Moon Fairy, in the list of Tianjiao 18 Xiang Bing.

Xiang Bing looks indifferent and doesn't care much about Shi Hao.

In the past years, she would not come to the martial arts convention.

But this time, the old man's re coming out of the mountain made her interested and came to see the excitement.

Xue an's arrival, she also saw, but just a light glance, found that is not a martial arts master, then no longer pay attention to, but to Xue an side of the eye on Xue LAN.

"Why! This girl is pure in temperament, but she is a good child to practice martial arts To the ice in front of a light.

Shi Hao noticed Xiang Bing's eyes, turned his head and found it was Xue an. His expression was gloomy.

But seeing Hua Tingting coming, Shi Hao regained his smile and stood up and said, "Miss Hua, this way!"

Hua Tingting didn't want to take care of Shi Hao, but Xue an went straight by.

Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu take a look at each other and have to follow in the past.

"Miss Hua, sit down!" Shi Hao warmly greets him and then introduces him.

"This is the Moon Fairy to the ice!"

Hearing the name, Tan Dong and others can not help but change their color.

Tianjiao ranking 18 masters, is actually a woman with elegant temperament?

Seeing the shocked expression of the crowd, Shi Hao was quite proud. Then he flattered Xiangbing and said with a smile: "Xiang Xianzi, this is Miss Hua Tingting. Her grandfather is the famous Chinese doctor of Beijiang, and this is the director of Zhenbei martial arts school."

He waved his hand to ice and stopped Shi Hao from going on. Then he looked at Xue LAN and said, "little girl, are you interested in practicing martial arts with me?"

This sentence surprised everyone around.

Yuehua fairy, is this going to recruit students?

One side of the bamboo is even more jealous of the eyes are blue.

By what?

Why is she?

It's just a mountain girl. What can compare with me?

Tan and Xiaoyu are also in the heart.

In particular, Tan Dong, who was well aware of the power of the Yuehua fairy, could not help but be somewhat surprised.

But in the eyes of the public, some shy Xue LAN actually resolutely shook his head.

"No interest!"

This sentence let Xiang Bing also some unexpected, can not help but light said: "little girl, do you know who I am?"

Xue LAN continued to shake his head, "I don't know, I don't want to know. Even if I want to practice martial arts, I will only follow younger brother Ann!"

Brother Ann?

They were stunned and then looked at Xue an.

Is it him?

It seems that there is nothing unusual about this man!

Xiang Bing's face couldn't hang any longer, so he snorted coldly.

"Little girl, you must think clearly."

"I've figured it out!" Xue Lan said firmly.

Shi Hao and Shi Zhuli look at each other secretly, and then they are full of joy.Now, let the Moon Flower Fairy bear the grudge, Xue an and this little girl are all over!

Xiang Bing took a deep look at Xue an, and found that the man was calm and calm, and there was nothing strange about him. He looked at the challenge arena like frost.

Xue an indifferent smile, did not pay attention to the so-called Moon Fairy.

It's just a woman who has just stepped into the happy land. It's ridiculous to call herself a fairy.

But Tan Dong was worried. After sitting down, he whispered in Xue an's ear: "this Moon Fairy is famous for being stingy. It's obvious that what happened just now has been remembered. Mr. Xue should pay more attention."

Xue an nodded.

At this moment, the martial arts conference has officially begun.

Shi Hao arranges his clothes and goes on the stage with full confidence.

He was in the middle of the class, so he was in the front.

And what he wants to challenge is a Nanquan master who ranks 88th in Tianjiao list.

After the competition between the two began, Xue an only looked at it twice and ignored it.

Because he can see at a glance that although this Nanquan master has good Kung Fu, he is obviously not Shi Hao's opponent.

Sure enough.

Within a few minutes, the South boxing master was kicked off the ring by Shi Hao, and then he struggled on the ground for several times and died.

There was a commotion off the field.

Shi Hao stood on the stage with a proud face, and then a referee announced the result of the game.

Shi Hao won, and he finally got into the Tianjiao list.

Shi Zhuli naturally overjoyed, and then glared at Xue an's side, thinking in her heart, when the meeting is over, I will clean you up!

Shi Hao stands on the stage and makes a gesture of cutting his throat.

Can imagine the panic did not appear, there is only Xue an in the eyes of that touch of ridicule.

Shi Hao sneers in his heart. I see when you can install it.

The competition continues, because it is related to great interests and honor, so no one dare to release water, and it is often a killing move.

Cruel competition, so that many people watching the excitement are some pale.

Finally, the challenge of the newly selected warriors is over.

Two thirds of them have failed, and the price of failure is death!

Blood dyed the arena red.

But everyone knows that the next is the most important part, because the competition between the top 50 Tianjiao masters will be on the stage.

The first person on the stage, let a burst of low exclamation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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