People looked at the speaker one after another, and then found that it was a little girl carved like a pink jade.

and as like as two peas in the same direction.

It's a pair of twins.

Many people can't help but think that cute is cute, but this is also It's too bad.

Shi Hao and Shi Zhuli, the two brothers and sisters, sneer in their hearts. They want to see how you deal with it.

But then Xue an's behavior, but all people were surprised.

Xue an was smiling and touching Xue Xiang and Xue Nian's head, and said faintly, "yes! So Dad's going on stage. "

"Mm-hmm, that Baba refueling Oh!" Xue wants to say seriously with Xue Nian.

Shi Hao almost didn't laugh.

Is this Mr. Xue?

Can he be Mr. Xue?

A lot of people look at Xue an with confused or disdainful eyes.

Xue'an steps down to the grandstand, but Xue LAN pulls xue'an in a panic.

"Brother Ann..."

Xue an looked at Xue LAN and said with a smile, "darling, wait for me to come back!"

Xiang Bing can't help laughing at this time.

Waiting for me to come back?

Do you think you can come back?

What a joke!

Xiang Bing thinks Xue an will die if he goes.

That's what most people think.

So when Xue an stepped up to the stands, some people were looking at him with sympathy.

However, everything outside can not interfere with Xue an, he slowly off the stand, and step by step on the challenge arena.

Yu Ling has been looking at Xue an with curious eyes.

Until he came to power, Yu Ling said lightly, "are you Mr. Xue?"

Xue an shook his head, then showed his white teeth, and then he laughed, "to be exact, my name is Xue an!"

"Whether Xue an or Mr. Xue, my two disciples died in your hands?" Yu Ling asked.

Xue an nodded. "Yes, I killed it!"

There was an uproar at the bottom.

Many people don't believe it at all, because Xue an looks ordinary and ordinary. He doesn't look like a master or even a warrior.

"Isn't this kid out of his mind?"

"Maybe it's crazy to think of the limelight!"

The people below talked about it in succession, but Yu Ling's expression gradually became gloomy.

"Before I came here, I thought that Mr. Xue must be a great master. I didn't expect that he was just an ordinary person. In this way, you killed both my disciples with your conspiracy?" Yu Ling Yin said with pity.

That's what a lot of people think.

After all, Yu Qing is also regarded as the top 50 experts in Tianjiao list. He died in the hands of Xue an, who seems to have no strength to bind a chicken.

If there is no conspiracy, no one will believe it.

But Xue an shook his head, "do you say Yu Qing? He was so weak that he only took two punches from me! "

"I dare you Yu Ling was furious.

Xiang Bing sneered under the stage and said with a sneer: "I'm looking for death!"

Xue an sighed slightly, "what? unconvinced? I also want to know that you are the master How many punches can you take me? "

Yu Ling sneered, "good! Good! You have succeeded in infuriating me, and I will make your death miserable! "

A fierce murderous spirit suddenly emanates from Yu Ling, and all the people under the stage are shocked.

Tan Dong, Tan Xiaoyu, and Hua Tingting are more dignified.

Knowing that Yu Ling is powerful, I didn't expect to be so powerful.

But in this almost boiling murderous spirit.

Xue an stood with his hands down, slightly raised his head, looked at the gradually gloomy sky, and gave a faint smile, "look! The wind is rising

Yu Ling snorted coldly, raised his right hand slowly, and then drank softly, "pointing to the sky A sword

A white light that seems to carry out the heaven and earth is inspired by Yu Ling's right hand, and then comes straight to Xue an with the power of Taishan.

The momentum is so strong that even the strong ring begins to crumble.

This is like an immortal sword, so that all martial arts are pale.

Many people ask themselves that if they fight this sword, they can only wait for death, and they have no ability to fight back.

But under the sword of the stormy waves, Xue an did not hide, and even the corners of his mouth slowly showed a smile.

Then, just as the sword was about to hit his head, Xue an suddenly raised his hand, stretched out two fingers, and clamped the rainbow like sword.

One side is Yu Ling's long sword made of Qi, and the other side is two slender fingers.

The contrast between the two is extremely wide.

It even gives people the illusion that these two fingers will turn into powder in the next second.

However, Yu Ling's sword can no longer be cut down.These two fingers are like two mountains, and the suppressed sword Qi can't enter at all.

Yu Ling looks sluggish.

Xue an said faintly: "although better than your apprentice, but still Too weak! "

Xue an's fingers were pinched.


After a crisp sound.

The Qi sword was cut off by Sheng Sheng and then turned into nothing.

All the seats were startled!

To ice is Huoran to stand up, can't believe watching this scene on the stage.

Yu Ling's eyes also flashed a trace of surprise, but still sneer: "sure enough, you have some skills, but you still have to die!"

He said that Yu Ling's ten fingers all came out, and the ten Qi swords went straight to Xue an.

The speed is so fast that the air along the way is even blasted.

Xue an did not move.

Yu Ling was happy because the Qi sword was about to be inserted into Xue an's body.

He even saw the scene of Xue an lying on the ground covered with blood the next second later.

But at this time, Xue an raised his head, looked at the cloudy sky, and said faintly, "now It's my turn! "

With that, Xue an raised his right hand lightly and said coldly, "look at me One blow moves the world

This is a very ordinary looking punch.

Be slow and easy.

But it was such a blow that Yu Ling's face changed greatly and he retreated quickly.

At the same time.

Everyone under the stage felt that the heaven and earth suddenly reversed, and all fell to the ground together.

As for the challenge arena.

This seemingly impregnable arena has now been completely overturned.

As for Yu Ling, he retreated to the distance in a panic, breathing heavily, and looking at Xue an with a look of great panic.

It was just the intuition of the supreme warrior that told him the horror of Xue an's fist, so he retreated.

If he retreated a little slower, he would be dead now.

At the same time, Xue an's back is fighting.

That's right!

That's him!

I feel the high breath before the beginning of the conference, which comes from him!

Lengyun didn't even hesitate and turned around and left.

Because she knows, this man, is not she or anyone can match!

"This What kind of boxing is this? " Yu Ling dry voice, there is a trace of undetectable shaking in the voice.

Xue an took back his fist and said with a smile, "it's not bad. You can avoid my fist! But Not enough! "

After that, a startling momentum rose to the sky, and the whole Qingmang mountain seemed to tremble slightly under this momentum.

Yu Ling's last fluke also disappeared, he finally understood that the gap between himself and this man was not a little bit, but a desperate gap.

So he made a correct decision. He jumped into the sky and wanted to run away.

Xue an at this time, however, looked indifferent and said: "want to run? Unfortunately, it's too late! "

"Look at the second of the six ways of killing God, which is divided into yin and Yang!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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