Is it him?

How could it be? Isn't he dead?

Shocked, the girl quickly searched the forum for all the photos about Xue an.

Finally, she was sure.

This man is Xue an, who has been missing for four years.

She couldn't help bursting into a rage.

"Sure enough, it's a scum man. He disappeared for no reason. His sister escaped to the empty door for you, but when he came back, he didn't know to look for her."

The girl's face was full of anger, and after a while she recovered her calm. Then she said in a deep voice, "come here."

The door opened quietly and a respectful old man came in.

"Second lady."

"Get ready for the car!"

"Well, where are you going?"

"Green awn!"

The martial arts convention is over.

Pointing to the death of the old man, many people are afraid of it, but also let the following events can not go on.

Many people quietly left Qingmang Town, but Xue an did not leave.

Because he still has something to deal with.

He did not leave, Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu also stayed.

Only Tan Dong had a temporary business and left Qingmang town to return to Beijiang.

That day, Xue an took her two daughters to the mountain climbing.

Tan Xiaoyu and Hua Tingting also followed.

The air in the mountain is pure as if it had been washed.

At this moment, it is nearly Qingming and drizzle almost every day near Qingmang mountain.

But this can't stop the enthusiasm of the two little girls. Along the way, the two girls are chirping and laughing.

Looking at the two strange daughters, Xue an's heart is full of warmth.

"Baba Baba, you see what that is!" Xue wanted to point to the valley in the distance.

Xue an took a look. "Oh, that's a pear tree."

"Pear tree? Is there a pear to eat? " Xue Nian is fresh again.

Xue an a smile, "haven't bloomed and fruited, how to eat?"

"When will it bloom?" Xue wanted to ask.

"It should be Come on

"If it blooms, it must be beautiful!" Xue Xiang said with some yearning.

Xue an faint smile, and then quietly pinched a resolution.

Their destination is also in that pear garden.

But this year because of the cold weather, so up to now, has not bloomed.

But when they came to the valley, an amazing scene happened.

The pear blossoms all over the mountain seem to welcome their arrival and bloom in an instant.

White pear flowers, as if to let the valley under a heavy snow.

Xue want to and Xue Nian Leng for a while, then they burst into the pear forest cheerfully.

Hua Tingting and Tan Xiaoyu take a look at each other, their eyes are full of shock and doubt.

There is no such coincidence in the world.

When his group came, the pear blossom was in full bloom.

Is it possible that Is that what Xue an did?

Hua Tingting suddenly remembers that when she was in the Qin family, Xue an made the flowers and plants turn green overnight.

Who the hell is he?

Why can we order flowers and plants? Let the pear blossom all over the mountain?

Xue an took the people to the middle of the valley.

There is a Taoist temple here.

It's just that it's in disrepair for a long time, and it looks a little shabby.

When Xue an enters the Taoist temple, it may be that the sound of footsteps disturbs the quietness here.

An old lazy voice came from the room.

"Let the believers have a look. If you want to give, you can sweep the code and cash. "

Xue an's mouth appeared a smile, "Zhai Lao Dao, you are not dead yet?"

The room was quiet for a moment, and then the door creaked and was pushed open. Out of the room, an old man in grey clothes came out. His mouth was still garrulous and said, "who is it! Sounds so familiar? "

When I look up, I see Xue an smiling at the corner of his mouth. I can't help being stunned.

"You You are... "

Xue an nodded, "Zhai Lao Dao, don't you recognize me?"

Lao Dao was suddenly excited, "Xiao an? You're still alive? But I remember that I gave you several divinations, which showed that you are no longer in the world? "

Xue an smiles, "perhaps your divination is not very accurate."

Zhai Laodao shook his head and said confidently, "my divination is always accurate. It's really strange."

Then Zhai Laodao saw the two little girls who followed Xue an, and a loving smile appeared on his face.

"What beautiful and pure two little girls."

"My daughter!" Xue an said with pride.

Zhai Laodao nodded, "you can see."

Then he turned and entered the room. After a while, he took out two small strings.

"This is a string of hands that I recite sutras day and night, which can dispel all evils!""Thank you, grandpa!" Two little girls cried out in one voice.

"Well, good!" Zhai Laodao's beard was raised with laughter.

At this time, he found something strange around him. First he was stunned, and then he said inexplicably: "strange, when I just came out, the pear flowers haven't opened yet! How could it be that in the blink of an eye, all of them were in full bloom? "

Xue an smiles, "may be to welcome us!"

Said Xue an took out a bank card from his arms, "this is the pear money I owe you many years ago."

Zhai Laodao did not refuse. After taking over, he said with a smile: "at first you swore that you would pay back the money one day. I don't believe it. Now it seems that you have really done it! How much money is there? "

"Tens of millions. I don't know exactly how much." Xue an said lightly.

Originally excited Zhai Laodao's expression froze, "you How much do you say

"Tens of millions!"

"You Did you rob the bank? " Zhai Laodao said.

Xue an was angry and funny and said, "do you think it's still possible to rob banks these days?"

"That's also true. Even my donation supports scanning code payment!" Zhai Laodao said.

I can see that he is very happy.

Not because of money, but because of Xue an's coming.

At the moment, Xue an also sighed.

When he was young, his family suffered great changes. In order to earn money, he often went to the mountain to collect herbs. He came to this Lihua Valley by chance, and then met Zhai Laodao, who was still a young man at that time.

Although Zhai Laodao sometimes talks about God, he still sympathizes with Xue an. He often gives money to xue'an from the Taoist temple.

Xue an said at that time that he would come back to repay his kindness.

Now he did.

Xue an enters the hall.

The hall was in disrepair for a long time. It looked a little dark, but the statue was still in good condition.

The immortals worshipped here are very messy, including Sanqing Jade Emperor and all kinds of immortals.

Even in the corner there is a fox fairy.

Xue an laughs and picks up a column of fragrance, lights it and inserts it into the censer.

"Why are you all in one censer? Share them Zhai Laodao said.

Xue an a smile, "don't have to, let them share it by themselves."

Zhai Laodao didn't think so, but when he turned to leave.

All of them are trembling in the hall like It's like a salute to Xue an.

Xue an stood with his hands down and looked at the statues with a faint smile on his face.

These gods are real.

Xue an even dealt with them.

However, compared with Xue an, who has been up against the sky and gradually cultivated to the fairyland.

One of the biggest defects of these native immortals is that they can only survive by the power of faith.

Once you lose faith, you die.

And Xue an's fragrance is enough to give these immortals face.

That's why he said he'd let them divide it by themselves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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