In fact, before Xue an orders, the two little girls can't wait to pick up a piece and put it into their mouths.

"Is it delicious?" An Yan asked.

The two little girls have no time to talk, can only nod.

An Yan then also picked up a taste.

Entrance, is a very soft tenacity, covered with good soup thicken, very sweet and refreshing.

But after chewing for two times, the Dragon liver will suddenly open, and then quickly absorbed by the body.

Anyan felt that the strength of the whole person had increased a lot, and his cultivation began to move.

But because now an Yan's cultivation has reached the critical value of seal, so there is no progress at all.

Xue an can see this naturally, can't help but look colder.

"Honey, take a bite!" Anyan naturally can see that Xue an's state is not right, also can guess what is the reason, quickly switch the topic.

Xue an shook his head and said with a smile, "I was tired of eating this stuff at the beginning. You and the child can eat it!"

At this moment.

There was a sudden noise of footsteps outside the door.

Then I heard someone yelling, "are you sure there's someone inside?"

"Boss, we are so sure! Absolutely not wrong! And don't you smell the smell? Obviously, the thief is cooking in it

"Damn it, someone dares to go to Mr. Xue's hometown to make a mistake. Today I don't peel off Mr. Xue's skin, so I'm sorry..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue an opened the door.

Sure enough.

Standing outside the door, it is Du fan, the leader of Beijiang gangster, who is going to break into the door and catch the "thief" by pulling his arms and sleeves.

When they saw Xue an standing behind the door, wearing a cooking apron and even carrying a spatula in his hand, they were all silly.

"Xue Mr. Xue? " Du fan was the first to wake up and said with consternation.

Xue an nodded slightly, looked at Du fan one eye, and then said faintly: "sorry what? Do you practice this set of skills? "

Du fan hears speech a shock, and then embarrassed to grasp the head, "hey hey, Mr. Fu, I also began to practice."

"Oh, how about entry?"

Du fan didn't even dare to lift his head this time, and said in a low voice: "until now, I haven't felt the existence of Aura!"

Xue an laughed, "of course you can't feel it, because you don't have the root of cultivation!"

Hearing this sentence, Du fan wanted to cry, because he was not the first person to say so to him. But when these words were said from Xue an's mouth, Du fan felt real despair.

Without the root of cultivation, it means that you can't practice in the future.

Duffan is not a fool.

Of course, he can see what will be most popular in the future. There is no doubt that it is the cultivator with accomplishments.

If you want to stay in this position for a long time, you also need more powerful strength.

Otherwise, they will probably become abandoned children of this era.

So no matter how difficult it is, he wants to practice.

But Xue an today's words, but mercilessly shattered his last trace of fantasy.

When Dufan's face was gray.

Xue an looked at those hands with sticks behind him, and said faintly, "how do you know there is movement in my house?"

Du Fan said in a low voice: "Sir, this is all arranged by me. I am afraid that there will be gangsters in your old house to make trouble, so I ordered people to watch for 24 hours. This time, they said that someone broke into your old house, so I came here in a hurry."

"It may be that you came back in such a hurry that these people didn't recognize you, and that's why they made this oolong. I'm really sorry!"

Dufan explained a lot.

Xue an chuckled and suddenly asked, "when the world was in chaos, you sent someone to protect the old Xie family secretly, right?"

Du fan smelled the speech and nodded, "at that time, although chairman Qin also sent people over, I was always worried that their bodyguards were not smart enough, so I ordered some local thugs to stare at them."

"Although the fighting effectiveness of these thugs is not good, they are very familiar with the local terrain and situation. If they go, they can help Uncle Xie through their difficulties."

You've done well, Xue an

Du fan is slightly stunned, just want to thank, but Xue an's next words let him stay in the original place.

"Although you have made many mistakes before, I will give you an opportunity with your two intentions."


Mr. Xue wants to give me a chance.

Du fan felt that the whole person was stupid, the brain is a blank, can only stay Leng Leng nodded.


Xue an smiles and turns to look at the mother and daughter who have eaten most of the Longgan, but apparently can't eat it.

"Still eating?"Mother and daughter shook their heads together.

"I don't want to eat it. It's delicious just now, but I feel bloated when I eat too much!" An Yan said.

"Yes! I feel terrible too Think about it.

Only Niannian took another piece and put it into his mouth, chewing it slowly like a hamster.

"I think it's OK, but I'm full!"

Xue an laughs and brings the remaining half of the Dragon liver to me.

Here you are

Du fan took the plate blankly. "Sir, this is..."

"This is my chance to send you!" Xue an said lightly.


Du fan has some silly eyes.

Is such a leftover dish a chance?

If others dare to say so, Du fan would have called in the past, thinking that he must be happy with himself.

But he didn't dare to listen.

And what is this dish made of? It smells good.

"Have a try!" Xue an Dao.

"Er Good

Thinking in his mind, Du fan grabbed a piece with his hand and threw it into his mouth.

After chewing, Du fan's whole body was shocked, and suddenly a burst of smelly sweat stains appeared on his body.

But originally some turbid eyes also become clear.

This is the effect of Longgan on cutting meridians and washing marrow.

Then Dufan felt that he could suddenly feel the existence of the aura of heaven and earth.

He was ecstatic at the discovery, "sir..."

Xue an waved his hand. "You deserve it!"

Du fan didn't think so. He carefully served the dishes in his hands, and then saluted Xue an respectfully.

"Great kindness, sir. Du fan will never forget it. If there is any driving force in the future, it will certainly work hard for you."

Xue an faint smile, "OK! Go

Then he closed the door.

Du fan bowed like this, until more than a minute later, he slowly straightened up.

His face was full of excitement and excitement.

As for his subordinates, they all stare at Du fan's dish with straight eyes.

Du Fan said faintly: "this is a gift from my husband. I have eaten one now. If you want to eat the rest, you must make a special contribution to the help to enjoy it! Do you understand? "

"Yes All of them were shocked, and they respected their boss more and more.

"If there are more people here, sir, please report to me immediately!"

"Understand!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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