Feng Chao Chiu hugged his shoulder and looked at him in the distance, with a trace of residual amazement in his eyes.

At the first sight of an Qing, Feng chaocai was shocked.

Different from the beauty of Tan Xiaoyu and Hua Tingting, this Anqing is a kind of aesthetic feeling that makes men unable to resist the desire of protection.

Especially with the beautiful appearance of cartoon characters.

Commonly known as the best Laurie.

Damn it, why are there so many beauties around this man?

Feng Chao Chiu has some hatred.

When I'm done, I'll find a way to take all these girls away!

As for Xue an.

Feng didn't care.

He is a Feng family from the provincial capital. In the provincial capital, the Feng family is a serious and powerful family.

In the provincial capital and even in Beijiang, we have not heard of a powerful family surnamed Xue.

So he felt that Xue an was just an ordinary man.

Feng chaocai is neither a martial artist nor a warlock. He came to Qingmang because of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man named Zuo Yuqi is a famous geomantic master in the provincial capital.

That is, he said that there will be foreign treasures in Qingmang mountain. If it is given to his family, Feng chaochi will become the master of the Feng family in the future.

That's why he ran into the gully a few hundred miles away.

"What are you going to do An Qing asked at this time.

Xue an has not yet said, Feng chaochi has come together, full of smile said: "Hello, I am Feng chaozao, the provincial capital of the Feng family, get to know it!"

Anqing glanced at him coldly and didn't pay any attention to him.

Feng chaochi was embarrassed and wanted to move forward. At this time, the man beside an Qing did not move forward and pushed Feng chaochi aside.

Feng Chaoji was stunned and his face was gloomy.

"It's better for Feng Sheng to pay more and more attention to the big things." Zuo Yuqi was afraid that something bad would happen to her, so she quickly advised her.

Feng chaocai snorted from his nostrils and turned to Xue an and said, "where is the black pool?"

Xue an faint smile, "in front of me, follow me!"

At this time, Xue wanted to and Xue Nian said to Anqing, "little aunt, I'm going to take us to see the big worms!"

The two little girls still remember the dragon in the black water pool, but they call it big bug.

Feng Chao Chiu sneered in his heart.

Big worm?

It's funny. I don't know how to die.

Anqing's heart moved and nodded: "then I'll go with you to have a look, OK?"

"Good, good!"

The temporary addition of an Qing didn't make Xue an feel anything.

However, the silent men made Xue an interested.

These men are obviously good at their skills, and have been silent, moving, sitting and lying with a rigid eye.

Is it a soldier?

An idea flashed through Xue an's mind.

It's not too far from the pear blossom Valley to the black water pool.

It's just that the mountain road is rugged, so it's slow to walk.

Xue an simply one hand, two daughters in his arms, and then walk in the front.

This physical strength makes the eyes of Anqing's guards flash.

Just when Feng chaocai was pale, he felt that he was going to be unable to hold on.

It's the black pool.

It's no different here than when Xue an left some time ago.

Can wait until here, Zuo Yuqi's look will be excited.

"Yes, that's it! This is a rare opportunity in a hundred years! Feng Shao, if you want to do it this time, you can not only master the Feng family, but also reach the top of the provincial capital. "

Feng's face was also excited.

At this time, the water in the black pool began to boil, and the clear sky suddenly became overcast.

"Soon! Come out soon Zuo Yuqi murmured to herself, and then she took out a set of small flags from her arms and began to insert them around the black pool.

After inserting, there are several red lines above the black pool.

At this time, the snake head appeared suddenly in the black pool.

Two horns have been formed above the head of the snake, and a pair of snakes is full of pain.

This scene makes the mind of an Qing who didn't think so much of a shock.

Oh, my God!

Is there really a dragon?

At the beginning, Anqing thought it was a python.

But I didn't think it was such a divine thing.

Some of the men were silent.

There was a faint rumble of thunder in the sky.



A giant flash goes straight to the python in the black pool.

This blow, let the python roar a pain, and then plunge into the black pool, a stream of red blood, the pool water are dyed red.Many of the people present were stunned.

Zhai Laodao was even more excited, "Jiaolong Huaxing, Shifu! At that time, the dragon was about to ascend to the sky! "

But at this time, there was an even greater flash of lightning coming straight to the black pool.

Completely ignoring the barrier of the pool, he rushed in directly.

A burst of underground vibration, it seems that there are huge things struggling in pain.

At the same time, a third flash of lightning came.

The first lightning is called hualongjiao, the second is to withdraw the python skin, and the third is also the last one, that is, the Dragon ascends to the sky!

As long as we can survive this attack, the dragon will be transformed into a dragon.

But at this time, the small flag arranged by Zuo Yuqi began to flicker.

The lightning seemed to be unable to find the black dragon pool, began to hover above, and then disappeared.

Great joy to Zuo Yuqi!

But the python suddenly poked out his head, although full of scars, but still very angry to bite at Zuo Yuqi.

"Feng Shao! Now

Feng Chao Chiu was not stupid. He knew that success or failure was at stake, so he yelled: "quick! Do it

All the people who came with him took guns out of their backpacks.

There's even a rocket launcher.

This equipment makes an Qing also stunned.

How can we get such standard equipment? This Feng family has a lot of energy!


The gun fired at the python.

The bullet hit the python, and sparks were flying.

Such hardness, let Feng chaocai also for it smack tongue.

But it also made his heart even hotter.

If this can be subdued by oneself, who dares to provoke?

But the python was obviously very angry. With a mouth and a black fog, he went straight to Feng chaocai and others.

Feng chaozao quickly rolled away and avoided the attack.

For the sake of the black fog, the black water is eroding behind him.

Feng Chao Chiu was terrified.

At this time, Zuo Yuqi took out the last treasure with a dignified face.

This is the realgar essence stone that he has prepared for many years to deal with the dragon that is about to transform into shape.

As long as you throw it out, the dragon will be used by itself.

When Zuo Yuqi thought of this, she couldn't help being filled with enthusiasm.

As a matter of fact, he came here to help Feng chaozao. In fact, it was all for himself.

But at this time, someone sneered: "this Jiaolong, it's my ghost gate, you don't get out of here!"

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