LV Baiyue was shocked, and knew that Xue an was true.

Because she knows too much about her brother's virtue.

At this time, Xue an continued: "you should have killed your LV family, but for the sake of being a Dan master, I'll spare you once! Next time, there will be no amnesty for killing! "

"Yes Lu Baiyue's difficult response.

As for LV lie, he was now in a state of dismay and decadence.

Because he knew it was the best ending.

In this world, the strong are respected.

What's more, it's my fault from the beginning to the end.

It's lucky to be able to preserve the LV family.

Then Xue an looked around the audience, a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and then turned around and went back to the hall of Danlou.

The banquet continued.

But people's attitude towards xue'an is different.

If the former is for a Dan master of respect, it is now a peerless awe.

Meanwhile, the news that Xue an killed yuxu palace with a sword on top of the grand ceremony of Dan king, and made the LV family of chaotianfang bow their heads and admit defeat with supreme power also spread quickly.

For a time, the eastern region vibrated.

All the people who heard it were shocked and couldn't believe it.

Even those deities were silent this time.

Xue an's reputation, like the scorching sun in the ninth day, finally shocked the land.

For a while.

So he lived in the city of Wandan.

As a result, Wandan city has become a sacred place for numerous Dan masters to worship.

Every day, there are Danshi and practitioners from all over the city.

These practitioners wanted to take this opportunity to have a good relationship with the new Dan king.

In particular, after the news that Xue an gave a holy pill to a small sect named longxiangshan, these practitioners' eyes were red.

If we have a good relationship, we will get a reward or something. Isn't it a pleasure?

As for these Dan masters, they want to take this opportunity to learn some advanced alchemy.

As a result, the city has become more lively than ever.

Every day, there are countless Dan masters waiting outside the Danlou, watching eagerly, hoping to see the new Dan king.

In this case, Xue an simply held a lecture on Dan.

News came.

These Dan masters' eyes are green. What's more, they sit on the ground directly outside the Danlou building and occupy their positions in advance.

It's time to talk about Dan.

Almost all the Danshi of the whole Zhongyu came here.

Standing on the top of the Danlou, there is a vast area of black under it. All of them are Dan masters wearing various kinds of Dan robes.

But Xue an, dressed in a white Dan robe, appeared behind the top of the Danlou.

The noisy crowd fell silent in an instant.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Xue an smiles and begins to tell the secret of Danfa.

Xue Angui was immortal, and he had traveled all over the world. Therefore, his vision was not what people in this field could imagine.

Take what he is talking about now, although they are the most basic alchemy in the world of heaven and earth, they are enough to shock these Dan masters.

In this way, Xue an talks about Dan for three days.

These Dan masters listened to it for three days.

Three days later, we can see that almost all of them have made great progress.

Many people have been promoted to one or even two ranks because of Xue an's talk about Dan.

In short, after the three days of talking about Dan, Xue an's name as the king of Dan was thoroughly known.

All of them were convinced, and no one had any objection.

A few days later.

Xue an still lives in the judan palace.

Although Xue an was invited to live in the Danlou several times by the elders of Dandao, because an Yan liked the elegance of the courtyard, she was rejected by Xue an.

This also makes the status of judan palace rise.

Now who knows that xue'an, the king of Dan, lives here.

Therefore, numerous Dan practitioners are willing to trade here.

In a few days, the judan palace has become the leading chamber of Commerce in Wandan city.

For this, donglingxin is naturally very grateful and more respectful to xue'an's family.

On that day, she was in the hall talking about business with several senior Dan masters.

Suddenly, from the door came a woman in strong clothes.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of many people in the hall.

Because the dress the woman is wearing is so unique.

Her graceful figure was revealed in her tight clothes.

At the same time, in the middle of her forehead, there is a small sword shaped red seal, which makes her more distinctive.

But the most striking thing was the huge sword on her back.The handle of the sword is about half a foot higher than the shoulder. The red tassel on the sword jaw swings with the walking, and the mind of the shaking people is shaking.

Such a description of a special woman naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Then the woman went straight to donglingxin and said in a cold voice, "there is a man named Xue an who lives here?"

Dongling was very nervous, because she didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend. After pondering for a moment, she asked, "what are you looking for Lord Xue?"

"Don't ask me about these things. I see him very important." The woman said coldly.

The East spirit heart some hesitates, but still nodded, "well, please follow me!"

Said, the East spirit heart led the woman to come to the back of Xue an living in the courtyard.

At the moment, Xue an is playing with her two daughters in the courtyard.

He folded a lot of paper cranes, which danced in the air and arranged various words or pictures from time to time. The two daughters giggled.

It's time to have fun.

Dong Lingxin walked into the courtyard and said respectfully, "my Lord, someone wants to see you!"

The woman who followed Dong Lingxin took the lead and said in a cold voice, "are you Xue an?"

Xue an head also did not lift, just light way: "snow flows away is so discipline oneself's subordinate?"

A word makes the woman turn pale.


Xue an raised her eyes and looked at the woman.

The woman was so shocked that she couldn't help but step back.

Because she found the way she looked at herself was horrible.

There is a hint of irony in the calm, and beneath the surface there is a chilling deterrent.

At this time, the woman remembered the words that the young lady had told her before leaving.

In the face of this person must be respectful, can not be slighted.

At that time, the woman was still a little unconvinced. Until then, she realized that what she said was true.

At this time, she bowed to me. She was very respectful to her

When Xue Anhuai thought about it, he suddenly covered his mouth and giggled, "sword seven It's a strange name. Is there a sword eight? "

Jian Qi shook his head and said seriously, "we only have seven people, so there is no jian-8!"

However, Xue an Cai didn't care whether she was a sword seven or a sword seven hundred. He just said faintly, "why didn't the snow drift?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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