"I was fired? Are you kidding? Security, get these people out of here The irony of Dai Yue's face.

"Look at this!" Xue an throws the card.

Dai Yue picked it up and didn't care. She thought Xue an was just making a mystery.

But after a look, they were stunned.

Because of this card It seems that everyone in Longtai group should remember the supreme card when they enter the company.

The person who owns this card is the most distinguished guest of Longtai group.

Don't say to fire such a small operation manager, is to let this Longtai Plaza close down now, only to meet him, it's no problem!

Dai Yue's face suddenly became very pale and trembled all over.

Xue an said faintly: "have you seen clearly? Would you like to make a phone call

Dai Yue did not dare to speak.

Because she knew it was absolutely true.

How can this man have the VIP card of Longtai group?

Who the hell is he?

Dai Yue is a little desperate.

Xue an said faintly: "since there is no doubt, now I ask you to Go away

At the end of the day, Xue an's tone was a little more accentuated.

Although to others, there was no difference. Dai Yue's ears sounded like thunder.

She was so shocked that she almost urinated.

And those who follow Dai Yue are so quiet that they dare not lift their heads.

At this time, Dai Yue suddenly yelled: "you fired me. What do I think of your fashion show today?"

Dai Yue looked at babe and said with admiration: "master barber, you can see that these people are so rude and lack of quality. Why should we cooperate with such people?"

Barber's face was also gloomy. He didn't expect that the man would have such a right, so he let a manager leave his job.

But this woman is right.

Now, what do you think of the fashion show!

Kaman also added fuel to the flames: "the quality of Chinese people is poor, there is no spirit of contract, master barber, I think they will have to apologize to you in a moment!"

Bob's face was proud.

But at this time, Xue an just laughed, "who said that without you, this fashion show could not go on?"

Baber was stunned. Did this man invite other designers?

No, it won't!

Why did he say that?

Dai Yue also hesitated, but soon she scoffed and said, "it's quite calm. I'll see the opening ceremony held. What do you do?"

Xue an took a deep look at her, then lowered her head to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian: "for a while, how about playing a game with Baba?"

"Good!" The two little girls spoke in the same voice.

Xue an came to the fashion area with her two daughters in her arms.

Dai Yue and barber and others looked at each other and followed.

They want to see what kind of medicine is sold in xue'an's gourd.

At this time, the fashion show will start in 20 minutes.

The person in charge here is in a hurry.

Seeing Xue an coming, he was stunned, "you..."

Xue an is no nonsense. He takes out the card and says, "I'll take over the card now!"

"But..." The latter one swallowed back, because he also recognized the VIP card.

"There are still twenty minutes left. Even God can't save him!" Barber sneered.

Xue an, however, looked at these colorful clothes, and then selected more than ten pieces at a very fast speed.

After putting it on the design platform, I picked up the scissors nearby and started cutting.

Everyone's eyes were wide.

Is this a design change?


Now it will start in more than ten minutes!

How could it be in time?

Even an Qing thinks Xue an is joking.

Barber and Kaman, as well as Dai Yue three people are a face of sneer.

Xue an cuts the clothes very fast. In a minute, she cuts the clothes and starts to splice them.

All the top tailors were waiting for him. After Xue an finished it, he gave them to them. These people also thought that Xue an was making a fool of himself, but he still sewed them at the fastest speed.

Xue an picked up two pieces and said to Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, "this is yours!"

Then she gave the rest to Tang Xuaner and an Qing, "these are yours!"

Anqing glared round eyes, "we still have to go up?"

"Yes! I designed it according to you! " Xue an said lightly.

An Qing and Tang xuan'er also know that the matter is urgent, also no longer nonsense, led Xue Xiang and Xue Nian into the dressing room.Now, it's less than five minutes from the beginning.

Barber sneered: "it's really funny. I've been studying design in Europe for more than ten years, and someone wants to design a brand-new suit in ten minutes!"

Xue an looked at him lightly. Then, with a smile, "I'm sorry, when it comes to clothes, Chinese people are your ancestors."

This made Babbitt's face black, but he couldn't say anything against him.

Because what Xue an said is true.

When the Chinese had already put on fine silk, the Europeans were still wearing heavy fur or coarse linen.

Today's fashion show has attracted a lot of media.

There are also fashion people from all over the country.

Now they're all waiting under the catwalk.

In the distance are ordinary people.

These people are all whispering at the moment.

"Well, what's the point of this fashion show? It's just the mess in Europe. "

"Yes, once I saw a model come out in a plastic bag! What the hell

"Well, we have thousands of years of Chinese civilization, but now it is reduced to let foreigners teach us to dress?" Some people can't help but sigh.


With a burst of Guqin music.

The whole room was quiet.

I always start with a variety of English songs. What's the matter today? Some people were surprised.

However, the sound of classical instruments is really beautiful, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The light fell on the exit of the t-stand.

The crowd held their breath and were ready to see who the first model would be!

Then I saw two little girls in classical Chinese clothes walking out hand in hand.

as pretty as a picture as like as two peas, two girls with a myriad talents and a beautiful eye.

It looks like a little princess coming out of the painting.

There was an uproar below.

The media are also shocked.

Isn't that the designer this time is from Europe?

How can Chinese clothes appear?

But the media reacted so quickly that they immediately began to take pictures.

This is the best material!

The crackling flash made the two girls seem afraid.

But the two girls still slightly lowered their heads and insisted on walking through the whole course.

After they went back, there was a burst of applause under the stage, which was very weak at first, but soon it was like the roar of mountains and the sea.

The people in the distance were shouting.

"Beautiful! These two little girls are so painful

"My God, if I could have a pair of such daughters, I would be happy to die!"

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