The snow drifted away from the whole body, and was about to say something, but it had disappeared in the light of the sword.

Send the snow away.

Xue anchong, the blissful goddess, said with a smile, "don't cry after you go in!"

This sentence makes Lingxiao almost confused.

There are also some doubts in the eyes of the blissful goddess.

But time did not wait for time. The blissful heavenly daughter nodded to Xue an slightly, and then crushed Lei Dan and entered the remaining collection.


All these people have entered the remains.

Only Xue an stood in the high altitude, looked at the meaning of the sword to the sky, and said faintly: "if you can touch the law of Da Luo in the world like this, you are very talented."

Then Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "big dream Hehe, these fools, do you really think there will be any real legacy? "

"Well, since you are here, let me appreciate your sword meaning."

After that, Xue an didn't use any thunder light, so he directly divided his hands. The sword light shook for a while, and there was a gap.

Then Xue an stepped into it.

opened his eyes again. It was a strange smell of perfume, hair spray, and smelly feet and sweat.

Smelling the smell, Xue an's mouth appeared a smile.

Finally Have you started?

At this time, listen to Joel's signature nagging voice behind him.

"Second brother, you are the first one in our dormitory to have a girlfriend. Your sister-in-law is beautiful and gentle. You have to grasp it! And this time, you are on behalf of our bedroom to go home with my sister-in-law, and you have to show our brothers' demeanor! "

"I've heard that my sister-in-law's family is very good, and it's from the capital of China, so we can't lose face! So this jar of hair gel that I've kept for many years, I'll use it for you this time

As he spoke, jolle carefully dabbed her brush with hair gel on her hair.

Xue an's heart slightly shakes and looks up at the mirror in front of him.

I saw myself in the mirror. My eyes were green and astringent. I was very young.

And the arrangement in front of me is so familiar.

as like as two peas in the wall, the wooden tables are always the same, and the bookcases are always in a mess.

At this moment.

Yang Bin, who is squatting on one side and polishing his shoes, laughs, "third brother, are you really going to keep this jar of hair gel and pass it on to my son later?"

"You don't understand! This hair gel is necessary for our brothers to go out to war. If you use it, you can make sure that the girls can't even find it in the North! Second brother, isn't this an example? After he used the hair gel, he succeeded in picking the flowers of our school. Is that no second brother? "

Joe le will also have a long face full of acne around the face, smile asked.

Xue an looks quietly, suddenly some aphasia.

Because he remembered what day it was.

This is the time I went back to her home with an Yan.

That's right!

even as like as two peas said, two.

At this time, when Qiao Le saw that Xue an did not speak, he could not help but curl his mouth, "see? Our second brother has been stunned by the sudden happiness! You didn't see the howl of those guys when the second brother cut off the school flower an Yan, just like the wolf! hey! But it has to be our second brother. It's really inspiring for our brothers

Joel began to ramble on and on again.

At this time, Yang Bin has polished a pair of leather shoes, and then handed them to Xue an.

"Second brother, try it! My feet are bigger than yours, but I've put a ball of paper in front of me. I should be able to wear them! "

Xue an looks at the shoes on the ground.

This pair of shoes is Yang Bin one, but also the most expensive pair of shoes in the whole bedroom.

It cost 1800 yuan.

This sum of money is enough for their poor students for several months.

But after buying back, Yang Bin a basic did not wear, all let Xue an.

The same is true this time.

And he cleaned his shoes clean.

Xue an is in a daze.

Qiao Le said with a smile, "fourth, these shoes can be regarded as our second brother's boots! Just put it on, little girl. It's just going to go up! You can't blow away with a stick

"If you have something to say, just let it go!" Yang Bin said with a smile.

Qiao Le rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "when do you want me to wear them, I'll find you a third sister-in-law."

"Go away! Just your stinky feet, and foot gas! Are you wearing it, others still wearing it? " Yang Bin a merciless curse.

Qiao Le some aggrieved, "say as if second brother's feet don't stink?"

"Second brother's feet stink, but his girlfriend is a school flower! Have ability you also find a school flower, estimate also impossible! Well, I'll buy you a pair of shoes even if you get rid of the two sports talents in our class"Ha ha, it's a nice day today! Second brother, what do you think of the hairstyle I made for you? " Joel started talking about him.

Xue an looks at himself in the mirror, which is combed into an explosive head.

"This is the most popular hairstyle now. I dare not comb it easily because it is so destructive! It's easy to make the little girls faint with excitement Joel started talking again.

Just then, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Zhao Xuehui, the eldest, came in from the outside with sweat on his head, holding a suit wrapped in plastic cloth carefully.

"Damn it, the broken bicycle borrowed is really rubbish. It broke down on the way, and I came back running!"

With that, Zhao Xuehui put the suit on the bed and let out a breath. "Waiter, try it on quickly. I borrowed it from you with great efforts. It's said that it's still a suit of some foreign brand. It's very expensive!"

Xue an stood up in silence and changed into a suit.

Zhao Xuehui and Qiao le and Yang binyi surrounded Xue an with admiration.

"That's good! Foreign suits are good. Look at the workmanship and waistline! With these shiny shoes, it's really handsome and bubbling! If I were a girl, I would be fascinated by my second brother! " Joel started talking nonsense again.

Zhao Xuehui glared at him, then carefully arranged Xue an's tie. Then he stepped back and looked at it carefully. Only then did he nod his head with satisfaction.

"Good! The boy is very handsome

Then Zhao Xuehui said, "take them all out!"

Qiao le and Yang Bin all smile, "already ready!"

Then they took out the money in their pockets and handed them to Zhao Xuehui.

Zhao Xuehui also took out all his savings and got to the starting point, "well, at this time, 1130 yuan! Waiter, you can buy something for uncle and aunt on the way! Although we are students, we can't be bad manners! "

Xue an holds the money with body temperature and looks at the three people in front of him.

"What are you doing? Go! My brothers are waiting for your good news

Said, three people push and shoving Xue an out of the boys' dormitory building.

Xue an walked in this familiar and strange school, with the memory came to the girls dormitory downstairs.

At the moment, under the tree in front of the building, stood a familiar figure in a red skirt.

An Yan.

She's here, too. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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