Fan Mengxue slightly hesitated, and then sat in the farthest corner from Xie Tianci.

Thank God gave a smile, and then closed his eyes to enjoy the beauty to his ears.

The atmosphere in the room became dull and oppressive.

Fan Mengxue bit his teeth.

The reason why she came to this place.

It's all because of this, thank God.

She was in the provincial capital, filming with Stephen.

But it was yesterday.

Stephen stopped her with a look of embarrassment.

"Fan, there's something you need to know!"

Fan Mengxue didn't know what it was, so he said with a smile: "what's the matter? So mysterious? "

Steven sighed. "Someone wants to see you!"

"Oh? Who? " Fan Mengxue instinctively has some vigilance.

Stephen said with a wry smile: "in the provincial capital, who else can there be?"

Fan Mengxue's heart sank, "Xie family?"

Stephen's expression is also a little dignified, "yes! Thank you very much

Thank God.

The most famous rich childe in the provincial capital.

No one dares to offend.

Fan Mengxue is a little unclear, so he doesn't know Xie Tianci at all. What does he want to see himself for?

"Xie family In fact, it's the biggest investor in this movie! " Said Stephen.

"Thank God said clearly, he wants to have a meal with you, otherwise, the follow-up investment will be terminated!"

Fan Mengxue was horrified and frightened. He had been in the circle for four or five years.

How could she have failed to understand the evil intention of God.

But What should I do?

Now the film is half done.

Everyone in the crew has been running in very tacit understanding.

Under the guidance of Steven, a well-known global director, he is getting better and better.

Do you just give up?

Stephen saw fan Mengxue's Dilemma and sighed slightly, "fan, I have argued for this matter many times, but thank God I insist on seeing you. I can't help it. You can think about it yourself."

Fan Mengxue forced a smile, "thank you! I'll think about it! "

With that, fan Mengxue left dejected.

When she got back to her residence, Han Yao, who knew the news, also came.

As the top gold medal agent in the circle, she has just made countless phone calls.

Can not be related to the provincial capital, and the provincial capital people as long as heard involved the Xie family, all retreat, no one dares to control.

Han Yao looked at fan Mengxue and said helplessly, "what are you going to do?"

Fan Mengxue suddenly raised his head, "I'm going to go once!"

Han Yao a Leng, "but if..."

Fan Mengxue shook his head, "don't worry, I will protect myself. I just want to see what he wants to do!"

When saying this, fan Mengxue's eyes are full of perseverance and a trace of stubborn not to lose.

Han Yao nodded, "well, I'll go with you too!"

Fan Mengxue knows that this is Han Yao who is worried about herself and nods with gratitude.

"Sister Han..."

Han Yao laughed, "well, between you and me, what else can I say! You are famous, I can make money

This is why fan Mengxue came here.

After not knowing how long, Xie Tianci sat up and patted the woman's leg.

The woman obediently got up and left.

There are only Xie Tianci and fan Mengxue in the house.

Fan Mengxue is a little nervous.

Xie Tianci, however, smiles slightly. He stands up and goes to the wine cabinet. He opens a bottle of red wine, pours two cups, and then hands it to fan Mengxue.

"This is the only bottle of century old red wine left in the world. Miss fan can try it!"

Fan Mengxue took a sip.


Fan Mengxue nodded, "it's really good!"

Thank God for smiling, but his eyes have not left fan Mengxue.

From his point of view, fan Mengxue is a hundred times more beautiful than on TV.

It's really a wonder!

Thank God, some greedy licked his lips.

"Miss fan is really beautiful, much more beautiful than on TV!"

Thank you very much Fan Mengxue nodded politely, then bit his teeth and said, "thank you, please come to me. What can I do for you?"

Thank God for a smile, the glass of red wine to drink, and then light way: "very simple, I want you to be my woman!"

So straightforward words, let fan Mengxue are a little confused.

Xie Tianci approached, bent down to look at fan Mengxue's beautiful face and said softly, "as long as you follow me, everything is yours. I can even spend money to make you a world-class movie queen!"Fan Mengxue was silent.

Xie Tianci's heart palpitations, can't help but stretch out his hand to prepare to lift fan Mengxue's delicate chin.

But at this time, fan Mengxue poured the red wine glass forward.

Red wine spilled all over my face.

Thank God was stunned.

Fan Mengxue stood up slowly and said, "thank you very much. I'm sorry. I don't agree with this proposal."

Thanks to God, the corners of his eyes began to beat wildly, and his eyes became cold.

"Miss Fan, I hope you can consider clearly that this is a provincial capital, and I It's the second son of the Xie family

"I know, but I hope you also understand one thing, not all women are greedy for fame and wealth!" said fan Mengxue without fear

With that, fan Mengxue turned and left.

Thank God give cold hum, "fan Mengxue, you walk out of this door today, tomorrow I can block you, do you believe?"

Fan Mengxue stopped, and then calmly said: "I believe, but I also want to tell Xie Shao, many things are not you can cover the sky with one hand!"

Thank God gave a sneer, "you can try it!"

Xie Tianci doesn't think that fan Mengxue really dares to go out of the door at the risk of offending the Xie family.

Unexpectedly, fan Mengxue left without hesitation.

Xie Tianci looked at fan Mengxue's back, took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

"Stop the film investment, change the heroine, and Ban fan Mengxue

With that, he hung up the phone with a sneer on his lips.

In S City, Xie family can cover the sky with one hand!

Then, you will come back and beg me on your knees! Thank God thought.

Fan Mengxue out of the club, Han Yao met up, "how?"

Fan Mengxue a smile, "nothing!"

Han Yao was a little uneasy, but he didn't ask much.

When we get back to the hotel.

Han Yao received a call from Stephen.

On the other end of the phone, Stephen said regretfully, "sorry, now the investor has withdrawn his investment and asked for a replacement of the heroine!"

Han Yao's heart is tight, knowing that everything is finally irreparable.

Then Han Yao made a lot of phone calls.

But this time there was no one who would answer her phone.

Because everyone in the circle knows.

Fan Mengxue has been blocked by Xie's family!

Everyone was watching with cold eyes.

Prepare to see how long this fan Mengxue will persist before giving in to Xie Shao! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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