The man was stunned.

"You Who are you? " The man was a little angry, but more sad.

Xue an indifferent smile, "who I am is not important, but I can cure your wife's disease!"

Cao Zheng stood for a moment with some doubts on his face.

At this time, Xue wanted to blink his eyes and said seriously, "uncle, I'm a great Baba!"

Cao Zheng got out of the way and said in a low voice, "come in! I am Cao Zheng

The light in the room was dark, but it was clean. There was a strong smell of Chinese medicine in the air.

And a skinny woman is lying on the bed with her eyes blank, and her face is dead.

Xue an is right. If there is no treatment, the woman will not last three days at most.

"Who Ah The woman said weakly.

Cao Zheng is only in the face of this woman, only a face of gentle and doting.

"Some friends, and this one is here to see you."

The woman shook her head, "OK, no one can see my illness, so don't spend money for me again! Save some money, and when I'm gone, you can find another one! "

Cao Zheng's eyes are all spoiled, "say what stupid words, you can certainly get better."

Cao Zheng turned his head and tears appeared in his eyes.

Han Yao originally wanted to explain his intention, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help moving.

No wonder that once such a famous director will be reduced to this point, it is all for his beloved woman.

Xue wants to and Xue Nian at this time pulled Xue an's clothes corner, some sad said: "Baba, you save this aunt, they are so poor ah!"

Xue an smiles.

Sure enough, the child's heart is always the purest.

Although the cultivation of immortals needs to cut off all kinds of feelings, if they kill blindly, they will only fall into the evil way.

Only by holding a pure heart can we have no future and disadvantage!

Xue an steps forward to the woman's bed.

He could see at a glance that the woman was running out of oil and the lamp was dry. It was a miracle that she could live to this day.

It can even be said that it is supported by one breath.

And what is that tone.

From the woman to see Cao Zheng that incomparably sentimental and do not give up the eyes can be seen.

Xue an's firm mind like a rock could not help moving.

So he stretched out his hand and drank faintly: "Ning!"

A woman's soul has been dispersed. If she does not gather her soul first, then no panacea can be saved.

But who can do it except for the gods?

But it happened that Xue an was a fairy.

And it's the highest in the fairyland.

With an order, countless light spots gradually condensed.

Cao Zheng was stunned by this magical scene.

But the woman's eyes are gradually clear.

A moment later, Xue an stepped back and took out a Peiyuan pill.

It was made from the residue of the medicine.

But for ordinary people, it's a miracle drug.

Xue an threw it to Cao Zheng, "if you take this medicine, you can live a hundred years."

Cao Zheng took the pill, and without hesitation, he prepared to feed it to the woman.

This is what Xue an did on purpose.

He wanted to see how the man would choose in front of the elixir enough to prolong his life.

As a result, he was not disappointed.

Although the woman is still weak breath at the moment, she looks much better.

She also heard Xue an's words and knew the value of the medicine.

After Cao Zheng fed it to her, she bit half of it in her mouth, and then suddenly kissed him on his lips.

Han Yao was stunned by this scene.

The sunlight outside came in and sprinkled on two people, plating a layer of Phnom Penh on these two ordinary mortals.

Cao Yuan did not want to eat, but the woman whispered in his ear: "eat it, or I will live so long, without you, how lonely?"

After hearing the speech, Cao Zheng swallowed the pill silently.

After a while, the woman frowned and then sat up.

Cao Zheng is stupid.

He didn't expect the pill to be so effective.

"Help me to the bathroom!" Women are a little shy.

Cao Zheng rushed into the bathroom.

Han Yao at this time some envy said: "it is really moving love."

Xue an was silent, thinking in his heart.

An Yan.

Where are you now?

How are you?

Wait for me!

I'll take you back when I break through the present state and reach the top of the world.

It's a long way to cultivate immortals, but if you are there, it's not a problem.After more than ten minutes, the woman staggered out.

Cao is carefully following behind, for fear that she will fall again.

After walking to Xue an, Cao Zheng and the woman all kneel down on the ground.

Cao Zheng kowtow with sound, bang a few times, the forehead will be blue.

But Cao Zheng still couldn't help tears, and even couldn't say anything.

Cao AI's face is full of tears.

Cao Zheng shook his head, and then said, "Sir, thank you for your kindness. If you have anything to do, you can do it for you even if I Cao Zheng is dead!"

Xue an a smile, "but you wasted a pill to save my life, and now you want to die?"

Cao Zheng was stunned.


Such pills that can make dying people recover in a flash are extremely precious.

Xue an said lightly at this time: "I don't want you to die, just let you make a movie!"

"Making movies?" Cao Zheng gave a bitter smile.

"Now who dares to let me make movies? Or Who dares to offend the Xie family? "

When talking about Xie's family, Cao Zheng's eyes twinkled with hatred.

Most of the reason why he was so miserable was because of the Xie family.

Xue an said with a faint smile, "ordinary people dare not offend the Xie family, but I dare

After Han Yao explained the matter clearly to Cao Zheng, Cao Zheng nodded without hesitation.

But then he hesitated and said, "but what about the script now?"

As a former director.

He knows the importance of plays.

It can be said that if a movie is a dish, then the director is the chef, and the script is the ingredients.

No ingredients, even if you are a top chef, you can only stare.

Han Yao is also worried about this.

Although Xue an said that it was ok, but after all, up to now, there is not a bit about the script.

Xue an smiles and takes out a piece of paper.

He wrote it down when he was free last night.

"Look at this first!"

Cao Zheng took over and didn't care too much at first.

But after looking at it for a few times, his expression became more and more serious.

After watching, Cao Zheng was silent for a moment and finally sighed.

"Top idea, top idea! Although this story is only a sketch, we can already see the momentum of its majestic atmosphere

Cao Zheng is indeed worthy of being the director of ghosts.

You can see at a glance the extraordinary subtlety of the story.

He would be even more surprised if he knew that it had only taken him an hour to write it.

In fact, Xue an's three thousand years are not for nothing.

I have seen too many people and things.

A Taoist heart was tempered incomparably, at the same time, it also created Xue an's numerous amazing talents.

For example, writing is too simple for Xue an.

That's why he said, the script is not a problem at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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