God killer??

There was a moment of silence under the stage, and then there was an uproar.

Who didn't know that the movie that fan Mengxue was replaced was called the battle of the gods.

Now we're going to shoot a godkiller here. What's the obvious purpose?

But doesn't this man know that the investor of the battle of gods is Xie family?

If you do this, you won't be afraid to annoy the Xie family?

A lot of people's eyes have changed when they look at Xue an.

It's like looking at a fool who doesn't know what's going on.

And many reporters have a faint smell of big news.

Among them, a more daring female reporter simply stood up and asked, "Sir, since you are going to help Miss Fan Mengxue film, who is the director? How much do you plan to invest? "

These questions are to the point.

Xue an smile, and did not directly answer, but asked, "which newspaper are you?"

The female reporter was stunned by Xue an's smile, and then her face turned red.

"I'm from Entertainment Weekly. My name is Chen Xiaoyi."

"Miss Chen, your questions are very good. I'll tell you one by one. First of all, the director already has it, which is called Cao Zheng."

Cao Zheng?

The people at the bottom looked at each other. Many people had never heard of the name.

Only some old reporters turned pale.

Chen Xiaoyi is also a light in front of his eyes, "but was Cao Zheng, who was called the ghost director at the beginning?"

Xue an nodded, and Cao Zheng, who had changed his formal clothes, came up.

Although his face was very complicated, many people recognized him at once.

As expected, it is the director of the ghost!

This is interesting!

"As for investment..."

Xue settled down and held out a finger.

A lot of people began to talk.

How much is this? 100 million? "

"I don't think so. This man doesn't look like a rich man. Maybe he's a local rich man. He's going to get a girl in the name of making a movie! I think it's up to 10 million! "

"Take 10 million to make a movie? What is that enough? "

"Who knows, it's just a matter of perfunctory treatment."

Chen Xiaoyi was also curious, "how much is this?"

Xue an smiles, "temporarily for One billion! "

One billion!

This figure makes just a face disdain to say that at most 10 million of that guy's expression is frozen.

In recent years, China's film industry has developed rapidly, and movies with large investment are not rare.

But generally speaking, more than 300 million is considered a big production.

If it's more than 500 million, it's a top-notch work.

For example, in this battle of gods, it is said that Xie's family invested 400 million yuan.

And if the man's words are true, this film is not only a top-notch work in China, but also the top-notch in the world.

A lot of people can't help turning pale.

Chen Xiaoyi is more and more excited, "what is the relationship between you and Miss Fan Mengxue? Why help her like that? "

As soon as this problem came out, many people came to be interested.

Fan Mengxue's expression also became nervous.

Xue an but indifferent smile, "I can only say, she is my best friend!"

This answer is very clever to avoid the key point, let Chen Xiaoyi some crazy, just want to ask what more.

At this time, Anqing led Xue Xiang and Xue Nian to the stage.

As soon as the two girls appeared, they made a lot of people's eyes shine.

As journalists, they see more beautiful children, especially some star children, often appear in front of the media.

But those children are beautiful, but they are too mature.

Also appear immature face often hang stylized false smile, although the behavior is also very cute, but give people a very false feeling.

But these two little girls gave a refreshing feeling.

The first is beauty.

If beauty can score, the two girls must be full marks.

It's a kind of beauty that makes hard hearted men soft.

The second is purity.

Many people have never seen such pure eyes.

It's as if it's carved with the cleanest and flawless gem, which makes people indulge in it.


Nature is lovely.

Imagine, two very beautiful and pure little girls, the lethality is double, and then they two hand in hand jump on the stage.

Who can stand it?

So a lot of people can't help but smile, and some quick reaction reporters are aiming at the two little girls, one strength to take photos.Xue Xiang and Xue Nian went to Xue an, and cried out: "Baba!"

The sound of Baba made many people petrified on the spot.


This man is actually the Baba of these two little girls?

Xue an put on a spoiled smile, bent down to hold the two little girls in his arms, and then said to the people under the stage: "sorry, I have to take the children, goodbye!"

Then he turned and left, ignoring the questions behind.

For Xue an, nothing is more important than two children, including himself.

In Xue an's mind, after the children and his wife finished writing in parallel, Chen Xiaoyi felt very satisfied and sent it to the editor in chief.

She was sure that she would be able to do it this time.

But I didn't expect that after a while, the editor in chief replied.


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