But when everything was ready to test, Bi Yuntao once again had a problem.

Bi Yuntao's assistant said coldly, "why should I live in this movie city? I want to stay in a five-star hotel! How did you receive them? "

Han Yao was not good-natured, but this time because she was too busy, she had no choice but to explain with anger.

"Because the shooting schedule is very fast, so all the members of the crew live in the movie and television city. I have ordered someone to arrange it, and the accommodation conditions in this movie and TV city are not bad!"

"It's not written in the contract, so we need to increase the money!" Bi Yuntao suddenly said.

Han Yao bit her teeth and said, "OK!"

Bi Yuntao's heart is full of pride.

In fact, he is not the top flow of small fresh meat, but he knows the situation of fan Mengxue this time, she can point to this film to turn over.

That's why he dared to blackmail.

After all, apart from themselves, they can't find the right actor for a while.

Finally, the trial run began.

The story is that fan Mengxue plays the heroine who is caught by the God played by Bi Yuntao and tortured by torture.

"Stop!" Cao Zheng frowned, stood up and said, "this actor, your expression is too stiff, and you can't say your lines clearly?"

Bi Yuntao's face was gloomy, "lines? When did I say my lines in a movie? Isn't it all post dubbing? "

Cao Zheng's eyes are wide. He has never seen an actor who can't speak lines.

"That's not good. This time we have to have a live radio. Come again!"

Originally, fan Mengxue was tied to a pillar and immersed in water. If she was photographed again, she would be punished again.

And this Bi Yuntao is obviously not happy.

He thought that this time he would just take a picture and then he could take the money and leave.

But Cao Zhengcai doesn't care about those. He is very strict in his requirements and he is not polite.

It made him very angry.

So I even started to say wrong lines on purpose.

I'm not in the water anyway.

Bi Yuntao thought with some pride.

Although it was early summer, the water here was still very cold.

Fan Mengxue repeatedly into the water, wearing clothes are also bubble close to the body, gentle curve let Bi Yuntao also some eyes straight.

This time he should have finished his lines and left.

But he deliberately went forward, stretched out his hand to touch fan Mengxue's shoulder.

Fan Mengxue was stunned.

Cao was so furious.

"What's going on?"

Bi Yuntao was even more angry, "am I not shooting? What are you yelling at? Believe it or not, I'll quit now? "

Bi Yuntao is determined. Now Han Yao and others dare not offend themselves, so they have enough confidence to speak.

Cao Zheng also had some misfire.

Bi Yuntao looked at all the people present with pride and said with a sneer: "no more nonsense, I'll go now! What do you do? "

At this time, a calm voice came from afar, "go? Do you think Can you go now? "

With the words, Xue an came over.

Today, he led his two daughters to play in the playground of the provincial capital for a day, so he came here now.

And just came to the film and Television City, heard Bi Yuntao is talking, and just a scene, he also saw.

At this time, Xue an first smiles at fan Mengxue, and then says to Han Yao, "is this the so-called male artist you invited?"

Han Yao did not dare to reply and lowered her head.

Bi Yuntao looked at Xue an suspiciously, while his assistant stood up and said: "who are you? What tone is this speaking to our teacher Bi? "

Xue an narrowed her eyes slightly, "Mr. Bi? You say he

"Of course," said the assistant

Xue an smiles, "so you say What tone of voice should I speak to him? "

"With respect, of course! You know, we take time out of our busy schedule to make movies. You The assistant chattered.

Xue an waved his hand and laughed innocuously. "You're talking too fast. Get closer! Or I can't hear you! "

The assistant was confused, but she came up and said, "you do..."

Xue an slapped him in the face.

Although Xue an has deliberately controlled the strength, but this slap still let this chubby female assistant fly directly, and then turn in the air 720 degrees, plop into the pool.

The slap in the face, which was like a rock shattering, overcame all the members of the crew.

Xue an took back her hand and said faintly, "what dare you call yourself a teacher?"

At this time, Bi Yuntao came back to himself, his face full of anger and fear, "you How dare you hit people? You're finished. I'll call the police now. I want to... "After the words did not finish, because Xue an grabbed his neck, walked to the pool, and then suddenly pressed down.

Bi Yuntao's head was sunk into the water.

Those angry words turn into bubbles and float.

But Bi Yuntao's hands and feet are struggling, but Xue an's hands are like iron casting, not moving.

It was a scene that frightened everyone.

Because Xue an's expression is too indifferent, as if the person pressed is not a person, but a dog.

After dozens of seconds, Bi Yuntao's struggle gradually weakened.

Xue an still didn't mean to let go.

No one dares to come forward to persuade, some timid even have already scared legs to fight.

After nearly a minute, Xue an suddenly raised his hand.

Bi Yuntao's head came out of the water. First he coughed and spurted water out of his trachea. Then he began to gasp like a dead dog.

But only gasping, Xue an once again pressed his head down.

Another minute.

Xue an lifted up, this time Bi Yuntao's nose and tears all flowed out, and the smell of urine came out from his crotch.

Obviously, I was scared to pee.

But Xue an looks calm, and before Bi Yuntao talks, he presses again.

Three times.

Xue an just let go.

At the moment, Bi Yuntao is paralyzed on the ground like a pool of mud, unable to move!

No one dares to speak.

The fat assistant didn't even dare to go ashore, so he stood shivering in the water.

Xue an took out a paper towel and slowly wiped the water stains on her hands. She asked faintly, "do you still call the police now?"

Bi Yuntao's whole body trembles, looking at Xue an's eyes is like looking at the devil, his teeth are fighting.

"Uncle Please forgive me, sir I don't dare to do it again! "

Xue an a smile, "that I just heard, you seem to be not used to living here, want to stay in a five-star hotel?"

"No, I can't live in a house."


"I'll change my signature immediately. You can sign anything you want! I don't want to pay for it! " Bi Yuntao is going to cry.

He was just in the water, and more than once he thought he was dead.

But this person seems to be able to grasp his own situation, every time he is on the verge of death, he puts himself out of the water, and then when he has just breathed half a breath, he again presses himself into the water.

That feeling.

Bi Yuntao did not dare to recall.

Xue an just laughed, then nodded, "that's good. I'll give you the reward, but you have to work hard, otherwise I love to wash my face! "

Wash your face He called this a face wash? Bi Yuntao cried and thought.

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