"Damned dark mole ant, I will tear you to pieces!" Gaia screamed with anger.

But helpless, his strength is not enough now, so he can only stare at him.

And fan Mengxue is more and more easy to play, all kinds of dark curse water in general, will light up the whole European night sky.

People in Europe look up at members of the dark Parliament who are struggling to prevent the gods from coming, and their hearts are filled with mixed feelings.

In the face of such a catastrophe, the land is not divided into North and south, people are not divided into old and young, and there is no distinction between Chinese and foreign nationalities.

The purpose of all people is only one, that is to drive out all the evil spirits who invade for no reason.

At this moment.

Caiya screamed in the sky, and he staggered back more than ten miles, one arm had been swallowed by the darkness.

Although this kind of wound is not fatal, and his body can be repaired, it still costs a lot of divine power and blood for the wound infected by the power of darkness.

So he roared, "Odin, when are you going to see the fun?"

With the voice.

Only a sneer came from the void.

"Gaia, if you don't admit that you are useless, you can't even deal with a group of dark people. What kind of blood god do you call it?"

"You..." Gaia was very angry.

But his current strength is really not good, so in the face of Odin's ridicule, he can only choose to be dark.

At this time, the Nordic Protoss gradually appeared in the void.

And standing at the front is Odin, the king of God.

His body is 100000 Zhang, occupying most of the night sky, overlooking fan Mengxue and all the people in the dark Council, and then grinning.

"If you are given another ten years, you may light up your divinity and become the God of darkness. Unfortunately, you will fall here now!"

Under Odin's divine power.

Everyone in the dark Council has been pushed back hundreds of feet.

Only fan Mengxue is still standing in place, coldly looking at Odin, "Nordic God King? You should be a local deity. Are you willing to be the running dog of other nations and deal with the earth instead? "

Fan Mengxue's question makes Odin's eyes show a trace of haze.

He didn't want anyone to mention this disgraceful history, so he snorted coldly.

"Looking for death!"

Then he lifted his hand and fell down.

For him, it is not worth using weapons to deal with a fan Mengxue who is not even a low-level God.

I didn't expect his hand was just halfway there.

Fan Mengxue urged the emperor of darkness to make a decision. His eyes suddenly became pitch black. In his hands, there was a long black sword over ten thousand feet long.

Then fan Mengxue raised his knife and chopped at Odin.

Where the momentum passes, the space has shown the road crack.

Odin was stunned.

"The smell..."

Then there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Because he felt the power of the darkness.

In this breath, Odin seems to see a king who dominates the sky and is in charge of darkness.

In the face of such a God, his so-called God King is not even a hair.

But now fan Mengxue can't control one tenth of this power.

So Odin grinned grimly. "You've surprised me more and more, but today, you're still going to die!"

As he said this, he crushed the dark long knife cut by fan Mengxue, while holding up the spear of eternity with the other hand, he stabbed fan Mengxue.

He has decided to kill fan Mengxue completely.

That's why they don't hesitate to use the immortal spear of artifact level.

Where time and space are stagnant and eternal.

Fan Mengxue also felt that she was firmly trapped by a strong pressure, which made her eyes show a look of panic.

At this time, the spear of eternity has pierced the void and appears directly in her eyebrows. As long as she moves down a little bit, fan Mengxue will fall here.

But it was just then.

Black vines emerge out of thin air, blocking the spear of eternity directly, and tying it tightly so that it can not survive.

"Well?" Odin's face sank.

Because the only thing that can stop his eternal spear is a God with a Godhead!

"Where is the spirit?" Cried Odin in a deep voice.

Just then, a sigh came.

Then, in front of fan Mengxue, a light figure gradually emerged.

When her face was fully revealed, Odin was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief, "crolis! You are the goddess of the forest, crolis

The woman shook her head and wryly laughed, "Lord God, now there is no forest goddess, there are only fairy mother gods!"

That's right.

It was the Mother God of the night elves in London, who was once the goddess of the forest, Cloris.Odin's eyes twinkled at the fairy mother.

When he was still the king of the Nordic gods, he was the God under his command over forests and nature.

But after the arrival of the void family, this world encountered great changes.

In order to survive, Odin turned to foreigners and dealt with local gods.

As a result, crolis resolutely refused, and eventually turned against him.

In a fury, Odin smashes the lorois with the spear of eternity.

He had thought that crolis would die.

However, he did not expect that, by chance, the fragments of Cloris' divinity met the tree of time and space. Under the combination of the two, he was able to save his life and gave birth to a group of night elves.

These memories crossed Odin's mind.


He couldn't help but sigh, "whatever you say, Cloris, you are the goddess of the forest! In order to save the Nordic shrine, I had no choice but to join the Lord's command, so I would smash your divinity with one shot! "

"But believe it, I've always felt guilty about it! Now as long as you nod, I will immediately give you a new high deity, so that you can return to the divine court, how about? " Said Odin.

The fairy mother looked at Odin and said, "it sounds so tempting! And you are more powerful than ever! You should be satisfied with your choice! "

Odin was slowing down and was about to speak.

The fairy mother looked down at the worried Night Elves on the ground and said, "but I always feel that the God who abandons his followers and escapes can still be called a God?"

Odin froze, "you..."

After him, Vidal, the son of God, stepped forward impatiently. "Crolis, don't drink or eat wine. Now surrender. My father will give you a new throne in front of you, or it will be the time when your kingdom will be destroyed."

The fairy mother laughed, "you could have killed me at the beginning, but now it's no problem, and I know I'm not your opponent!"

"Just know it!" Vidal sneered.

After looking at Mr. Fan Xue's head, she told me to come back! Ask him to take care of the children for me

Said, the fairy mother God does not give up to look at the night elves on the ground for the last time.

Fan Mengxue was stunned, "Mother God, what do you want to do?"

The light of fairy mother God was more and more bright. She said faintly, "Mengxue, I'll help you Light up the divinity

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