
As the largest and most prosperous city in China.

It used to be the center of the world.

Especially in these three years, because of the great prosperity of Taoism in China, even the aura is more abundant than that in other places.

So it has become a place that people all over the world yearn for.


This prosperous capital city has fallen into the abyss of blood and fire.

The sudden arrival of the gods completely disrupted the human order.

Under the cover of death and killing, the busy streets became cold and clear.


A figure fell from the sky, smashed into one side of a skyscraper, flew out from the other side, and fell on the ground.

Only then can you see clearly.

This is a real armor refining soldier.

But at this time, this armour refining real soldier has lost its usual luster.

The original bright and clean black armor is full of cracks, and even the black wings behind it are already incomplete.

Xiaoshui struggled to get up from the ground.

He has been fighting for more than ten hours.

This kind of high-intensity combat, is crazy overdraft his body.

However, he did not realize all this, but raised his head with a dignified face, looked at the ongoing war in the sky, and then rose from the sky and joined the battle group again.

I saw a statue of gods all over the sky, and Xiaoshui led his men to shuttle back and forth among them, relying on the strong mobility of armored real soldiers to avoid attacks and counterattack from time to time.

But in this war, they are not the only ones who practice armour.

For example, the puppets controlled by Liu Keke and others of the puppet Xianzong attracted most of the firepower against these gods.

These high mechanical puppets, including the painstaking efforts of the puppet Xianzong for thousands of years, have also absorbed many useful technologies from the earth's science and technology after connecting with the earth.

It can be said that after these three years of tempering, these mechanical puppets have become more powerful.

But even so.

When these puppets were faced with the coming gods, they were still out of their power.


After a dull sound.

A six armed God with one punch blew the head of the tallest puppet to life.

In the sparks, the puppet fell like a mountain.

At the same time, Liu Keke vomited out a big mouthful of blood in the distance.


The disciples of puppet Xianzong exclaimed in succession.

Liu Keke waved his hand. "I'm fine. Come again."

Another puppet is released, and Liu Keke controls it to join the battle group again.

And this is the fourth puppet Liu Keke has controlled in more than a day.

Her mechanical heart has shown deep cracks, and her body and mind are on the verge of collapse.

But she can't give up.

Because once the puppet who acted as the front fortress falls down, those comrades in arms who are attacking will be destroyed.

At this time, Zhu Ruyan, from the secret place of Kunlun, attracted the attention of a deity guard, who left his opponent and began to pay Zhu Ruyan.

This made the secret blood clan such as Allard and AI Xi who were almost crushed by the strong pressure to breathe a breath.

"Thank you very much, Miss Zhu!" cried Allard

Zhu Ruyan said in a deep voice while facing the enemy, "you are all comrades in arms in the trenches. They should have helped each other."

Allard looked at Zhu Ruyan's back with mixed feelings.

He came to the earth a little earlier than those who came to the earth. When he first arrived, he was almost arrested as an alien.

Fortunately, Allard told the story in time, and the gods who came immediately confirmed his statement. Therefore, he was recognized as a secret blood clan.

What he saw and heard during this period made him feel a lot. Especially in the face of powerful enemies, the indomitability of the Chinese people and the strong friendship of comrades in arms shocked him.

If How can the blood clan be as united as the Chinese?

He was sighing in his heart. Zhu Ruyan snorted and was shaken out by the Shenwei's palm. After standing still, his face turned abnormal flush.

This high-intensity battle has already exhausted Zhu Ruyan physically and mentally.

But before she could catch her breath, in the void behind her, a huge blue hand suddenly appeared and photographed Zhu Ruyan's back.

"Be careful!" Allard exclaimed in astonishment that it was too late to help.

At this moment.

He saw a big man shining with gold, and a blow hit the blue hand.

Bang.The giant hand was directly blasted to pieces, and the face of the God guard was in pain and retreated several hundred feet.

One blow will hurt a guard.

This scene gives the spirit of the people around.

But Zhu Ruyan was pale, nodded at the big man, "thank you, Daniel!"

That's right.

This big man is Zhou Daniu, the number one trump card of fire phoenix special forces.

He touched his bald head and laughed, "thank you so much!"

The voice has just dropped.

Then he saw the God guard who was retreated by Zhou Daniao roared and rushed up.

Zhu Ruyan has a white complexion.

But at this time, behind the Shenwei, a thin figure suddenly appeared, and then a Black Dagger wiped the Shenwei's throat.


The God's body, which is hundreds of times harder than steel, is easily cut like tofu under this dagger.

Then the man pulled the head of Shenwei and twisted it.

There was a crack.

The head of this God guard was wrung off by Sheng Sheng.

Then Zou Yi excitedly raised his hand at Zhou Daniu and said triumphantly, "Daniel, how are you doing? I'm good at it

It was Zou Yi, Zhou Daniu's best friend, who launched a sneak attack.

Seeing him so proud, Zhou Daniao laughed.

But at this time, the headless guard's arm suddenly extended and directly grasped one of Zou Yi's legs.

Zou Yi is startled, "lie trough, the head dropped, you are not dead?"

With that, Zou Yi urged FA to escape.

However, under the control of the God guard, his escape method failed.

Now he was really scared, "Daniel..."

Before he could call out for help, Zhou Daniao had already jumped in and hit the Shenwei's chest.

After a burst of fracture.

The Shenwei was blown out, and Zou Yi was saved.

Then Zhou Daniao smiles, "not really!"

Zou Yi was dumbfounded.

At this time, Cheng Hao, the leader of the fire phoenix special forces, fought and retreated. He called out: "don't chat, quick..."

The shouts in the back were forced back by the sudden intensification of the offensive.

Zhou Daniu and Zou Yi look awe inspiring, and quickly joined the battle group again.

They're a front-line force.

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