Hear Xue an's words, an Yan this just slightly put down the heart.

At this time, Xue an gently swept an Yan's waist.

An Yan was lying on Xue an's shoulder.

With the wind blowing green silk, the world is silent.

Xue an sniffed the fragrance of an Yan's hair and whispered, "these two days, I'll refine pills for you with blood beads!"

"Well!" An Yan low should a.

"Husband, after refining pills, are we going to leave again?"

Xue an nodded gently, "yes!"

"Where are we going this time?"

Xue an smiles and rubs Anyan's hair. "Don't pack so many things in your cerebellar bag melon. Follow your husband and make sure you have your meat to eat."

"Oh, I hate it. I've just combed my hair!"

In an Yan's coquettish hair, Xue an felt that even the night became lovely.

While Xue an and an Yan staged a dog abuse drama.

In the remote and incredible dragon kingdom.

A dragon as big as a star suddenly opened its eyes.

And not only is he, there are a few beside his body is not inferior to his dragon, also opened their eyes one after another.

"Do you feel it?"

The other several ZuLong nodded solemnly.

"It's the second time I've felt this palpitating breath." There was a trace of panic in the sound of the dragon.

"It's definitely that guy's breath now! I knew how could a strong man like him fall so easily Another ZuLong also a face of panic said.

"Did you do what I told you last time

"Yes! The hall has not been demolished

"No, that guy is overgrown. Maybe even the main hall will not be let go. Now he will go and tear down the hall!"

"Yes It's about to leave the little dragon.

"Come back!"

"What else can I do for you?"

"Remember, don't tell the little princess about it!"


Because of this, the whole dragon Kingdom has become troubled.

And here it is.

Xue an is preparing what is needed to refine this furnace of pills.

There are no more than three levels of alchemy.

Dan fire, Dan stove, and herbs.

Now there are herbs.

Xue an almost condensed the whole blood clan into blood beads.

Dan Huo is no exception.

In the whole world, can there be a stronger flame than Xue an's red lotus fire?

Now the only bad is the furnace.

In fact, Xue an's current alchemy is to use an electric rice cooker to refine excellent pills.

In order to get rid of the seal, Xue an decided to take it seriously.

It can make Xue an so cautious that we can see how extraordinary this furnace of pills is.

Now it is obviously too late to refine the utensils and make the furnace.

And there is no ready-made furnace on earth.

In fact, under xue'an's divinity exploration, some incomplete cauldrons were found in every corner of China.

These are all from the legacy of ten thousand years ago.

Although the materials are good, but because of the lack of aura, now they have degenerated into a piece of iron, without any spiritual power.

However, this is obviously difficult for Xue an. After a little thought, he began to frequent travel among the famous mountains and rivers of China. He often spent most of his time out.

This let an Yan some doubt, also asked him several times what to do, Xue an but all just smile but not language.


On this day.

Xue an has everything ready.

The Chinese friars, and even the whole world, heard of Xue an's plan to make alchemy, and they couldn't help but cast curious eyes.

Major TV stations around the world are aiming at Beijiang.

Now Xue an, every move affects the hearts of people all over the world.

Therefore, in the eyes of these journalists, there is hardly any better shooting material than him.

When Xue an's figure appears above the camera.

A lot of people started cheering.

Hail their heroes.

Xue an just smiles at this, then jumps up and flies into the air.

At the same time.

In the studio of Zhongdu TV station, there is a crane haired and childlike face, a alchemist with a school of immortals.

Taking advantage of this time, the host began to ask.

"May I ask Mr. Wang Dan, how do you think Mr. Xue is going to make alchemy?"Wang Dan stroked his beard and said calmly: "in my opinion, although Mr. Xue's cultivation is amazing, this alchemy can't be solved by brute force alone! So I think it is very difficult for Mr. Xue to succeed in this alchemy, because there must be a furnace for alchemy, but do you see a furnace in the sky? "

Hearing this question from Wang Dan, many people looked carefully at the sky in the picture. As expected, it was empty without any trace of the furnace.

"Ha ha, so I say, although Mr. Xue is powerful, he is still too young. If he is young, he is easy to make mistakes." Wang Dan said in an elegant manner.

But Chen Xiaoyi, who is watching all this under the studio, can't help but get angry.

At the moment, she is no longer the tabloid reporter who writes Entertainment Weekly in the provincial capital, but the editor in chief of Zhongdu TV station.

She didn't have to be in charge of this live broadcast.

But because of Xue an, she asked for help.

As a result, I met an old man who was boasting on it.

As angry as she was, there was a lot of TV viewers.

"No old man! How dare you say Mr. Xue is not? "

"That is, if it were not for Mr. Xue, the old man would have been finished, and he would have sat on it and talked about it."

"Tut, what a shameless brick family! How dare you use your own level to guess Mr. Xue's ability, and dare to ridicule Mr. Xue's youth? What a death wish

These comments and taunts, this Wang Dan teacher naturally did not know, now he, self feeling good, is talking to the beauty host with a strange look.

"I think if Mr. Xue fails in this alchemy, I can help him refine it for free. After all, does Mr. Xue have great kindness to China and the whole world?"

Just when he said it with pleasure.

Someone exclaimed, "look! Mr. Xue moved

They turned their heads.

Sure enough.

As soon as Xue an waved his hand, all the blood beads stored in the mustard ring and Fubao building appeared in the sky. The amount of blood beads almost converged into a long red river.

A girl exclaimed: "this color number is really beautiful! Lipstick must be good! "

But more people still look up solemnly.

And that Wang Dan teacher tut tut a sigh, "estimate..."

Can not wait for him to finish saying, see Xue an a raise hand, the light and shadow in the palm twinkle, at the same time gently drink a way.

"Take advantage of the four sides of the mountains and rivers!"

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