"This Is this practice? But the speed of this realm is too fast Said the fox.

Xue an has already seen strange, just look at an Yan lying on the bed with quite amusing eyes.

Is this kind of easy breakthrough again?

This time, however, it directly broke through the golden immortal who was regarded as the natural moat by countless people.

Can you say that after the seal is completely untied, Yan'er can directly become the fairy king?

At the thought of this, Xue an was a little embarrassed.

Because he thought, maybe It's really possible!


The climbing speed of an Yan's cultivation gradually slowed down, and finally stayed in the realm of breaking through as a true immortal just one step away.

Huying blinked and exclaimed, "brother Xue, sister-in-law seems to be more powerful than you!"

Xue an smiles bitterly, "I feel the same way!"

At this moment.

An Yan, lying on the bed, slowly opens her eyes.

At the beginning, she was still a little confused, but soon, she regained consciousness, and then looked at herself, exclaimed surprise.

"Husband, I have broken through again! It seems that the cultivation is not as difficult as you said

Xue an's mouth slightly twitches, "yes, it's not difficult at all!"

"But what about the seal on my sister-in-law? You know, brother Xue, you have condensed the whole blood clan Hu Ying suddenly asked.

Xue an smile, light way: "with the blood bead to break the seal is just a expedient measure, to completely unlock the seal, you have to kill the guy who gave Yan'er the seal."

Speaking of this, Xue an's eyes flashed a erasure.

Although it was a long time ago, Xue an still clearly remembered the breath left in the seal.

Although the world of heaven is vast and boundless, there are a few fairies.

So this guy can't run.

Hearing Xue an's words, an Yan did not speak, but Hu Ying was already excited and about to jump up.

"Yes, I dare to seal my sister-in-law. I have to kill him! Brother Xue, when are we going to leave? "

Xue an looked at Hu Ying with a smile, "how can you start? Did I take you? "

Hearing this, Hu Ying's face immediately collapsed and said, "brother Xue! Take me with you

Xue an was unmoved.

Fox Ying saw the situation immediately changed the object, to an Yan greasy voice: "sister in law..."

An Yan is a little sad.

This little girl, at the beginning, was full of hostility to herself.

Can be under the means of an Yan, but a few face-to-face on an Yan obedient up.

Now it's more like a child.

"I can't do this. I'd better ask your brother Xue."

Huying blinked his big watery eyes and looked at Xue an again.

But it was just then.

Listen to xuan'er's voice outside.

"Here comes Xue an

Xue an was stunned and walked out of the room.

"Who is it?"

Tang xuan'er sighed, "people are in the living room. Go and have a look."

When Xue an walked into the living room of villa Tianzi No.1, many people got up one after another.

"Mr. Xue!"

"Lord Xue!"

These heartfelt respectful voices come and go.

Xue an did not pay attention to this, because all his attention was attracted by Chen Rushi, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, dressed in plain clothes and wrapped with black yarn on his arm.

Chen Rushi had returned to Zhongdu two days ago, but now he has returned.

And dressed like that.

Just as Xue an was stunned.

Chen Rushi knelt down to the ground respectfully, bowing to Xue Anshi, and then trembling.

"Mr. Xue, tomorrow is my grandfather's funeral! You are his best friend, so the Chen family has come to invite you

Xue an understood what was going on.

It turns out that Chen Rushi came to invite herself to attend Chen Xiu and the funeral!

Xue an's heart moved slightly and then sighed.

"Needless to say, Mr. Chen and I are close friends, and I always regard him as an elder. This time, Mr. Chen died for the sake of the integrity of our Chinese people. How can I not go to his funeral?"

Chen Rushi, whose eyes were red and swollen, could not help crying out again, "thank you, Mr. Xue!"

Said, once again Yingying worship.

Xue an waved his hand, and a gentle force lifted Chen Rushi up.

"Miss Chen, don't be so polite. This is all I should do."

Hearing that Xue an said so, some people who followed Chen Rushi turned pale and bowed their heads.Seeing this, Xue an sneered in his heart, but didn't say anything.

At this time, an Yan and Tang xuan'er all came forward and helped Chen Rushi up.

"If you are like a poem, what your ancestors have done can be regarded as an example of the Chinese people. You don't have to be too sad. Your body is heavy!" An Yan soft voice comfort way.

Chen Rushi, who has never been at ease since returning to Zhongdu, nodded with tears in her eyes when she heard Anyan's words.

"Yes, sister Yan!"

Nowadays, an Yan has a high prestige among the young women.

Many people call her "sister Yan" as an honor.

After a few more words, Chen Rushi would like to leave and return to Zhongdu.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "Ru Shi, you are weak and disordered. If you go on like this, you will only lose your vitality. It is better to live here, and I will take you back to Zhongdu tomorrow."

"But..." Chen Rushi was slightly stunned.

"That's settled!" Xue an made the decision directly.

Then an Yan and Tang xuan'er accompanied Chen Rushi into the inner room.

But Xue an looked at the people in the room, and then he also turned around and left.

After he left, many people who accompanied Chen Rushi were all sweating and their eyes were full of hesitation and shock.

Then a person whispered, "do you want to tell the three little and four little about this matter?"

No one said anything.

Many people look at the speaker with the same eyes as a fool.

Then someone sneered and said, "three little and four little, ha ha, these guys are not even ants in front of Mr. Xue. If you want to inform you, you can go to inform them!"

"That is, don't you see that the young lady's position in front of Mr. Xue is very unusual?"

The speaker shrunk his neck and said with a strong smile, "I'm just saying that. I'm loyal to the young lady, and I don't have any bad heart!"

These Chen family servants, who came with their own thoughts, saw the situation clearly at the moment, and immediately stood by Chen Rushi.

At the same time.

In a secret room in Zhongdu.

Chen Xiangshang, who is a member of the Chen family, is enjoying the red wine on his face and sighs.

"What a wonderful wine! If the old man doesn't die, how can I take out such good wine from the wine cellar of the Chen family? "

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