The chessboard used in this examination is as many as 88 layers, and it is not a standard chessboard of 19 times 19, but a large chessboard more than twice as large.

This difficulty, so many high rank chess masters are color change.

Xue an just indifferent smile to this, "don't guess first, you hold on first, start!"

"Hum!" Zhu Fei was even more furious when he heard the speech.

How arrogant the man must be to let himself go first.

However, he didn't say anything, so he dropped a piece.

But this son but directly down in front of Xue an not far away, such a start is extremely rare.

There was a slight commotion in the crowd.

"It's really worthy of being called the master of ghost chess. The first step is directly on the opponent's territory. The style of chess is really treacherous."

"But how do I think this ghost chess master did it on purpose to hit the other side's face?"

Many chess players nodded at the sound.

Because this step is really full of insults.

Now, it depends on how Mr. Xue responds.

Xue an took a look at this step, but did not have the slightest anger, just a smile, and then he returned.

And this step, also directly down in front of Zhu Fei.

The audience was shocked.

No one expected Xue an to respond like this.

Zhu Fei's complexion is iron blue, eyelid crazy beat, cold voice way: "what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I just want to mean it to you! Because it was you who gave me the meaning first, wouldn't I be allowed to give it to you? " Xue an said with a smile.

Zhu Fei was almost taken in by Xue an's series of meanings, but immediately he realized that Xue an was playing a trick on himself. He could not help but take a look at Xue an bitterly.

"Well, I'll see what you can do

With that, he fell like a fly and began to play chess with Xue an.

It's just that the painting style of this chess game is not normal from the beginning.

Because the start of both sides did not follow the normal routine from their own side or the middle set, but directly down to the other side's gate.

After several games, a strange scene appeared on the chessboard.

The pieces of the two are on the other side of the other side. At first glance, it looks like a change of position.

But that's not the weirdest.

See the mouth of the whole audience is slightly open, a face strange looking at Xue an.

, as like as two peas, Xue An has been following every step of the game from beginning to the present. Zhu Fei is just like this ghost chess master.

Like a mirror, Zhu Fei's every step is perfectly engraved on the other side of the chessboard.

What's the routine?

Many chess players look puzzled.

Zhu Fei is more constipated.

Finally, after a few more steps, he couldn't help it any longer and said angrily, "Xue, what do you mean? Why is every step the same as I did? "

Xue an faint smile, "who said I went with you the same?"

"You still quibble? It's clear that every step is according to my way Zhu Fei was furious.

"Oh?" Xue an looked at Zhu Fei with a smile and said, "although it's a little similar, I didn't copy your way. It's just that I'm going to leave like this."

Hearing Xue an's "brazen" words, the audience was quiet at first, and then in an uproar.

It was a little bit of fun.

Many others shook their heads and thought that Xue an was just delaying time.

Gong Xueman can't help laughing at this time: "brother, is Mr. Xue intentional?"

Gong Changyue did not answer his sister's words. He was looking at the chess game with a dignified face.

Because he couldn't see through the game.

What does Mr. Xue really want to do?

Does he really want to follow Zhu Fei's moves step by step?

But it's wishful thinking to defeat a strong chess player through this kind of almost rogue trick!

Sure enough.

Zhu Fei's face changed several times. Then he said grimly, "good. Since you are so willing to learn, you can learn it."

With that, Zhu Fei continued to settle down.

Xue an followed his path.

The chess players were not able to understand the whole game.

But many powerful chess players have already shaken their heads and think Xue an is doomed to lose.

Since ancient times, it has never been heard that anyone can win chess in this way.

It was obviously Xue an's dying struggle.

For example, Jing Tianrui is in a good mood now. He can't help but look at Zhuge Xuanqing in the distance.

But Zhuge Xuanqing focused all his attention on the game.Jing Tianrui disdains some, thought this has what good-looking.

But he did not know, at the moment Zhuge Xuanqing, but a trace of doubt in his heart.

Because she found that, although Xue Nian's every step follows Zhu Fei's moves, there are always some oddities on the chess surface.

Zhuge Xuanqing couldn't tell where it was strange, but he felt something was wrong.

This feeling made her restless, so she kept frowning and staring at the chessboard.

At this time, Zhu Fei sneered at the middle of the game.

Don't you want to play with yourself in this way?

Well, I'd like to see how you can learn from me this time!

In mind, Zhu Fei left a son.

When this piece is dropped, the pattern of the whole game is different.

As a result of this move, the sunspot held by Zhu Fei instantly formed a head and tail echo. It was like a black dragon that had been spotted with its eyes, and started to bite back on the white one.

This time, the audience was in awe.

"As expected, he is a master of the Heavenly Master level. This is obviously a game in the cloth from the beginning!"

"The key is that the man surnamed Xue can't learn even if he wants to, because elder Zhu has already blocked all his retreating ways through the layout. Such calculations are really worthy of ghost chess!"

In these comments and admiration.

Zhuge Xuanqing withdrew his eyes, because in her opinion.

Xue an lost.

And lost miserably.

There's no possibility of turning over.

It's not just her, but almost all the chess masters think so.

At this time, Zhu Fei said with a grim smile: "Xue, aren't you fond of learning? Now I see how you can learn from me! What I said just now, young people should not be too angry! "

In his clamor and all the discussion, Xue an was still indifferent, just lowered his head, as if to check the chess game.

Gong Xueman then anxiously said: "brother, did Mr. Xue lose?"

Gong Changyue sighed, "yes! Lost! It's still too bad! "

When he said this, Gong Changyue was full of despair.

But it was just then.

Xue an slowly raised his eyes and laughed at Zhu Fei, "but I also said that he was not very angry Young people? "

Said, Xue an then also lightly left a son. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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