Invisible Dragon

Chapter 1 to 50 - Invisible Dragon

(NOTE:Every single mistake in this story is ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL)

Everyon, I has finally decided to write~

Please read a lot~

The story’s about the strongest dragon the invisible dragon moving to the other world… hehehe

If you’re curious, jus read~

1 (2002/07/25)


the strongest among dragons the invisible dragon roared

since the invisible dragon was super duper strong it was the strongest dragon

it won against gods and demons it won against everyone there was only

one invisible dragon in the world anyway it roared

“argh shoot lets run”

the balrogs ran away the invisible dragon was awesome

that was why the balrogs ran away


2 (2002/07/25)

The invisible dragon was bored

so it decided to kill gods

so the gods became emergency

“shit the invisible dragon’s invading”

“yeah lets fight”

but since the invisible dragon was a invisible dragon it was invisible

since dey couldn’t see it the gods all died

the invisible dragon got bored of this world so it

decided to go to a different world


3 (2002/07/25)


the invisible dragon moved dimensions

then the modern world appeared

“oh cool let’s kill everyone”

the invisible dragon did a breath no it just

shoot laser beams from its hands

americas blew up in one hit

the invisible dragon was super duper strong

people didn’t kno who did it because the invisible dragon was invisible

the invisible dragon was bored aagin so…

(hehe the next chapter’s gonna be cool)


4 (2002/07/25)

I’m stopping writing here~~~

bya bya~~~ I’ll write tomorrow~~~

and this is my first time writing so why are you all so mean…

please gib me sum face~~~

and is no one going to publish this~~~

it would be cool if it became a book ;-;

Continuu tomorrow

5 (2002/07/25)

It was than

“message to HQ over I’ll be shooting the invisible dragon”


jets came out and shot missiles at invisible dragon

but since the invisible dragon was invisible and since dey couldn’t see it so dey missed

it got hit one or two times but it didn’t even tickle the invisible dragon

“puhaha goodbye you snot-sized things keke”

the invisible dragon did it so the jets got masacred in 0.001 secons

it was really cool


6 (2002/07/25)

There was a 63 story building no there was a building over 100 stories

but then the invisible dragon was bigger than that building


when the invisible dragon hit that building once it fell down the building fell down

and so the invisible dragon got bored so it spoke to the humans

“i’m going to live as a human now so serve me well”

the humans all said yea sure and the invisible dragon turned into a human

tada~ next, the story of the invisible dragon turning into a human begins so expect it tada


7 (2002/07/25)

Guys I really gonna stop writing here

bya bya

this is really my first time writeing go easy on me ;-;

and thank u to the persan who keeps tellingg me that he likes me writing

you don’t be disappoints I won’t fail your expecations~~~ okey???|}}


oh! I suddenly think of awesome story so I’m gonna write.

it’s gonna be awesome~~~


the invisible dragon turned human was a super handsome he was a super bishie

he was a guy but really he was waaay prettier than girls

he was really pretty the boys and girls all fell for him

but tey couldn’t see him cuz he was invisible cuz he was invisible dragon

but suddenly someone popped up


it was zerglings and hydras they all came on overlords.

the zergs invaded earth so anyway the invisible dragon

decided to erase them next chapter’s going to be super awesome

it’s going to be a super thrilling battle~~~



it was then the invisible dragon used his ultimate skill no not his super ultimate skill but his breath, a normal ultimate skill (super ultimate skill is stronger than breath it’s awesome)

and he only picked out the overlords to shoot so only the overlords were picked out and killed by the invisible dragon

“BamBamBamBam Uwahhhhhhhhhh!”

In the end the overlords died there was blood spattering all over and anyway millions of overlords were masacred just like that

and so the invisible dragon only picked and killed the overlords to not get seen also the overlords were gon so the zerglings and hydras coudnt even run now

“Hahahahahah let’s start killing and work out a bit heh”

this phrase from the invisible dragon marked the beginning of the blody intergalactic war

the zerglings and hydras all trembled in fear but they coudnt see so they didnt know who killed them

the invisible dragon start move towards the zerglings and hyrdas.


(tl note:overlords are monsters that appear in the game starcraft. They are made to be able to detect invisible beings from afar.)


I came back from cram school~~~ I’ll keep writeing so look for ward to it

and just read if you want to why are you all so mean don’t read if your’e going to be so mean

but theres more people who prais me so thats good hehe

the polls are super fun too theres a lot but why some people pick average T.T

is people just jelous of me bing popular

anaway look forward to eit

don’t read if your going to be mean~~~

bya bya~~~^^


The invisible dragon was really enjoing killing he continuu continud kiling

the zerglings and the hydras there were gazillions of dem so there was so much blood so the sea turned red it was awesome

“hahaha small frys, it’s going to be your funeral day today keke”

and then the zerglins and hydras trembled in fear

but they coudnt see so they coudnt do anything and suddenly a paper

tied to an arrow came flying

“FwiiiiiK Tak”

the invisible dragon read the papar

‘I challenge you invisible dragon from angient super hyper ultra dragon’

it was that. It was a letter of challenge

“heh interesting this small fry looking to die?”

but invisible dragon coud lose if it was not careful cuz angient super hyper ultra dragon was

a super awesome powerful dragon so invisible dragon

shook a bit only a little bit


13 (2002/07/26)

By the way everywan what’s hulmusin???

everyone’s talking about hul martial god hul martial god but I sweear

I never copied anything

nothing came up when I searched it up on fantasy stop playing with me

why you all have to be so mean ;-;

ok then bya bya

(tl note:the author was talking about blood martial god, another one of the 7 forbidden texts. The readers have been comparing this novel to that, which made the author get curious, and search for it (he misspelled the name of the novel though, lmao).)

14 (2002/07/26)

The invisible dragon accepted the challent and

went to met the angient super hyper ultra dragon but then that dragon was to strong

“fuck it’s a little strong there’s no choice sorry but I’ll have to use my super hyper action megaton ultra ultimate attack heh”

so the invisible dragon used his super hyper action megaton ultra ultimate attack

so that dragon foght well but got shit on

but there was one thing the angient super hyper ultra dragon didn’t know even as it died. it was that……

the invisible dragon actually have a even strong attack that was the super duper ultra mega hyper amazing action really super powerful top-class secret power hyper ultimate attack….


15 (2002/07/27)

This time instead of a arrow a super fast bullet

came so the invisible dragon saw the bullet in the paper it said

I challenge you invisible dragon I’m the super awesome king of all races

the demon king dragon master that was what the paper said

this time the invisible dragon was sweating like shit

the demon king dragon master was stronger than him it was also a overlord’s master

so it could see him how would the invisible dragon win

(this gonna be awesome everywan!)

“ah fuck… so it’s time to use my super duper ultra-class ultra megaton-class hyper ultimate attack this is bad”

the invisible dragon’s sighed over the great earth



Oh and everywan is typo really that bad sigh

everyone keeps dissing me about typo lol lol lol

its not lik your can write well lol lol lol

if its fun then say its fun dont keep saying typo this typo that

the content is fun tho look at the polls and see how dey r

for real tho seriously it’s not like im perfect jus dont read if you don’t like seriously


And so the invisible dragon went to find the demon king dragon master


There was a lot of wind and stuff it was super awesome…

The two stared at each other it was then


the bastardly deragon master attacked first our invisible dragon unfortunatly got hit once

and vomited blood

Invisible dragon:Ugh shit

So the demon king dragon master spoke

“Keke you insect”

But invisible dragon had a trump card

“It is time to show my rael power”

Demon king dragon master laughed his ass off

Demon king dragon master:yeah sure go ahead

Invisible dragon super enraged invisible dragon originally coud olny show his tru strength when he was enraged the enraged invisible dragons true power

look for ward to it tada~~~


Everywan i sleep after this

And dont keep doing pranks really ;-;

Please commenat a lot no swearing~~~!!!

Hahagh I’m off

Bya bya~~!!!


ah seriusly tho stop commenting so much i can’t see new comments cus theres so many of them

i can’t see anything seriously just don’t comment~~~

20 (2002/07/27)

just don’y reply from now okey???

ill just write

21 (2002/07/27)

The invisible dragon turned into a super saiyan invisible dragon

“hahaha just dye demon king dragon master”

but he still couldnt do anythin

“ugh fuck im going to come back after training like shit and becoming super ultra stong just you wait demon king dragon master”

the invisible dragon ran ;-; sob sbo

but lets believe in our main character!!! fighting!!!

look forward to the next episode!!! okey???


22 (2002/07/27)

The invisible dragon trainled like shet for 300milion years

now everything starts for real now

the invisible dragon shouted

“just come at me you bastards!!! heh”

so humans and evryon else all attacked super lot but

they were all like dust to super duper strong invisibl dragon

“kekeke you small fris take this!!!”

when the invisible dragon shot out a beam from his pinki finger that big big crowd

disappeared int an instant there was blood everywhere everyone’s heads were getting cut off it was awesome

now the invisible dragon is really awesome no one can fight him

since it was invisible it was even more scary so everyone was trembling



Invisible dragon wanted to test how strong he was so

He used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of his power


and 350,000 meteors fell from duh sky and suddenly

everything went all bambambambam everywan was ded it was bloody it was awesome

“hahaha I used 1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000th of my power and this is the result you insects keke”

invisible dragon who trianed like mad… he got hella strong in one word he was simpley awesomestrong

he defeted the demon king dragon master with just his pinki pinger suuuuper easily

but there was one enemy left

“Hmm now I have to beat my old bro”

The invisible dragon old bro was strong cuz he was older bro he was stronger than dragon master

Now the invisible dragon went to look for his bro so they may fihgt

Expect an awsom thrillin bloodie fihgt really

Aw~~some fight!!!

24 (2002/07/27)

By the way everywan some dude asked if the demon king dragon master trains

but then the thin is that the demon king dragon master is a shitty immature lazy jacass

so he just played around and not trianted and died hehehe okey???

25 (2002/07/28)

So the invisible dragon went to meet his old bro.


there was super lots of wind and because of invisible dragon and his old bro’s energy it became ultra strong wind trees were getting rippped from ground and stones were flying and anyway it was awesome

“I should call you invisivisible dragon instead of old bro now heh”

the name of invisible dragon’s old bro was invisivisible dragon but then siince his old bro was an enamy now he just caled his bro by name

“this small fry gettng all confident”

but invisivisivle dragon didnt know he didnt know dat his bro’s pwoer got stronger by 10000000000000000 times and his bro also made a super ultimate attack

but invisivisible dragon was strong he was super duper strong

26 (2002/07/28)

Die haiya~~~!!!

Te invisivisible dragon attacked first lik a bitch but invisible dragon

didnt get hit

that was because invisivisible dragon wasn’t overlord’s teacher so he couldn’t

see the invisible dragon

“you can’t see me heh”

after tat invisible dragon punched bam!!!

but invisivisible dragon didn’t get hit because invisivisible dragon

was invisible

invisible dragon:hey where are you heh

invisivisible dragon:what about you~~~ ;-;

they couldnt see each other it was then right then invisible dragon realized something

“heh fine if I cant see with my eyes i’ll look with my minds eye haiya~!!!”

invisible dragon began to see with his minds eye then he said something amazingly profond

“although i cant see with my eyes I can see with my minds eye! I can see when I use my minds eye! hahahahahahahah”

invisivisible dragon was hella surprised when he hear that

no way how~~~

invisible dragon saw shit with his minds eye it was super aesome

“hahahahaha I can see!”

what happens next you can look forward to it~~~ tada!



he opened his minds eyes so the invisible dragons eyes opened

“ah see you your there!”

invisivisible dragon whos location was discovered trembled in faer.

invisble dragon blew normal skill his breath.

invisivisible dragon:ahhhhhhhhh! shit! ;-;

it was a normal skill but it was invisible dragons normal skill but invisivisible dragon

hurt like shit and screaemd and cryed lol

however it was not the end invisible dragon prepared to strike one final time

but it was then

“dieit’s invisivisible dragon self-destroction!”

it was thrilling it was awesome but invisble dragon

cooly said

“then i have another way heh”

it awesome anyway how will it turn out itll be awesome~~



Everywan I’m think of writing a novel after the invisible dragon^^

novel after this is about after invisible dragon dies (sob sbo ;-;)

i’m going to just end invisible dragon at capter 50

after this novel is called duike~~~

the main character is name is Duike

please look forward to it~~~

dont cry tho after invisible dragon die^^;;;

(but even i cried hella lot when i thought of it invisible dragon ;-;)

29 (2002/07/28)


it expoloded super super a lot everything exploded earth was gone

the sun was gone everything was gone all of the univarse was gone

the invisivisible dragon’s selfdestroction wasnt a joke it was super ultimate strong

but there wasnt just one univarce there was exactly 1000

but becase of invisivisible dragons explosion ther was 999

“hah~ fuck i almost died!!!”

the invisible dragon was arive how did it live it was all tanks to his super ultinate new ultimate attack caled selfdestroction dodge but it had a wekness

it was tat even the user didnt kno wherr he was end up

“where is this”

invisible dragon at the new univers didnt know much

“hahaha this is get conquered by me hahahahaha”

but invisible dragon didnt know then he didn know that the univarse was big and

that there were hiden gods and dragons and demon kings everywhar

now invisible dragon wasnt so strong anymor lets see hoow invisible dragon

conqurs this universe lets look forward to it


30 (2002/07/28)

guys i tried writin a horror story but I just erased itt

Ill just work on inviisble dragon

and novel after invisible dragon is Duike look forward to it~~~


31 (2002/07/29)

Stop comenting~~~!!!

32 (2002/07/29)

duichidak in the comments <— who is tis!!!

stop pretending to be me!!! my id says author <— i comment with that!!!

stop pretending to be me!!! stop commenting!!!

33 (2002/07/29)

the invisible dragon cryed

“kuaaaaaaa anyone come at me you insects heh”

then the 999th universe god and demon kings all came at him and it was that

it was then

“hahahaha invisible dragon prepare for yuor funeral~~~”

at that moment the invisible dragon cooly said a awsome line.

“heh can you see me heh”

god and demon kings:huh now you mention it i cant see can you?

others:no i cant see… shit…

and so the invisible dragon lafd cooly and prepeard to use his ultimate skill

then the demon kings and gods were all scared and shivered

but they couldnt see so they couldnt do anythin



“heh die you all heh”

the invisible dragon was unseeable so he was invisivle so he

foght all the gods and demon kings it was super awesome

anyway he beat them all up and he conqured 300 universes alredy

it was super awesome

“hahaha serve me hahaha”

So everyone served hi m and the invisible dragon was awesome

but it was just 300 there was still 600 to go because

ther were 999 unverses

invisible dragon got bored

“im bored lets kill evrything”

so he kileld everything and it was super awesome but invisible dragon did a mistake

he just killed and playedd without training and there was a

super strong human out of gods he killed and that humans name was


invisible dragon kileld so many he didn’t even kno who he killed

it was then

“to tink you would kill my dad lupacho fuck…. youre dead fuck”

there was a kid who said that and that kids name was the famous

our duike he might be super awesome

but we dont know yet because we have our invincible invisible dragon

look forwards to it~~~ an apparance of duike~~~


35 (2002/07/30)

Ugh fuck i messed up

i said 300 but it’s actually 399 okey???

36 (2002/07/30)

I fixed it. i dont think theres any errors now

“heh die you all heh”

the invisible dragon was unseeable so he was invisivle so he

foght all the gods and demon kings it was super awesome

anyway he beat them all up and he conqured 300 universes alredy

it was super awesome

“hahaha serve me hahaha”

So everyone served hi m and the invisible dragon was awesome

but it was just 300 there was still 600 to go because

ther were 999 unverses

invisible dragon got bored

“im bored lets kill evrything”

so he kileld everything and it was super awesome but invisible dragon did a mistake

he just killed and playedd without training and there was a

super strong human out of gods he killed and that humans name was


invisible dragon kileld so many he didn’t even kno who he killed

it was then

“to tink you would kill my dad lupacho fuck…. youre dead fuck”

there was a kid who said that and that kids name was the famous

our duike he might be super awesome

but we dont know yet because we have our invincible invisible dragon

look forwards to it~~~ an apparance of duike~~~


37 (2002/07/30)

Duike who is he hmm who is he

he was the son of the lupacho the super strong human among gods

but duike was super sad because because his dad luchopa

was killled by invisible dragon

but duike didnt cry and he didnt kill himself because

he was very courage

but invisible dragon was super strong and invisible

so duike went to train

but ther was no way invisible dragon would let him live

but bcuz duike couldnt see invisible dragon because he could see

he couldnt do anythng because invisible dragon was try to kill him

at that moment invisible dragon…


38 (2002/07/30)

ah crap I cept writing continuu i kept pressing the buttons too long…

ill fix it~

ill fix it so stop swearing about how disgsting typos are

39 (2002/07/30)

Duike who is he hmm who is he

he was the son of the lupacho the super strong human among gods

but duike was super sad because because his dad luchopa

was killled by invisible dragon

but duike didnt cry and he didnt kill himself because

he was very courage

but invisible dragon was super strong and invisible

so duike went to train

but ther was no way invisible dragon would let him live

but bcuz duike couldnt see invisible dragon because he could see

he couldnt do anythng because invisible dragon was try to kill him

at that moment invisible dragon…


40 (2002/07/31)

stop pretending to be me at the commens!!!

41 (2002/07/31)

guys it loks like a lot of people like continuu more than continue

should I use continue??? or continuu???

tell me yor thoghts

42 (2002/07/31)

guys i’m just gonna use continue you guys keep talking about typos

so why are you teling me to use tpyes fuck really i dont get it you shameles people

and stop pretendinn to be me in te comments!!!

43 (2002/07/31)

The invisible dragon conquerred 400 universe now and but

he still hav 500 left but he thougt duike was might be

little strong so he went to kill duike

but duike didn’t know because invisible dragon was invisible

inbisible dragon used the 1/999999999999999999999999999999999999999


99999999999999999999 of his power and hit onc

he hit super weak but then duike went flying and hit a wall and broke a wall and flew off and hit a wall and it was super awesome but because invisible dragon used a super little of his power he went to conquer another universe

invisible dragon was doing light exercise his next oponnnent was the ultimade demon king god the master dragon

he was different from the demon king dragon master because so

invisible dragon trembled a bit but invisible dragon

conqured 300 universes so he was confident but then

invisible dragon didn’t know although duike was super hurt with super

lots of blood he was still kind of kind of

alive he didnt know that

44 (2002/08/13)

Duike was pretty beautiful it was super amazingly awesome

thats why some girl saw this almost deading duike

by the way that girl was a little pretty too so the girl

fell for the super pretty duike and took him home and took care of him

and stuff

“hmm… I need revenge!”

duike wake up after 7000 days and he try to leave shang-a’s house

the girl who took care of duike and stuff was called shana

so anyway he tried to leave for revenge

so shang-a cried duike spoke

“thank you for taking care of me for 2 years but i need revenge”

duike left for adventure but shang-a was sad because

she loved duike….

to be continued

45 (2002/08/16)

ah really so many complains hey guys

why do you think 7000 days are 20 years why do you think like that???

in duikes world 7000 days is 2 years ah really so annoying

why wouldnt you know that

and that vician or something guy in the bad reviews and the k-kun person in the good reviews

since vaica said something weird so i ignore and k-kun is really awesome there should be more readers but phew just people who cant understand stuff

46 (2002/08/18)

hmmm~~~~ so for now invisible dragon #1 is over

from now this is the real hidden truth of the invisible dragon the past of the invisible dragon

how did the invisible dragon be born how did he become strong

super hyped for it

and after this is the sad baddle of the inbisible dragon ;-;

47 (2002/08/19) #


the invisible dragon was born he was just born in the air and stuff so

tahts why he was invisible the air bunched up and stuff it bunched up

to a dragon shape and because so he was invisible and he was born like that


he broke out of the egg he broke out of his egg but there was no mom or dad

so invisible dragon cried because he was sad no one gave him food and stuff

invisible dragon was super sad so he cried and stuff

anyway he was hungry and stuff

then someone passed by and……………………………………………………………………………………………

to be continued

48 (2002/12/24) #


I’ll upload next time……….

dont comment if possible

i kept seeing but when people comment they just keep talking about that….

its hard to see the actual text so

go to hell commens~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^

pretend to be me can go to hell to

49 (2003/05/03) #

“Aren’t you gonna give me food you shits????????????”

invisible dragon cried a lot and stuff ;-; he begged and did all that stuff

but no one gave him food so invisible dragon was super sad and super cry but

he got super mad and stuff

“just die you bitch hahahahaha”

rght then someone kicked invisible dragon he was still young so it hurt and he was weak so it hurt so he cried and got angry

“what the heck you dont gimme food and you u kick me who??????”

right then he speak

“Im seriously 4390814980413098123409831249801498023410989239080000 stronger than you i’m introduce myself the lord of the lord of the universe yeah my name’s colbob hehehe”

invisible dragon:omg your colbob?

colbob was really super strong colbob who introduced himself as lord of the lord of the universe

was super strong invisible dragon was inbisible but he saw him and super strong

“hehehe nobody can seee you and you cant eat your sad your being bullied bullied bullied”

invisible dragon got super mad so he cry he was sad ah fuck super sad ;;;;;-;;;;;;

“im not bullied no im not sob sob ;-;”

“its not like anyone would even look at you your invisible hehehe you idiot anyway your bullied just die”

colbob said this and hit invisible dragon super hard and left

“fuck… sob sob ;-; ah seriously ill kill you when i grow up yu awh really fuck”

invisible dragon got filled with revenge so he

got super strong but can invisible dragon win againt the king of king of universe colbob

and duike the person who is trying to kill invisible dragon who is destroying universe bit by bit and super duper ultra strong colbob who is the boss of all the universe….

wow super interesting next chapter gonna be awesome

lets end this at chapter 50

50 (2004/07/22) #

“heh! but that was in the past i’m not scared anymore~!”

when invisible dragon thought of the past he scared of colbob but that

was all in the past invisible dragon was already incompearabully stronger than the past

it was seriously no joke.

???:laughable invisible dragon!

invisible dragon:what are you!!

it was then a 600 huge giants came out

it was no joke

invisible dragon:I said what are you!!

???:actually we are the lords of the universe you killed. shit… what are you to

destroy our universe on a whim?! you are so dead tuday. we thought it woudnt do with just one so we got together you are so dead his time


it was like that they were actually the lords of universes who got together

to eraze invisible dragon. even one was super strong but there was 600!!!

heh however our mc is the invisible dragon

invisible dragon:can you even see me heh

it was like that the invisible dragon was invisible so he couldnt be seen. However…

600 lords:u dont kno whu our lord is its the great colbob-sama.

we were already teached how to see you from colbob-sama kekeke

and one more thing! actually i wanted to kill you when the universe was destroyed but

it was imposible alone… colbob-sama said we need

at leas 600. Kekeke we are 600! colbob-sama dont lie!

“how is this possible! shit its colbob again that bastard!! ;;-;;”

colbob was too meticulous. if that was true then it was safe to say there was no hope of victory for invisible dragon but…

“heh but your all a bit stupid. you cant win me”

600 lords:what do you mean by that!!

invisible dragon:I said you cant win me

600 lords:heh colbob-sama never lies!!

invisible dragon:of couse he didn lie. you misunderstanding me idiots.

colbob said at least 600. that means my chance of winning is hier.

idiots understand now?

600 lords:f fuck!! let’s first fight!! it also means we can win to!

invisible dragon:good. come at me all at the same time heh.

suddenly the mood turned raelly bloody. the 600 lords all surounded the invisible dragon in an instan and he invisible dragon cooly put off his cigar took off his coat and sungalss and stared at the 600 lords.

invisible dragon:come at me quickly!

600 lords:ddie invisible dragon! Uwahhhhh!!

“fuck..! invisible dragon already destroyed over 600 universes…

how… awesome. I can’t even do one..”

duike super dispeared. it was then

??:who are you


someone suddenly spoke to the despairing duike

duike:i need power! a super strong power!!

??:good i will grant youre wish.

duike:i need to revenge! I need to have my revenje!!

then someone suddenly appeared and said a awsome line

??:good i accept you as my dicsiple.

duike:i understan! thans!

??:mwahaha good! congrachulashions on becoming my dicsiple! my name is lord of lords of the universe!

duike:what so cool. by chance, colbob?

and someone smiled

colbob:yes i’m THE colbob hehe

invisible dragon was super hurt he was about to die

around were corpses that formed mountins.

“gasp gasp… that was infinitely tiring.. I almost got killed

but i raelly will die at this rate… ugh!”

then he saw a litle girl who went past him.

“hey pleese heal me… i’m dying i will really

die at this rate”

and the girl hopped around cheefully and said

shang-a:huh? how did you know? i’m awsome at healing! i’m aw-heal shang-a hi! ^^*

invisible dragon:kek if your aw-heal than i’m aw-kill hehe


shang-a:who are you! I cant see yu!!

invisible dragon:aw shit

it was like that… invisible dragon was invisible so shang-a couldnt see him ;;-;;

“you said you were aw-heal”

shang-a:but i cant see u what can i do.

“aw shit!! get rid of the bias that what u cee is everythin!!

do it quickly!!”

shang-a decided

shang-a:ok ill try..

but she didnt kno that the invisible dragon she healed was

duikes archenenmy…

colbob:try destroing the 1st dimension

duike:yes haap!!

and the 1st dimension disapppeared all dots disappeared! It was a supernatural ability that surpassed the mind!!

Colbob:whoa duike you ar awsome to think u broke thru everyhing i told you. you are genius awesom

duike:keke thank you master colbob

duike was rilly a genius he mastered whatever colbob teached him

and he advanced his skills and colbob was even suprised

colbob:it really makes me wanna teach duike hehe i will pass on to you my everything

become the best and be my successor hehe

duike:thank you

but duike was thinking something els

soz colbob-sama… i need to kill invisible dragon


then someone called colbob

Colbob:what is it didnt i tell you to not disturb me when i’m teaching duike?

300 lords:so sorri… actually…

and whispered to colbob

“what?! The 600 lords all died by invisible dragon!!”

and duike was so suprised. he said [what?! invisible dragon?!] when he heard

Invisible dragon. but he only said it in his heart.

300 lords:yes. we doommed.

colbob:we ar rilly doommed

300 lords:600 of us died how can we win sob sob shit

colbob was super annoied,

“you idiots i said at least 600

impayshunt and dum people are all ment to die”

300 lords:sob sob what do we do? will all 1000 universes of this world

be in his hands?

but colbob smiled.

colbob:who am i i am colbob get invisible dragon here rite now i will deal with him

quickly join youre universe with mine.

300 lords:yes sir

actually the universe colbob ruled was he biggest and the awsomist. He 300 other lords of the universes all joined the universe they created to colbobs colbobs

universe became huge.

when all the universe joined colbob shouted

“hey invisible dragon. I’m colbob you want to know where i am rite?? FYI, i’m in colbobs world. I joined all the universes so dont destroy it and come here. Over”

colbobs sound was so big that invisible dragon heard it. by then shang-a was already done healing invisible dragon

“gosh youre recovery is no joke”

invisible dragon:i won 600 lords and i even recovered so i am stronger than before!

anyway thans for healing i need to go get revenge so farewell!!”

shang-a was so sad. both duike and invisible dragon

said they need to get revenge…


But invisible dragon didnt even look bag and ran it was so fast.

he was so fas that he ran about 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888777777777777777777778 light years in 0.0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 secons in the universe. he ran so fast and he saw colbob in 101 years

colbob was so huge. and he was super hansome too but he aged so

he gave off a middle-aged man aura. also he had wings and the wings were huge too. It was as big as 5 times our invisible dragon so duike couldnt be seen either.

invisible dragon:OMG!

but invisible dragon was awsomely suprised. becuz there was 300 lords of the universe with him

invisible dragon thought that he may really die today.

“you coward! you were with those insects!!”

then colbob said

colbob:don’t put me together with those insects hehe its time to show ma powaa

invisible dragon:how am i meant to win with the insects on your side even 300 of them!!

heh but if you want come at me i killed 600 and ive got stronger

then colbob said.

“ok one on one it is then”

and so colbob killed all 300 lords with one finger

no just the fingernail

300 lords:ack!

colbob:how is it now its one on one right?? Heheh

then invisible dragon fell in to more dispair cuz colbob

was in a different dimension!

invisible dragon:(mind) ah fuck its a mistake it fucking hurts

but invisible dragon had hidden strength. that was biting

the tongue with ultimate resolution and he will become awsomely stronger! but he had even stronger hidden strength that was when he bit his tongue after shivering his chin in fear he became stronger than biting with ultimate resolution by 5783458765666 squared!

but invisible dragon didnt kno that so he used all his power to use ultimate skill

while biting his tongue! it was then!

“invisible breath!!”

this was a ultimate power skill he didnt know about!! the power was

really he was suprised about! to think i had this ultimate skill?!! ooh so cool!

as expected, colbob cant evaded it!

‘Kukwangkwangkwakwang’ (rumble)

colbob was hit hard!

invisible dragon:(mind) huh? whaz this colbob got hit? meh since its like this

lets close my eyes on it and beat him with all my powa until he beaten to death i will win anyway here goes nuthing~!!

tudak tudak puk puk! (punching?)

It was awsomely no joke thrililng action!! like this invisible dragon beat colbob

For 3550 days keke

“pant pant im so tired sooooo tired pant pant he should died rite?”

invisible dragon had almost no strength anymore cuz he was too tired


colbob:whaz this it tickles hahaha

invisible dragon:omg!

but no matter how awsome stronger invisible dragon got colbob was colbob

he was no match for hiim from the beginning… ;;-;;

“it’s my turn!”

invisible dragon:no!!

Ppak~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x389492939400123 (punching)


invisible dragon so flew so far away then he got a big huge sirious

Wound… ;;-;;

colbob:mwahaha you got one-shotted this is too boring

invisible dragon:kek… too strong as expected… i can’t win ;;-;;

but theres one method!

colbob laughed

“haha i’m listnening.”

invisible dragon:it’s my super awsome great action mountain hyper invisible attack…

colbob:isn’t that invisible breath?

invisible dragon:that’s my super awsome great action mountain attak…


invisible dragon:actually this was my ultimate skill from the past its…

the selfdestroction evasion from when i foght with my brotha! but

selfdestroction evasion pierce throu the dimension and goto anotha universe! but this skill not only pass throu one universe but circle around thousand billion million universes many times!

colbob:puhaha your bro was so weak tho hehe hows that ultimate skill

invisible dragon:heh i’m sorry but this is the skill i perfected now it’s upgration selfdestroction evasion!

colbob:whats that?

invisible dragon:if i use this then the opponent has no choice but to self destruct!

and i would evade it truly is two birds with one stone keke

colbob:kek what the heck.

then invisible dragon spat out a cool line!

invisible dragon:heh unjust law is also law!

colbob:h…how.. its a frightening ultimate skill indeed. but im invincible so

I dont have skills like self destroction?

invisible dragon:then commit suicide or somthing! honestly who can kill you

only yourself can dumbass haa.


invisible dragon:then i’m starting! colbob! its the end for you mwahahahaha!

but colbob said with compozure

colbob:i’m sorry but theres something you dont know yet. its that i didn’t use even 1% of my power heheh

invisible dragon:what?

colbob:like i sed i can kill you first before you use that

ultimate skill hehe shall we see? yeah i can instakill you

with 2% of my strength heheh

fuck! invisible dragon onece agen fell into dispair!

Invisible dragon:uuu…no! it’s a lie! i can’t believe it!


but invisible dragon regained he compozure.

Invisible dragon:actually i kno your scared keke stop bullshitting

what 1% and when facing me… so much bullshit

heh go on and kill me lol then here i go!

Upgration selfdestroction evasion!!

colbob:pfft! 2% punch!!

‘Bang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x4083984983939to the power 999999986’

“puhah… how… how is this possible… uuk!!!”


colbobs words were true he true didnt use 1% of his power

colbob was too strong.. ;;-;;

colbob:wow~ you survived i gonna use 2% but i used 1.6% cuz i coudlnt

control my power *blush* heheh

invisible dragon: what the fuck are you.. ;;-;; sob sob it cant be like this

its the first time i feel so puny

colbob:good ill tell you a story from old times actually the creator of the world

was born of its own will in fact there’s no one creator

theres many because they were born from their own will

they add up to 900 and i colbob wanted to be born so

i threatened them with my own will so i colbob was born

actually as you saw before the 600 you killed and the 300 i killed were all creators

creators all were satisfied with their created world and played around and

i got bored so i made a world like them and this is that we all raced

and put our effort into growing our universe into the biggest and you appeared

outta nowhere and you destroyed our universe its annoying cuz you destroyed space-time and dimensional universe so i stepped up so dont be frustrated since i stepped up you are already dead heheh

invisible dragon:….. yeah be the best all you want

colbob: heheh

suddenly duike shouted!

duike:invisible dragon! can you use upgration selfdestroction evasion?!

invisible dragon:i can use it one more time with my strength ;;-;; but who are you?

colbob:it’s my disciple duike heheh anyway to think you still have strength to use upgration self destroction evasion i must kill you fast heheh this time you wont survive without being instakilled. this attack is 3 percent kick! scream is death heheh

invisible dragon however burned courage in his eyes and really

barely got up and shouted [don’t fuck with me! justice will always win! the good guys always win!]. ah so cool ;;-;;

colbob:heheh your fucking with your self. eat this invisible dragon! 3 percent kick!!

then suddenly!!


colbob:ah fuck what is it? do it later. lemme kill inviisble dragon first.

duike:i developed a new skill after looking at master colbob and invisible dragon! its super strong cool! have a look!

colbob:oooh a genius as i expected duike but do it later. after i kill him

duike:what is this! if u dont look at it now i quit being youre successor!

colbob:this guy here might use upgration selfdestroction evasion.

duike:that’s it thank you for your teachings un til now master colbob.

colbob: ok ok! hey invisible dragon dont move or its 3 percent kick

and colbob talkd with duike invisible dragon thought now!

[upgration selfdestroction evasion!!]

“pff. I knew you do that your looking to die 3 percent kick!”

as expected colbob was faster than invisible dragon by a lot ;;-;; but suddently

duike stood in front of invisible dragon!

duike:huh?! there’s money on the ground?? +_+

colbob:fuick duike get outta way quickly! fuck!

but it was too late our invisible dragon transcended space-time

and dimensional universe and he was going round and round them and was doing upgration selfdestroction evasion… ;;-;;!!

invisible dragon was now dying……..

he used all his power in upgration selfdestroction evasion and he received 1.6%

punch from colbob so he got more injured than when he foght the 600 lords….

invisible dragon could recover in 0.03 secons even if only a small sand particle size was left of him but this time the injury was too serious so he was dying…

“ah.. to think invisible dragon might die like this pointlesslyy..

and i was da best onece too… well i killed colbob so i have no regrets…

ah… but i’m bored. i wanna do something before i die”


duike:haha! it’s me invisible dragon! duike!

invisible dragon didn’t know a lot but he remembered duike saying colbobs disciple

duike:i’m called duike whu’s about to take revenge on you! you fiend!

i let you live because i want to kil you mysel! but you are done for! you are super duper weak and your injury is super duper! die in my hands! you killed the strongest human among gods..

invisible dragon:die eye beam!


invisible dragon cutt off duike and used eye beam. eye beam

is invibisle dragon’s weakestest move and since he was weak he could only use tat

even tho invisible dragon was dying duike was no match

duike got hit by eye beam and felll down the clifff

“kekeke i did something fun before I died tho. Ah as expected a death of a good boy

is not tragick but noble.. heh.. well, I did figt a lot for justice.. is my glory days gon just like dat.. heh..”

and suddenly Shang’a!

invisible dragon:o!! here!! i’m dying! help me quik!



duike fell of the cliff and got super hurt…

but den he saw some weird book

‘open it’

duike opned it and he got super healed

duike turned the page

“UAAAA!!! amazing powah!!”

duike kept turning the page duike was getting super strong

invisible dragon:ah be quicker

Shang’a:let me find u… i can’t see

and suddenly duike came out!!

invisible dragon:uh wat your alive

duike:it’s ovr! i’m super strong!

invisible dragon:ah shit im super tired.. eye beam using last bits of powah!!

duike:duike action!!

duike’s duike action and invisible dragon’s eye beam collide! super serious!

in other words, it was mediocre!

invisible dragon:ugh you got strong

duike:as expected you’re strong

invisible dragon:hey just treat me quick wat the hell!

Shang’a:ok just wait a bit goonna find you soon

duike suddenly heard shang’a while he use duikeaction!

duike:ah! youre shang’a?!

Shang’a:yeah hi

duike:what are you doin! why u try to fix invisible dragon!!

Shang’a:I love invisible dragon


what the!! what is this?!!

duike:what you lov me tho!!

Shang’a:i used to yea

invisible dragon got pissed when shang’a didn’t treat him whyle he shoot eye beems

invisible dragon:ah fuck why u no heal me! want me to hit you?!!

Shang’a:ok ill do it fast

duike was hella surprise ;-;

duike:shang’a how can you do dis to me! what’s so good about that dragon he’s

so shitty to you!

Shang’a: I fell for his shittyness

duike:what the hell!! you like me tho!! you playgirl!!

shang’a:what are you talking about! you were the one who trashed me first?!

you don’t even think about me all you think about was killing insbisible dragon

your too much sob

duike:but why would yu fall for invisible dragon! you cant even saw him!

shang’a:this is why men are so usless do you love with ur eyes? you love with ur heart!

duike was too surprise…

‘heh as expected i’m tha best.’

invisible dragon felt hella cool. but this was a mistak

duike:i can’t forgive you!! uaa! I’m getting anger! too much anger! I can’t take it!

duike suddenly got angry and his duike action got ten times strong!

it just pierced eye beam and hit invisible dragon!!

invisible dragon:no way! ahhhhh!

invisible dragon sad dis as he fell

“I still managed to live a flamboyant life. I did everything I wanted. Perhaps

I lived too good of a life. But my time has passed now. Perhaps it passed already

in the past, but I lived on.. so this is when I die. I have no regrets! I lived a good life,


Hello it’s duichidak

i actually wanted invisible dragon to really kill everything and

live a good life.. ㅠㅠ but if invisible dragon got too strong

and killed everything he’d become too OP so

I made him weak.. sob

thank you for loving this novel so mch.. invisible dragon is now over

I hope you liked it.

Invisible Dragon Chapter 50 done

●◎▷Invisible Dragon◁◎● The End.

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