Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
10-9 Name of Lightning
The peculiarity of the necromancer (ghost) against physical attacks can be taken as an advantage (initiative) in modern society.
In other words, you can't expect to damage the Necromancer (Ghost) with the modern lead ball, which is a classic attack method.
It is not the difference in calibers of firearms that is a problem for effectiveness, but whether it has some kind of magic and mystique, or whether it has aggressiveness as a natural phenomenon that does not depend on physics.
Anything without it should be considered null and void.
Of course, within the knowledge of the Knight, there are measures that can be prepared easily from the viewpoint that it is possible to defeat by beating with a flame like torch.
However, it goes without saying that it depends on the TPO.
If the flame mentioned in the example is used, it is necessary to consider the impact on other subjects. It would be easy to imagine the fire spreading to the surrounding area in the unlikely event of secondary damage to an unspecified number of people.
Especially in an enclosed space like this.
(Damn it, it can't be helped!)
The long-armed necromancer (Ghost) is held down by a knight's shield.
The long ship's contact with the shield emitted a sound when it came into contact with the dust.
The long ship lifted black smoke from its fallen face, and the shield of the "Knight" disappeared like inked half-paper.
Along with that, it was in a state of partial destruction: Apprentice's cage hand was defeated by the impact and was brilliantly shattered. It does not affect the grip area, but the shattered exterior is scattered on the floor.
The internal mechanism peeking from the damaged part also has a shameful appearance, such as the foundation and the part that is thought to be leaning, and the broken wire jumping out. Moreover, the old leather sewn inside exposes a kind of unusual wind.
Even the junkiness of trying to open the outer lid of a rough household appliance illegally copied from overseas drifts.
But I didn't care if my hand was half broken.
(Two bottles at a time!?)
I jumped backwards and fully turned my head while dodging the pursuit of the back-up necromancer (Ghost).
It was a shield to see. The belt of light that remains there. From what I saw earlier, I instantly calculated from the number of bottles left.
Two bottles of "Tasogarekazura" necessary for a single blow that can inflict pain and itching, based on the number of bottles that have decayed.
It's random, but I have no choice but to assume it.
Four of them were left in the shield. There were seven spears.
If you can hit it with certainty, assume that the right spear is three, and the left shield is two, and the left shield is five, and the right spear is three and a half, and the left shield is four, and the total is six.
I tried my best to make it into a single Buddha. A total of four blows, including the one I stabbed before that.
The number you need to think about from there.
I think the longboat has scrapped quite a bit so far. Then two or three are necessary for the overthrow of the longboat.
However, this is six if one assumes that the bugs are pleasant. Five if it's tough.
No, let's say there were six. That way, only the last three will be left to him.
So I thought about it instantly and landed.
Tsk tsk!
Land, go, go, go.
I stopped slipping on the floor and ran forward all at once.
(No, a long boat is two of them. (It should be two)
If not, I'm in trouble.
Honestly, I think we're dealing more damage to a long ship than the first one.
From there, I don't think it takes three.
It's supposed to be the two of us. No, two of us.
A long, overrun ship has come back, but it must have done some damage.
I think it's not because of my mind that the image looks more blurry than before.
Collide before your thoughts come together.
As promised, the voice of the "Knight" and the Necromancer (Ghost) overlapped.
The necromancer (Ghost) slams his giant palm into the "Knight" 's eyes.
Exhale sharply to avoid the blow.
I don't have a choice. The act of touching each other reduces the number of "Tasogarekazura" remaining.
I use it conveniently according to the occasion, and I can't choose not to use it.
The pursuit of the Knight shifted sideways and evaded. The pursuit of the Knight shifted like a horizontal chop.
"Grrrr, too!"
The ankle is about to be taken by rapid braking, and the attachment of the nail placed in the boot is unfolded and pushed, and it continues to roll forward.
* Giggle *...!
"It hurts!"
Unable to evade, he touched the necromancer (ghost) chop on his left two arms.
Unfortunately, it's not covered by a shield.
Misori, the flesh stinks through the armor.
However, I managed to jump inside the Reach of the Necromancer while being bounced forward by the impact.
When you get up from the rotation at once, you can use your forward inertia to make your arm sharpen and bounce with the springs of your legs to strike the necromancer (ghost).
A spear stood against the necromancer's (ghost) shoulder.
Holding the spear in both hands, he tears apart the necromancer (ghost) in one stroke.
The torn necromancer (Ghost) screamed.
The damage to my left arm that I had just faintly inflicted didn't completely break me apart.
And even a second ambush from the open space.
Along with a laugh, a long boat with two arms jumped in.
In the same way as before, the second one pierced through the body and attacked with the necromancer's (ghost) bait.
"Don't lick me!"
When I swung out my spear, I let go of the shield I had already held in my hand.
And the fasteners were of type: subtle engagement with the Apprentice and they were removed from the beginning.
Damn it!
A sliding shield hits the floor and makes a sound.
With a falling momentum, it bounced back a little, tilting for a moment, but leaving enough room between the floor and the ceiling to get closer to the upright position.
There, the right foot is firmly sewn onto the floor with a spike of nails, and the left foot that remains is slipped into the gap.
I kicked up my shield at the sight of a long ship that was coming in, and the high kick was so blurry that I could see it with my naked eye.
The long ship deals damage to the Tasogarekazura with a knight's high kick over the shield, allowing it to just raise its jaw.
(You can't work with all of them!)
I would be vigilant even if I didn't want the same situation to continue twice.
Of course, the idea of arriving at them has been tampered with, but they have not reached it.
At the moment of kicking, the spear was thrown away from my hand and into the item box.
Let's make a Buddha!
The left foot that released the high kick quickly returned to the ground and landed, while the right arm was bowed and hit like a round toe.
The face of a long falling boat. No, it fell at the same time, and the light belt flickered, and I looked at the shield.
The shields were sharpened.
Then, the feeling of "passing through" something that should be said to be the spirit body of the long ship is transmitted to the fist.
The feeling felt like it was fisting through the shield disappeared.
The face of the long ship and the shield sandwiched by the knight's fist fell to the floor, losing the supporting "side".
The shield that rolled on the floor had a blurry glowing band until a while ago, but even that shard was missing.
Then, contrary to the legs of the "Knight", the face of the long ship's necromancer (ghost), which was supported on the other side, sank into the dry ice.
At the same time as I shouted, I stood halfway up and prepared for the unity that remained.
Orthodox style with the damaged left side behind.
Gently swing your left arm to measure the damage.
"Ouch, let's break my arm..." It's like a blue tongue course the next day.... but you're numb. Are you going back or not?)
Grrr, when I put strength into my left hand, I feel a tingling, dull pain in the center of my upper arm, and a fine tremor in my fingertips.
I think I'll be able to get back in time.
"I don't have time!"
Naturally, the other party did not know such circumstances.
If you want to add it, the Knight is the one who sees it damaged the closest.
Then they will attack.
Besides, from the direction where it would have been damaged.
"I'm screaming!"
Screams that make you want to hold your ears.
It sounds more like anger than fear.
The knight blurred out loud.
The knight's left arm appears to have been damaged.
They're coming after you.
I was able to take the orthodox stance and rotate around to capture the necromancer (ghost) that circles around its center.
* giggle *, your left arm is numbing again as you tongue-slap.
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, but it still feels like a fingertip. If you hold your hand, you will also gain strength.
But it wasn't perfect.
It doesn't have to be a precision motion or the feeling that you're going to cum with all your strength. To add to that, there were no more tools on the left that worked on that necromancer (Ghost).
(The shield finished using Russell 1.... it's the only one left.)
Pull out the spear from the item box in the right hand.
The ghost stiffened the movement slightly as he waved his throat lightly.
(Well, I'll be alert.)
"Taso Galekazura" light belt flickers and spears flutter.
Rather than the use of this weapon, I must have fully understood that this belt of flutter was a dead end.
The right arm moves without any problems.
My left hand feels tingling and painful. But apparently, when you move, you move.
(...... I wonder if I can squeeze out the "heel" shot somehow....... it's so harsh!)
In this situation, "Taso Garekazura" is definitely impossible again. Mediating type: Apprentice's hand was also completely shattered.
But if it's "heels."
If I had to recover from a sudden decline in magic power, I could do something like this.
The moment you think about it, you feel nauseous all at once.
When I become conscious, I feel like I'm looking for the point where my stomach fluid is being spit out by mixing it up inside my stomach.
Slackly, my body leans a little.
(No, if it's "heel," it might fall.)
Consciousness may connect, but the body can't.
Therefore, the choice was to choose a spear.
Grab your stance and quietly lower your hips.
Finally, I was able to bring the situation to you one-on-one. It's a lot of drain, but it's a lot of hostile territory.
Somehow, I noticed that there was a noise on the floor above, but I could only hope that Mio and Yuzu were overwhelmed.
I don't think it's impossible to do that, but I can't let you take responsibility for it.
Particularly Yuzu. It looks too much like a dart horse, but I'm concerned it might actually be in a state of restlessness.
I am afraid that as a result of the violence and aggression against others as PTSD, it is becoming that tension.
If you were to find yourself in a similar scene of terrorism and that flashback happened, it would be very problematic, and you would need mental care.
That's why I wanted to take the conversation in the direction of leaving, but the situation is an emergency that doesn't allow it.
(Well, it's like I'm worried about people...)
I can't afford it!
"Knight" chose to lead the fight.
I suddenly kicked up my left leg, which was hard to see on dry ice.
Something was kicked up and the necromancer (ghost) flew, making a loud noise.
The necromancer (ghost), who screamed and passed through the middle of his eyebrows, approached the "Knight" with the shield that was kicked up and flew away.
You can see the effect.
(After all, it's impossible!)
Confirmation, caution, or indigence.
Whether or not the shield would be able to connect to the necromancer (Ghost).
Confirmation must be given the highest priority.
As for physics, the effect is thin, rather than effective.
Then I'll do what I have to do. I gave up and switched.
Grrrr, thrusting a spear, until it didn't work, the necromancer (ghost) stopped.
I set up my spear with my painful left arm attached.
* giggle *, take a big inhale.
Two spears and three bonuses.
Exhale sharply and let go of your distance.
When touched, a light shoe sounds.
The necromancers (ghosts) opened their arms wide to intercept them. He was trying to crush the mosquitoes and pinch the "knight" with his palms.
Even so, the leading knight did not stop his steps and stepped forward without regard for danger.
On the other hand, the necromancer (ghost) stands in harmony.
Positioning, Distance, and Speed.
It's only a small error, about a few millimeters, but obviously the necromancer (ghost) stands more tightly, so there's room for all of them.
In other words, it is the necromancer (Ghost) who will get the blow to slaughter the opponent first.
That's what I thought.
A fiery voice.
Along with that roar, the body of the "Knight of Light Speeds" flashed.
The general skill of the spear, "Thrust", and its effects (buffs) inflict a moment of power on the Knight's body.
A thrust of a spear unleashed in a tortuous manner.
It added the power of skill (doping) to the normal thrust that could be unleashed by the "Knight" 's strength, giving it an effect that exceeded its strength.
Piercing, punching, punching through holes.
Only in that regard, it is a basic soldier skill that can be used to increase strength.
And above all, this skill. There are only general-purpose, beginner, and adherent ones.
Ecological low-cost specifications for magic power consumption.
It's the only skill that the Knight can use in this situation.
DO...... Missy!!
The trampled floor was defeated by the momentum of the kicking foot and shattered brilliantly.
"Knight" flew across the swaying dry ice to the necromancer (ghost).
Whoa, whoa!
The sound of a sharp blow to both palms shook the entire hall.
But the sound of flesh is not mixed with the sound.
A few seconds comma to be delayed from the kashiwa in the sky.
Shamanic determination, incomparable courage, and a shrill stepping stone.
The attachment of the boot gurgled and screamed.
"Ah!! Laaaaaa!!"
Don 'T!!
The thrust of the whole body, the thrust of the torso, which was unleashed with one right hand along with the temperament of the rift.
”Ahh, ahhhh!?”
In the middle of the necromancer's body, the light spear with the "Knight of Light Speed" slashes through it.
Under such wind pressure, as if the surrounding area was hollowed out, all the objects blew away the dry ice and the spirit body that shaped the necromancer (ghost) together.
And the tip of the spear that pushed into it.
If you delay for a moment from the piercing hole of the necromancer (ghost), it spreads wide and shines fantastically.
From the outside, it was a light spear that wiped out the necromancer (ghost).
And still.
It's not over yet.
A pierced spear.
That's not the end of it.
It's not enough yet!
"Ah, swing, ahhh..."
This is also a general-purpose swing skill for soldiers for rods and axes.
The effect is a momentary stretch effect (Buff) that increases the stamina only for a moment when swinging to the side of the attack.
Magic power consumption is also quite low cost here.
However, even such a low one would have its limits. It's easy to fly your awareness.
The moment I felt that way, I screamed at the end of my skill. Swing, that last sound "G".
Pinch the lower lip between the upper and lower teeth to close.
The sharp pain rushes to your lower lip as your consciousness almost disappears.
And the tip of your tongue feels the unpleasant, warm, sticky taste of iron.
"Ah... ahhh!"
There is no need to define a swinging line of sight.
Just line up. Just shake this spear.
The effect increases Potency for an instant when swinging to the side.
If your body tilts at half an angle so as to collapse.
Vertically, that's horizontal.
A swinging skill that swings from an impossible position to the side that should not be applied.
The tip of the spear is still in the middle of the spirit body with the big hole of the necromancer (ghost).
Don't shake it to the side.
Because they are not alive, perhaps even the "upper half" can move.
That's why, that's why.
* giggle *...!!
A roar that doubles the step of crushing the floor earlier.
Torturing his body, twisting his whole body, using his skills to sublimely sublime his strength in an instant.
"Oh oh oh oh!!"
The strings of steel bows squeezed to the limit, and the tip of the spear rushed up to the dim ceiling.
For a moment, the strike that swung the swing directly upwards used up all the springs in the body of the "knight" who had physically reached the limit, but it superimposed the buffs that had been continued from the thrust, further increasing the speed.
The sound of the sky ripping through reaches everyone on the scene and the audience through the radio waves.
It reached a height of more than a dozen meters in an instant.
The few remaining "Tasogalekazura" light bands follow their trajectory.
A slight blow, an instantaneous blow that could not even be avoided, carried the necromancer (ghost) up to the sky, and split it in two.
Everyone opened their eyes to see the sight.
In the online world, a kind of "knight of the speed of light", a man named after his tea, truly takes the "light" in his hand and destroys the evil spirit that symbolizes death.
This is definitely the time.
He proved that he truly deserved the name "Light" and that he truly deserved the "Knight of the Speed of Light".
... even if it is the result of a very unwillingness on the part of the person himself.
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