Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
4-2 Transformation after Conflict (outfit)
"Kh, my neck hurts...."
The bush was struggling because the top button on the tight shirt didn't stop.
Next to the stool is a linen shirt that I've been visiting.
Suits were hanging on the hangers, as if some gentlemen's clothing shop were on one side of the wall.
"Mao-san, that size is impossible.I think you should try another size up. "
This is a doctor who is already wearing a dark blue suit from top to bottom and approached the bush with a one-size shirt.
Upon receiving it, he took off his struggling shirt, put it through the hanger and put it back into the rack.
The inner flex rose, and the forged abs and the three scars that spread there painfully appeared in the adult's eyes.
However, it soon became invisible, wrapped in a newly handed shirt.
It is a slightly larger size, and since the bush has a slightly fine macho body shape, it is undeniable that a rash occurs naturally.
"Ah, but it's easy to turn your neck!I'm fine with this. "
"It feels amazing to be worn.Are you sure?
If you wear a suit jacket, it also looks a little hidden, but if you see it from someone who knows it well, you may be laughed at.
Anyway, going out is a “fashion event” as it turns around.
"... well, I don't care that much.I mean, it's not bad to ask borrowers that much, is it?It belongs to you. "
"Not if you're convinced."
It seems that such a doctor found a suit that suits his body shape, and there is no particular strange atmosphere.
Even though I am a high school student with a magic suit, it makes me feel like an older model.
On the other hand, the bush says that the youth in the recruitment suit are fine.
Now they are in the Tokyo branch building of the "Tajima Amusement".
I'm in the middle of dressing up for tonight in the employee dressing room on the upper floor.
"May I come in?
Shinichi's voice can be heard from outside the door.
We can't keep the landlord waiting outside the dressing room, and the bush replies even though he hasn't worn a tie yet.
"It's okay, go ahead."
Shinichi Tajima, the landlord, opens the door.
The figure was prestigious enough to hold the presidency, with more men wearing leftover jackets that would have been tailored by the prestigious tailor.
It was also the father of Hayabusa, and from the two people who knew what it was like to be an adult, the true official figure made me feel the blood connection.
I'm sure Hayabusa will grow up like this as she gets older.
"Hmm... I don't think it was suitable for dressing.I had a variety of sizes for the employee's party. "
"Nooo... I wish I could wear it.My shirt is a little bumpy. "
"Wow, whatever, Doctor.Mao-san, you're full of amazing recruiters.Where did you live? "
"Fuck you. Because I feel it the most."
Yumi wears a blue fabric dress and a little accessories on her hair and neck.
The design dress suits a very young look.
"... good luck, Yumi. If you work for three years, maybe"
"Doctor, if you say anything else, I'll blow you up!
"Hey, I still have my daughter's dress.It's from junior high school, but I'm glad I didn't throw it away. "
Yumi's neck is dripping.
It seems to have been stung unconsciously.
"The building is a hotel space for employees to use upstairs for business trips.Many employees stay here when they travel for work in Tokyo.I suddenly had to attend a party-style event when the suits were amusement-style depletors.I'm ready for that.However, I'm also the president.I have my own family dress taken separately.That's why Yumi had your dress.Well, it's managed as a branch office and business lodging, but I can't say it's luxurious. "
"Employee benefits?
"That's right. If you apply, you can stay with your family.I have about the amenities of those business hotels, so you can slow down until night, right?
However, considering the facilities I saw before entering this room, I think it would be quite a high-grade business hotel.
That's Tajima Amusement.
The way large companies spend their money is immeasurable to ordinary people.
"We also have some bites in the hotel business, so we need to check the condition of the new equipment in that regard, and collect a lot of information.If left behind in the flow, this industry could be fatal.In fact, there is a competitor's bath set in this room and another room.It's a little different. "
The way you spend money is for each person.
"I really think so.I thought I'd buy an expensive hairdryer. "
I feel Yumi's hair texture is brighter than when I saw it in the morning.
As long as I envy such an idea.
Mao and others were very worried about putting eggs or not in the natto of today's breakfast.
I feel really reminded that there is money where it is.
"Well, are we all ready for tonight's costume?Why don't you take it off and go downstairs once?I have lunch in front of the reception room. "
"Oh, is that so?Thank you very much. "
"Thank you very much. But can I use your bathroom?
Do you know where it is?
"It's okay."
When the two of them thanked him, Mao put his hand on his shirt and took it off.
I looked at Yumi when I walked out the door because the doctor was going to the toilet.
"I'm going with you."
"Well, I'll wait downstairs."
Shinichi, who is changing clothes in the room, breaks up with Shinichi who is heading downstairs, and the doctor comes to the bathroom.
Yumi arrived a little late.
"What's wrong?Doctor. "
"... do you remember the wound here?
There was nothing like a “wound” on the right arm exposed in front of Yumi.
But both of us have a common memory.
"There it is. It's a pretty deep burn, isn't it?After all, Mr. Deep Snow was full of other things, and he stayed a little bit. "
It's beautiful, but it's gone.
Yumi turns into a serious expression when she sees a doctor with a difficult face.
It's not a scene to tear it down.
"What did you see?
"... the wound on Mao's belly, the wound from that time. That wound two years ago."
"My stomach? From Mr. Deep Snow?
"Oh, that's it."
The two of them went silent.
"I'm sure that Moo-san's wound was a wound he had two years ago.I've seen it a few times.The wound on my right arm was the same.... why is Shigemo-san's wound still there, even though mine is gone?
"Seriously, eel, let's go."
My chin is gone.
No, it's going to get worse.
In front of the moose, there was a nod weight (special) that Shinichi had asked for in front of them.
Are you sure?Are you sure?Repeat this for three people, thank the true one who smiles deeply, and take a sip first.
"Oh, I'll do my best.I don't know what it is, but I'll do my best. "
The scent of thick sauce that condenses the plump, steamed body of the eel and the extended history into its liquid, as you can see from the moment you put chopsticks in it.
Feeling it spreading all over the nasal cavity, the tongue mixes the fat of the rabbit itself with thick sagging to pulse up to the cerebral medulla.
The driftstone is a luxury nodding in Edomae, and it has a special rank.
It is different from the 40% discount on Chinese eels that I have eaten in the supermarket until now.
Even from China, there was a skirmish at home over the size of the plates that were distributed fiercely.
"It's delicious...Amazing, Edomae luxury store "
"When can I eat this next? Five years, no, ten years later?
The "Warlord" and the "Demon King" who were born in the same way as the Mao are roaring.
Mao, whose feelings were painfully transmitted, was about to try his second mouth with his trembling hands.
Anyway, I don't know how many years I'll be able to eat this next.
"Hah... hah...Awesome, let's go with the eel. "
Mao, whose brain is degraded until the lower grades of elementary school, is challenging the tiny skin of the eel that remains in the corner of the heavy box.
I don't intend to leave any pieces.
"I'm so glad you're happy.This place is delicious, isn't it?
"" "Yes!!!Thank you!!
Three energetic replies overlap.
Around Shinichi laughing, Yumi and the doctor sitting next to each other start talking.
"How much does this cost?I don't know much about it. "
"It's definitely not 1000 yen.Can you hear me? Doctor, can you ask Shinichi how much this is?
"Don't be silly. I want this to taste good.You'll surprise your stomach when you ask for the price!
Less than two couples of sneaking high school students.
And now, in silence, Mao nodded seriously.
"Delicious, super delicious"
The intelligence index had already degraded to kindergarten class.
"Well, I don't mind eating it.Mao, I was just talking about that.
"Yum, uhh...Ah! I'm sorry. Well, you've told me that you were flying to another world, haven't you?
"Can you show me the item box again?
When the bush stood up in a heavy box, it moved to a place with a little space.
Reach out and let the entrance and exit of the item box appear in the hollow, then slip out and show it.
when the tire touches the floor properly and makes a sound, it appears suddenly.
It was a bicycle owned by Sugiyama.
"... I didn't really believe in magic until this age."
It's a little different from magic or magic.
Shinichi scratches his head and sips the green tea brewed in the bath in front of the bitter moose.
I poured tea from Tsukusu into an empty bath to calm my feelings, and I swallowed it again.
"I wonder where the bike went at that time.I wonder what's really going on.
Shinichi stood up and stroked a used bicycle that was completely inappropriate for the reception room.
It's really just a bike with no freaks.
The only difference with regular bicycles is that they definitely disappeared from the world once in the park in front of the white stone test site and are now back in the world.
Even in that park, Shinichi panicked so much that Shinichi, who feared the confusion, drove the sales car back to this Tokyo branch instead.
Of course, I sat in the rear seat and let Yumi calm me down, but there were more different emotions in front of me than worrying about my son's disappearance.
Shinichi Tajima is a masterpiece who holds the high office of "Tajima Amusement" president, who is a successful player for over 50 years.
But before that, he was a Japanese boy.
The end of a boy who walked the typical Japanese boy route of falling into a heroic television show as a child without taking a step.
For the sake of explanation, the voice of the moment the Knight of Light appeared in the passenger seat from the item box was undoubtedly the loudest in his last few years.
"That's good, too, see?Come on! "
A good old man is sparkling his eyes.
The square of the shopping center on Sunday and the heroes' show in the amusement park have the same brightness as their eyes until the lower grades of elementary school.
It seems exciting but doesn't stop.
(Something's wrong.It was twice as bad when I had to disguise myself.)
I wonder if this is how it feels to be a gravure idle.
Wearing only one thin piece of fabric in front of the photographers, I feel ready to leave.
I wonder if these people are in trouble, but Mao decides to be prepared.
Anyway, it's a special treat for nodding.
I also owe money from my son.
I can't say I'm selfish.
"Ha. Now, let's go.
From Shinichi, Mao took his left hand into space, and it looked like he had grabbed something from there.
When the left hand was shaken at a speed that was not noticeable to the eyes, there was a loud noise, and when the dark black fabric that had never existed enclosed the whole body of the moon, it looked like a black sphere.
The cloth flips and returns to its original position.
And standing on that spot was not Shigeru Sugiyama, but the "Knight of Light Speed", who has been spreading TV, Internet, newspapers, and magazines a lot lately.
The spear is in the item box, so it is not equipped, but I have a shield.
The figure distinguished itself from the layers of the image of the "Knight of Light Speed" created on the Internet, and gave it to those who were actually seeing a heavy sense of "used” oppression.
"Oops!! Can you transform in an instant!!Wow, wow!!
"Mao-san, what are you doing?It's too hobby. It's about transformation. "
"Ugh! Mao-san, Ugh!It's cool!!
Evaluate Shigeru with the expression of three people.
Only one person praises you.
The remaining two are generously subtle.
"First of all, I'm transforming.It's a disguise, this is it. "
"No, he's transformed."
It's a transformation.
"Hehhhhh!You don't say that, but you seem to question it.
Mao, who is completely denied.
"And it's the soldiers who know how to dress instantly.Senpai taught me first when I could use an item box.Doctor, Yumi, I'm not sure you can do it. "
"We just started a little more practical training like that."
"I don't think Hayabusa-kun, Reina-chan, or Fukayuki can do it?
Of the six returnees, the fact that only Shigeru is a minor technology is discovered.
"Wow, that's amazing.You really are a hero!I'm flattered. "
Shinichi touches the shield with his armor.
Still, I can see that rigor is in this place.
Is it necessary to be president with this kind of flying sensitivity?
No, if you're a hero, my son, Hayabusa-kun is a brave man.
"Oh, I see.But he's a hero...From my parents, it doesn't feel good at all.Somehow, I feel a little solid. "
It seems that Shinichi who scratches Polypoly and her cheeks is very difficult to evaluate her son.
He returned to his seat and drank tea again.
"... can I go back?
"Oh, I don't mind.Hey, different worlds.I didn't have a hero like that in my childhood. "
Return the bike to the item box and grab the edge of the cloak again.
Waving his left hand again, the Knight of Light Speed is wrapped in a lump of black, and it disappears into space.
Ah, it's a transformation after all.
"It's a transformation."
"Mao-san, I have to say hello!
Everyone is pushing into the bushes that have returned to their original form.
"I won't tell you! I mean, I'm going to throw it all away!
Everyone, uh, raised their voices of accusation.
However, there was only one true voice, and the remaining two were some kind of teasing mixed voice.
Mao turns to his nod when he sits in his seat.
I just don't have any money.
Seriously face the nodding.
It was very important.
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